~~ Thin Wannabees Chit Chat #14 ~~

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  • Hey all sorry i've been MIA, I have had a really tough couple weeks with my weight...it didnt fluxuate but it didnt move either, and I am the type that needs to see some changes to stay motivated. I am on the downward trend again and feeling great. I had the Dr adjust my meds again and it has made a HUGE difference in how I feel. So I am down to 169 now with just those pesty last few pounds to go.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Teahoney-

    Don't allow yourself to stay discouraged. Discouragement leads to eating and then next thing you know you will have 30 pounds to lose before your back where you started and that would really stink. You can do this. I'm cheering for you!

  • Thanks Missy. Definitely what I needed to hear. I woke up this morning feeling really good. I refuse to stay focused on what was or what could have been. Today is another day and I can do this and so can you and everyone else here. This a great support system.
  • Hi everyone! This is going to be a short one as I have been in bed all day sick .. I thought I would get up and check my email and here but I have such a horrible headache and feel so weak that I have to get back in bed.

    So glad to see you back here - listen to Missy as she gave you good advice. Don't get discouraged - just start fresh - even if you have to do that every day until you get back on track. WE CAN DO THIS! Oh, and I do like your picture. Very nice.

    Thanks for your words of wisdem - especially about giving in at the moment - I actually listened to your words several times in the last couple days.

    Gonna loose it:
    Good to see you back and on track again.

    Good luck on finding another job. I'm so sorry to hear about you losing this one .. I'm sure something will come up soon for you and you can get your life back on track.

    Well ... how did your weekend go at Disneyworld?? I hope you had tons of fun. Let us know.

    Ok .. that's all I can handle - have to get myself back to bed. I'll post tomorrow - I hope I'm feeling much better by then.

    Love, CJ
  • Hi everyone! I just started an EASTER challenge so please come join me! We have 6 weeks before Easter so come post your goal and let's get cracking!

    See ya there!
    Love, CJ
  • Hey CJ, are you snow/iced in? I see that there are school and event closings all over upper Michigan? We didn't get much down here in B.C.
  • Just thought I would pop in again and let you all know that the DR finally got a good combination of meds going for me and the weight is falling off! I have lost 5 lbs in the last 2 weeks and it feels SUPER. I finally can see light at the end of my weight loss tunnel, and I have hopes of making my original goals. I have had 2 major plateaus, (lasting 2 months each). But know I am going FULL STEAM ahead! When I weighed in today I was at 167
  • Good morning! Just popping in for a quick post here ... I'll be baby-sitting for a 5-yr old today (good friends of our) so have just a few minutes here to spare.

    I see you joined me on the Easter challenge - great, thank you! I have a feeling we're going to do good on this one. Hey, I've got a great 2-day roll going here - lol. I know that sounds funny but for me lately that is a good thing. Today starts day 3 ... Oh yes, about the snow ... well, for a change, it actually missed us this time! We have so much snow now it probably won't melt until June!

    gonna loose:
    WTG on the 5 lbs gone! I'm glad you got your meds right now .. I can hear the excitement in your voice! Good going!

    I am worried about you - please let us know how you are doing??? Miss you!

    Everyone else:
    Please come in and post! I miss you all! Hope to hear from you soon!

    OK .. sorry ... got to run. Will check in later tonite ...

    Love, CJ
  • Hey everybody!

    Well, I've done pretty darn good with the exercise this week. It helps that I'm married to Hitler! LOL, just kidding! My wonderful husband gets up at 5:30 in the morning with me and walks for 45 minutes (about 3 miles). He's especially helpful because he doesn't listen to all my excuses about why I don't want to get up. Although one morning last week, I woke up about 4:45 and unplugged the alarm clock on him. I thought I was slick, until his internal alarm went off at 5:25 and he made me get up anyways! I am always on the look out for a loop hole!

    CJ: Good luck to you on the Easter challenge. I am also having my 5 year old niece over to spend the night. She is very excited. I'll probably end up needing a drink! LOL! I'm not exactly a kid person, but I do love her to pieces! I wish we had snow. This is the brownest winter that I can ever remember.

    Teahoney: Where are you! I got used to seeing your bright smiling face and then you disappeared. I hope you are doing well.

    Gonnaloseitagain: My goodness you are doing great! Plateaus do stink, but you are on a roll now. It must be wonderful to have your goal in your sights.
    You have come so far. It gives me inspiration!

    Well, I'm going to the movies with the little one tonight. I will try my best not to cave in regarding the popcorn, but it always smells so stinkin' good.

    Talk to ya all soon,

  • Good Morning all.

    Just thought I would pop in and say Hi. I'm still here just been busy looking for work and trying to figure out my situation. I'm really hoping the hubby and I can find work soon and get into our own place. I know being in a place of our own would help us so much. We won't have much to put in it but it will be ours(in a sense). Someday I would like to be able to buy a place of our own. That's the ultimate goal.

    Still not sure how my weight is going. I know that I have gained since living here in Iowa. I would be totally surprised if I have not gained. Hoping that I haven't. But I am really wanting to start concentrating on losing again. I just don't know where I want to start. I don't have a scale to weigh on which is good and bad. It seemed when I weighed myself every day I seemed to do much better with my weight. It let me stay in check with reality. Now with not being able to weigh, it's like I have gotten out of control. I now have money to buy good food, but have yet to do it. I guess I'm not in a good frame of mind to lose weight, but I am determined to stay here at 3FC and not leave like the last time. I left for almost 2 years. I need to stay here so I can get support and motivation. You gals are so great. I just want to say thanks for listening to me. It really helps considering I don't really have many friends here in town yet.

    So any advice on where to start for losing weight again?

    CJ: I hope some of that snow is finally melting away. I can't imagine it. Well, I could if I were still living in Vermont. This has been a very snowless season here in Iowa. We are having such a mild winter. There other day we went for a walk. It was almost 70 here. Then the next day it was in the 30's. Such weird weather, but I guess I would rather have the cold and not the snow.

    GonnaLooseitagain: Congrats on the 5lbs. Keep up the good work.

    Missy: I have to laugh. Hilter for a DH. I think my DH is like that sometimes. He used to think he had to make up my exercise routine. He couldn't get it in his head that I am not him. But it's nice to know that he'll paddlock up any chocolate or candy that's in the house if I don't trust myself around it.

    I think I'll check out the Easter challenge. I think I can come up with something I want to achieve for it even if it is something small. Gotta climb the hills if I want to get to the top of the mountain.

    To all.

  • Hey ladies. Wouldn't you know I got my period just when I decide to get into this thing so I'll have to weigh myself next week. Which could be a good thing because I didn't like the number I saw a few days ago and I know that a lot of that is water retention.

    I was proud of myself. I finally got off my butt and exercised yesterday and it really did feel good. Unfortunately, I woke up today with whatever it is that my daughter has so I'm laying low today. I hope to be able to exercise come tomorrow.
  • Holy Cow! Where is everybody????

    And what is up with the lack of response to the Easter Challenge? Time is a wastin' ladies! That means you Sheridan, Sharon, Annie, Tracey, Lil' Mommi and Gonnaloseitagain and all of the rest of you that I haven't "met" yet.

    There are 39 days until Easter, a little over six weeks. Step up to the plate chickadees!

    Love, Drill Sergeant Missy
  • I'm honestly not this bossy in real life. Actually, I'm quite chicken sh*t and hate confrontation, but I feel empowered on the cyber highway. Kinda like the Matrix! So watch out! LOL!
  • Yes ma'am.. Stepping up to up to the plate. I guess I haven't joined the Easter Challenge because without having a scale to get onto it's hard for me to set a goal for myself. I don't even know what I weight anymore since moving. I wish I could have stashed the scale somewhere, but it wasn't a top priority. I will find a way to join the challenge and find a way to weigh in. I want to get back into the swing of eating better and losing weight again.

    Anyways, I still haven't found any work. Waiting to see if the temp agency (Manpower) to guess both the DH and I a call. I think I may just give them a call and find out what's going on. We went there last week Monday. They said it could take a week to 2 weeks. Dang. There must be a ton of people putting in applications there. I just really want to get a job so I can move out of my parents house. I think it would be the best thing for us all right now. I think it's getting to a point where I feel we are intruding on their space. Don't get me wrong, I know they are glad to have us there, but there just comes a point where you realize that you dont' want to live there forever and somedays I wish I could magically have a place to live, a job, visiting my children, losing weight and getting healthy, and just over all being happy with the way my life was going. But the sad truth is that I can't make that happen. Bummer.

    The up side I guess is that I get to be a fill-in at work when needed. I got in today on short notice because the office manager(Kendra) had to pick up her son at school early. He was very sick. So I said yes and DH is a bit upset because today was his birthday so now I am not there to hang out with him and celebrate. I just figured a little extra money is a good thing. Plus I am going to be filling in next week too. Potentially, Thursday 3/16 to Saturday 3/18 and possibly Monday the 20th. It would give me about 29 hours. I'll take it. Means another paycheck coming my way. But it would be nice to find something more permanent. I am going to apply for a secretary job for one of the schools in town. Hoping that I might get lucky and get a shot for it. It would be at the elementary shcool for 1st and 2nd graders. It would be a great opportunity. Not to mention the fact that I would have school hours. Not bad. Just hope that they will see that I potential and I love working with children. Always wanted to be a teacher when I was growing up. Just too bad that I dropped out of college and didn't recognize my potential. Never too late to go back to school. Just have to find the money and time to do it sometime in the future.

    Well, I have rambled on enough. I just wanted to check in. And where are you all. Come back. Miss you all and hope to see you all checking in soon.

    Love and Annie
  • Well it looks like everyone is doing pretty good. I am happy to report that I am at 165 now, I have now lost 7lbs since my meds got adjusted right. It seems like the pounds are literally just falling off again. I am sooooooo happy. I have a birthday in less than a week and REALLY wanted to be at 160 by then but with every LONG plateau I didnt figure that I had any chance of it, well at least now I will only be a couple pounds away by then..woohooo.