weight loss and alcohol

  • can you mix the two?

    i have a friends bday party that i should attend tonight.... but i know that will mean drinking at least 3 drinks (we will be drinking over a couple of hours.... so even if i space em out...)

    im thinking im either going to do white wine or...

    rum and diet coke.

    it just seems like a useless waste of calories. and i know when we come home, i will be tempted to raid the fridge.

    do any of you work alcohol into a formula for effective weight loss? I always thought it would be somehting I'd add at maintence...

    hopefully after tonight!
  • I like a glass of red wine with special meals, but I treat it like any indulgence:
    - decide if and how much before
    - make sure I'm really going to enjoy it (i.e. a good wine so it's a pleasure, not a waste of calories)

    The one catch with alcohol, as you said, is that it can reduce your inhibitions with regard to eating. If you're not sure that you can handle it, don't. I prefer to drink that glass of wine at home with a meal that I planned and prepared, removing unexpected temptations.
  • I drink socially, and was probably drinking a bit too much before, calorie wise. At weekends I could drink 7 or 8 large glasses of spirit and mixer (spread over two days) with the chips and takeaways that go with it on a night out, that calorie intake was not pretty.

    Now I drink once a month, if that. I really enjoy it when I do, and I have two or three and leave it at that. I always make sure I have a healthy meal at home before I go out, otherwise I will just nibble at bad food all night. I usually have gin and a diet tonic. I don't care for wine much (but will drink far too much red wine if it's free!!!)
  • Quote: do any of you work alcohol into a formula for effective weight loss? I always thought it would be somehting I'd add at maintence...
    I'm a regular drinker. My drink of choice is Canadian Whiskey (and diet coke). Alcohols like whiskey and vodka run about 65-70 calories an ounce, depending on the proof.

    And yes, I've still lost weight. I just make sure I count my alcohol calories when I have a few.
  • I agree with LLV, if you count the calories towards your total intake, you should be ok. Just be careful not to drink all your calories instead of eating.

    At one point during a divorce several years ago, I found myself saving my points so I could have a 2 glasses of wine after the kids went to bed . I know, that sounds terrible. I'm better now, now I only have a glass at night with my new hubby.
  • Quote: I agree with LLV, if you count the calories towards your total intake, you should be ok. Just be careful not to drink all your calories instead of eating.
    Awww, why not?!


    No, I agree, calories from food is (a no-brainer) healthier than calories from alcohol. But when I know I'm going to be drinking, I make the room
  • Quote: i have a friends bday party that i should attend tonight.... but i know that will mean drinking at least 3 drinks (we will be drinking over a couple of hours.... so even if i space em out...)
    But why three drinks? Why not one drink to start, followed by diet soda or mineral water for the rest of the evening? Will your friend really even care whether you're drinking alcohol or not? A real friend will care more about having you there than about what you're drinking.

    (If you're with a crowd that just HAS to drink, I suggest sticking with plain water, and letting everyone think it's vodka.)
  • well, at least for me- one drink might as well be no drinks- I hate the taste- but truthfully- i like the buzz- I do low carb so as long as I drink with a diet mixer, its fine- do I drink to excess? no- do I want just one?....no.
  • There are just as many cals in the rum and diet coke. 74 cals in 1 oz of rum. but once you drink it it will turn into more. I hate saying that becuase I am an all time party person. You owe it to yourself though, I say go ahead and drink what you please. My b-day party is coming up in April and I've already told my self I will be drinking.
  • I occasionally drank while I was losing weight, and I still do now. I just add them into my daily calories the same as anything else. The big thing is to stay away from the fruity concoctions. I'm a big fan of gin and tonics myself. I use real tonic too, as I don't do fake sugar. It's still only 150 calories for the size I usually have.

    With my reduced body mass though, one two shot drink and I'm good for the evening. Any more and I'm walking crooked. Hmmm another NSV I guess, being a cheap drunk
  • Quote: I occasionally drank while I was losing weight, and I still do now. I just add them into my daily calories the same as anything else. The big thing is to stay away from the fruity concoctions. I'm a big fan of gin and tonics myself. I use real tonic too, as I don't do fake sugar. It's still only 150 calories for the size I usually have.
    My favorite drink is a White Russian. But I rarely have them due to the calories.
  • thanks for all the replies. interesting to hear. wont be necessary to decide tonight however- as i am in a ROTTEN mood and there is no way i am going out.

    ah well. probably better for me anyhow.
  • Sorry you are in a rotten mood.
    I occasionally drink red wine or a martini but make sure that I've accounted for it in my calories for the week. While I was losing steadily, I still had wine every once in a while. As someone else said, I made sure it was quality, rather than quantity!

    Tani, being a cheap drunk sure is a NSV! More than two drinks now and I'm toppling over

  • I definitely have to make room in my diet for alcohol. I drink on weekends, and I'll have a drink or two after really long days. If you know you're going to drink one night, you could try to balance it out over time. For example, if it's the beginning of the week and you know you're going to have a lot to drink Saturday night, you could consume 50 fewer calories each day than you normally would. 6 days of that = 300 calories, or about 3 shots. Every little bit helps!
  • Wow! Why am I so happy to see this thread? lol

    This sure answers alot of my nagging questions! I and hubby go out every Saturday evening. It's our "date night" and after raising our kids, we finally have one!

    I've successfully lost (as of today...yippee!) 13 pounds on South Beach over the past 7 weeks. I'd started adding wine to my diet about 3 weeks ago and wondered just how detrimental it might be to my ultimate success.

    Like most of you, I do not drink often, nor during the week. This simple pleasure is reserved for hubby and I. Our passion is wine and we also love touring the many wineries in our area. I hate the thought of having to give it up. Looks like as long as I adjust my calories accordingly, I don't have to worry about it. I also have a problem with glucose and insulin, so eating with the wine is key. I have to make sure it doesn't spike the sugars. Ahhhh, moderation in everything, eh?