Truman has arrived

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  • Weird thing is, she BF'd all five of her kids for a year or more each... but maybe since it's been 25 years since the youngest was born, you forget these things. She's laid off a bit today thankfully! :P I will count my blessings w/ the two hours then! If he sleeps more than 3 hours between feedings I am so sore I have to wake him up or pump.
  • Oh, my aunt breastfed 4 out of 5 of her kids, and you wouldn't believe some of the stuff that's come out of her mouth. She's the one who told me you have to overcome their gag reflex (where they push stuff out with their tongue) when they're two months old so they can have some cereal 'cause they're hungry. Of course, hers probably were hungry, because she was taught to feed them only five minutes on each breast! (That's about a third of the time we're told feedings should last these days.) She told one daughter her breasts were too small to nurse and the other one hers were too large. She told me I'd better not nurse mine laying down in bed 'cause my breasts are so large I'd surely suffocate the baby! But I have to keep in mind that most of what she tells me is based off what she was taught back in the '70s when she was having her kids. Once upon a time, you were even counselled to clean off your nipples with alcohol pads before letting your baby nurse!

    Now that I think on it more, your MIL's advice really isn't too bad. I know I've always been told with newborns if they have trouble staying awake long enough to eat to get 'em a little chilly so they are more alert. Of course, that translated out to stripping 'em down to a diaper, not pouring water on 'em!
  • OMG Sabra that's just crazy. My ILs looked at me like I was crazy when I BF. My family was very supportive and most of my cousins did the same. I just did it anyway and didn't care one iota what they said.
  • Quote: Once upon a time, you were even counselled to clean off your nipples with alcohol pads before letting your baby nurse!
    OMG! I'm two weeks into this and still have sore, raw pink nipples... alcohol would just be torture on top of torture at this point!
  • Yikes on the poor raw nips. I have had that issue with mine too..and I have nursed 4. Mine was due to poor babies just liked to nipple nurse for comfort and that led to me getting thrush with #3..yikes. How is your little one latching on? You mentioned he was a he able to get the nipple and areola and breast tissue in his teeny mouth or is he more of a nipple nurser?

    I hope that your breasts heal up soon. I would hate for some yeastie beasties to find their way in me, it sucks. (No breastfeeding pun intended )
  • Ugh, yeast is something I worry about, haven't had that problem yet thank goodness! He latches really well, gets the whole thing in there. It's been really good for me, since my daughter didn't latch, and you as a mom always feel like you should have been successful if you're not... but I now realize it wasn't ME or me not trying hard enough, but just the way her mouth/jaw is, it wasn't possible for us to BF, but with Truman it's been pretty easy (latching on I mean).

    I have a ? for you experienced BFers - WHEN WILL THE GROWTH SPURT END? LOL For the past 24 hours he's been acting like he's absolutely STARVING. He is going only about an hour between feedings, sometimes only 30 minutes from the time he finishes eating til he's rooting again and licking his fists. He's just over 2 weeks & I've heard that's a common time for their first 'growth spurt'... but how long does it last?! I'm so tired, I'm a zombie right now.