first time

  • This is my first time I am very confused about this thread thing
  • Amanda!

    Tell me more about what you find confusing and I'll do my best to help.

    We're glad to have you here--I bet that before you know it, you'll be whizzing around the forums and having a great time while you learn a ton. The people here are fantastic and so supportive and the information is top-notch.
  • to 3ftchicks. Here's a link that may help.
  • Welcome Amanda.
    If you want to join in on a particular thread just click on "Post Reply" at the bottom left corner ,at the end of the last post in the thread.
  • Welcome from another newby
    Welcome Amanda.

    I'm also new to the posts. Are you also new to SBD? I'm on day 6 of Phase1. There is so much wonderful information on these boards. I'm not sure if I'm working them right (so I won't give you any advice ) but I'm learning so much about the diet from these ladies!

    So welcome welcome welcome!