'Official' weigh in day

  • OK, it's been one week on P1 and even though I've been weighing myself daily, today was 'officially' weigh in day. I've lost NINE pounds this week! I am floored!!! (and pleased of course!) I'm pumped and ready for week 2!
  • Congrats!!!!!!
  • That is awesome.. well done

  • Way to go Craftinmom!!!

    Keep up the good work it is so worth it!!

  • Congratulations!
  • Fabulous! I'm sure you look amazing!
  • That's great! Congratulations!
  • Quote:

    Way to go Craftinmom!!!

    Keep up the good work it is so worth it!!

    Wow...thank you for the cheerleaders!!
  • that's great!
    glad for your sucess--keep on going! Hope you like SB as much as I do.
  • Well done. Keep up the good work.
  • Way to go! Hurray! Keep moving forward!

    I am hypothyroid with insulin resistance and have only had success on South Beach. I'm entering week 7 with a whopping 12 pound weight loss and I just couldn't be happier!

    Glad to share your success!

  • Way to go, Craftinmom and Susan!!!
  • Great Job!!!
  • Quote: Way to go, Craftinmom and Susan!!!
    Thank you , thank you! Loss is moving more slowly now, as I expected it to. I only lost 1/2 pound since Friday. We did have Chinese over the weekend too...I stayed OP, but still...the salt, the salt! I have noticed that I've not been as vigilant with my ingrediant checking though...today I checked a couple of items that I thought were OK as 'light' and they list sugar too close tot he main ingred. for my taste! (Like lf Cool Whip!) Anyway, I plan to get stricter again...I need for this to work for me. I have just read several posts under another topic that said many people were tired and dragged out the first week. I've been just the oppisite! I've had more energy than I've had in a long time! I hope it keeps up!