Weight loss on Effexor XR?

  • I see a similar question was just posted for another drug...

    Anyway, I've just been diagnosed with a genetic GAD...I'm fortunate in that for me it's mostly a physical sort of thing... I get the racing heart, sweats, shaking hands while I'm emotionally relaxed and happy (and in fact didn't even know it was an anxiety thing until I discovered a long family history with it after hyperthyroidism was ruled out). But it happens constantly, and the time and energy it takes to deal with just the physical stuff is exhausting.

    Anyway, I'm just starting Effexor XR and even though I'm only on day 4 at the half dose it's an amazing difference. The only side effects I have is a very slight headache and a loss of appetite...or, erm, moderation of appetite. I was wondering if this is common, and whether it lasts or is just temporary. For me, it's great...no nausea or anything, I just don't get that starving feeling as often as I would normally...and I've been making sure I eat enough calories every day, but I've already lost 3 pounds in 3 days. :-D

    Anyway, just tossing that out there since most of the complaints I've heard about Effexor was weight gain....and also since it also seems unusual to feel a difference this quickly...
  • I lost over 60 pounds and kept it off for three years. I went on effexor and gained it all back, plus more within a matter of only a few months.
  • Don't worry with Effexor
    I've been on Effexor doses from the lowest to the highest and i've never had any problems with weight gain-that is my experience. I hope it helps. It is one of the the meds out there that isn't typically known to cause weight gain like some of the others out there. good luck.
  • curvy i have GAD and am on efexor. i don't think it contributes to weight increase. quite the opposite

    however it is poss that you are calmer and are therefore using up less energy twitching, fidgeting, running around etc. what do you think
  • Thanks all for the feedback!

    I'm hoping this does continue...what it also might be is that I just eat less comfort/high carb/sugary food when I'm less anxious, which was one reason why I wanted to try medication. I know that I tend to eat high carb (and usually high fat and sugar) foods when feeling very anxious because it did help slow down the physical stuff...and I would get these carb "cravings" that would last for *days*, which I've found out can also be a sign of low seratonin levels. But we'll see!
  • I've been on Effexor XR for close to 8 months and while it's done wonders for all my mental issues it's caused me mass carb cravings and huge appetite. I've been working out and eating right diligently for over 2 months and I've only lost 8 pounds. Not normal for me & other health issues were ruled out. I love the drug because it doesn't make me sleepy or a zombie. Zoloft and Wellbutrin put me to sleep in the middle of the day and I felt numb all the time. Effexor makes me feel "normal". So aside from the weight issue I've had great success with this medication. I am very hesitant to go off it, the thought of weening and starting something new does not appeal to me at all. Hoping that my p-doc can give me something to help with the weight issue instead.

    Good luck to you, I hope you have continued success with it.

  • I started Effexor XR for Seasonal Affective Disorder, and love it so far. I have lost my appetite and my bordom eating on it. I have gone down 3 pounds in 1 week. I hope the affects of it last for a few more months for me, since I could really handle losing the last 15lbs I am carrying around with me.....
  • gonnaloseitagain, I'm thrilled to hear you've had such great success with effexor. I sincerely wish I was one of the lucky ones to experience weight loss or even just not craving so badly. You've done a fabulous job with your weightloss, I am so impressed. Congratulations to you. I'm sure those last pesky pounds will come off soon and goal will be yours.

    Keep up the great work, you're gonna win!

  • i definitely experienced a lessening in cravings on efexor. the trouble is i didn't always listen to my body. there were days i'd override it and eat anyway and once i start doing that the whole thing goes to **** in a handbasket

    i am trying again to listen as the cravings do reduce for me on efexor
  • Hey Curvy,
    Glad Effexor is working for you. I've been taking it for 5 years so obviously it works for me also. As far as the weight loss though, I think it affects people differently because I have steadily gained 80 pounds over the last 5 years. I don't know to blame that on Effexor or not. I do know I can't miss a day of it or I can definetly tell that I become very irritable. I will fly off the handle at the smallest thing. And I mean screaming.... it's not good. Hopefully it will continue to work for you. I was on Paxil and Serzone both for a short time before Effexor did the trick. Sometimes you have to experiment.
    Good Luck!
  • I'm glad to hear effexor is working well for you. I have been on it for several years and I have found that when I am depressed (which still happens even on the meds) I eat like crazy, and when not depressed, i still want to eat like crazy but I am better able to manage the impulses. I feel that it has caused me to gain weight, but it also helped me get my head on straight enough that i was able to join WW and lose a lot of wieght. (now i just have to finish losing it and lose what my latest bout of depression has put on)
  • When I went on Effexor about a year and a half ago I also lost my appetite and lost about 8 lbs in 3 month without even trying. BUT, I then gained it all back plus another 8 before I got off of it, lol! So I guess the moral of the story is enjoy it while it lasts. :-)