Zoloft & Supplements

  • Does anyone take Zoloft and use protein/glutamine/creatine/ or other supplements? I'm currently using protein powders and I've considered using other products but I dont know if antidepressants mix well with those kinds of products. Anyone help?!
  • I don't have my phamacology book right handy but off the top of my head ... plain old ordinary vitamins and micronutrients should be OK in natural quantity doses.
    However anything fancy? Check with your Doc. Some of these things increase your heart rate etc ...
  • i can't think of the name of the website but there is a natural therapies website that lists interactions. failing that suggest you google the antidepressant and the natural supplement and then add the word interaction and see what comes up
  • The only thing I can find in my drug reference is about St John's Wort. It's a no go! There's some medical jargon about interference with other 'highly protein bound drugs' so even something as simple as supplemental protein could be a problem. Interesting!
    Sweet pea has a good idea there.