My first u/s (appt.)

  • I had my appt. last Wednesday and I forgot to share about it here I have been really busy. This was the first one where they get the complete history and a ton of blood My blood pressure was high (I forgot to get the actual #s). Because I miscarried the last time I had called in advance to see about getting an u/s and they told me to just ask for the midwife on call. During my appt. it turns out she was in the middle of a delivery. I had more appts at the hospital with the kiddos and I asked if I could check back later. They said no problem. A couple hours later I checked back and she was free. I was measuring right on (well a couple of days ahead but I think I O'ed early) and she let me hear the HB and I got a picture.

    I go back on Friday for my official u/s to date the PG and my next appt. is on 3/6.
  • How exciting!!

  • Cool! I am sure there's a baby in there somewhere.
  • LOL Sabra. I know what you mean. These early u/s are so early to tell. I can see the marks the m/w put on there for the measurements so I look for those to see where the baby is at.
  • Very cool appt!
  • Quote:
    I can see the marks the m/w put on there for the measurements so I look for those to see where the baby is at.
    OK, so I was looking in the right place.
  • I have my official one today and the baby should be a lot bigger. I'm not going to count in getting pics with this one though unless the policy has changed.