the dreaded cellulite

  • I wanted to ask if anyone knew of a way, short of a miracle, to get rid of cellulite. It seems no matter how much weight or inches I lose, I still have cellulite on my outer thighs and right above my knees. I can feel my muscles getting bigger and harder underneath the layer of cellulite, but the stuff never seems to go away.

    Anyone know anything about this?
  • Sorry, I don't know of anything for sure, but I've read that a lot of it is genetics. Although, I have heard that drinking lots of water will help. Sorry I couldn't be a better help.
  • Lauren:

    If they find help for cellulite, see if they can find something for stretch marks. I've tried the creams that claim to help, but they didn't work for me, it just made them softer, not lighter. I've also heard that it's genetic.

  • It seems like some of mine got worse after losing weight...I'll bet like stretch marks (which I know from experience) they can fade after time, and after loss. I know it does have something to do with the way the fat is sitting underneath your skin so theoretically if you could reduce fat and increase muscle, you might be able to reduce the appearance of it. Just a thought though, definitely have no proof to back that up...yet
  • I don't know if there is any truth to this or not but I've heard that cutting back on the dairy can help also.

    I just don't know what to believe anymore. One says eat 3 dairy a day to loose weight easier and another says dairy aids the cellulite
  • Cellulite is acutally caused by the fibers that connect our skin to the underlying tissues. General wear and tear on our bodies, hormonal changes (puberty being one of them and the reason cellulite is more common in women than men), and genetics all help determine how well these fibers hold up over time. Cellulite is created when these fibers become weak and broken and fat presses through them (think pressing shortening through a tennis racquet) and that is what creates the dimpled appearance. So, losing weight and exercise may help reduce the appearance of cellulite nothing will get rid of it all together - short of having 0% of body fat which, of course, isn't possible. Even liposuction won't completely remove cellulite. Sad, but true!