Question of the Day 2/17

  • TGIF everyone! Ok, here goes:

    What is one of your most embarassing weight-related moments? (or multiple moments, if you're in a sharing mood )
  • This is the first one that came to my mind:

    A few months ago I had a sleep-over with 2 of my friends-- one is a size 2, and very stylish, and the other is probably around a size 8. Well, after watching a few movies and gossiping and engaging in a few more girly rituals, size-8-girl thought it might be cool if we went out to a local club. Problem was, I hadn't brought any "clubbing" clothes. When I mentioned this, size-8-girl was like, "oh, it's ok, you can probably fit into some of my clothes from when I was fat. You can fit into a size 12, right?" (I was probably around a 14 or 16 at the time) Needless to say, I couldn't fit. So we stayed in for the rest of the night.

    Ok, so I shared, now it's time for you to spill!
  • Ok, so not hugely embarassing, but I was embarassed for myself if that makes sense. We were looking at pictures from when my housemate went to South Africa a couple of summers ago, in amongst them there was one with someone squatting down with her back to the camera. So I was thinking to myself: who's that fat girl? Then I recognised the lake we have on campus and the fact that I have a t-shirt the exacy same colour as the one she was wearing. Took me a moment to connect the dots...
  • This happened a long time ago, but it's the best I can think of right now:

    I think I was in grade 7 or 8... Or some similarly awkward time in a young girl's development. I've been pretty overweight my whole life... This guy, Milton, was talking about a girl we went to school with, and how she's more attractive because she had big breasts already. I said I didn't see anything special about it, and he said something like, "Oh, you *wish* you had giant breasts (different word used) like her!"

    And I replied, "No! I never want to carry that much weight around!"

    Everyone was silent for a second and then laughed endlessly at me.

    (I'm not a great storyteller, so I hope that came across right.)
  • 7th grade science class... Giving a presentation... The board I was using was smaller than everyone else's... My teacher goes, "What happened to the rest of your board", to which one kid responds, "She ate it! HAHAHAHAHAH!".

    I look over at my teacher and he's LAUGHING with everyone else.

    It's ok, though. That poor kid was cursed with the most horrific acne I've ever seen the following year. He still has scars.
  • I was gonna say ncola ur story shows u had some not so nice friends euh!
    but then I realised these are all horrible stories.
    I have been yelled at with a not so nice word like 5/6yrs again, and I didnt think I looked so bad.
    some kid mentioned in school when I walked sideways thru a door as a precaution, but I guess I shadow myself away and the peeps I am around dont say anything(havent)
  • You know, I have been thinking on this, and I really can't think of anything. I haven't been overweight until after I got out of school, and I really didn't know too many people at the time. My ex-husband made some nasty comments, but sadly, most were truthful. I kind of gained the weight and started losing the weight at a time in my life where I didn't know many people and wasn't around many people to make embarassing situations. All of the friends I have now I met after getting rid of the ex-husband and losing about 30 pounds, and none of them have ever said anything. I make myself feel embarassed a lot of the time, but it's never been because of an "actual" bad/embarassing situation (if that makes any sense whatsoever).
  • Hmm, I don't think I have ONE most embarrassing story. Being overweight since forever it's more an accumulation of stuff. Like gym classes, (lack of) boyfriends, non-stylish clothes, random rude comments, etc...
  • Probably the most recent embarassing moment would be bridesmaid dress shopping for my friends wedding. I didn't know any of the other girls in the wedding, and they are all tiny and skinny. So we are picking up dresses from the rack trying stuff on, and of course nothing is coming any where close to being able to fit me. I know the dress sizes are off, but I felt like a blimp! It was an eye opening moment for me!!