Those sliding bar scales in public places

  • You know the sliding bar scales they have, like in the doctors office? The ones where you put the big weight in 50 pounds increment, and slide the small weight along up top to figure out your weight?

    They have those in the bathroom at work, and I used to use one at the gym. A lot of times I walk up to them and there's someone's weight left on it. 134 pounds. 122 pounds. Something like that.

    Well, when I do my weight, I always tend to: a) sneakily do it, when no one else is around; and, b) slide the big weight down from 250 two notches to 150 after I'm done. That way it makes it look like whoever weighed last was 160 or so pounds, not 260 or so pounds.

    Does anyone else do this? Or do you leave your high weight up there on public scales after you're done? I mean, theoretically it's not like anyone will know it's your weight, right? And even so, someone can look at me and tell I am not 160 pounds! So I'm not sure why I do it. But I do.
  • heh. I would never leave it at my weight! I'd do what you do or zero it out. Don't know why. Maybe I feel it's less real if there's not a "record" of it...
  • I always zero it out when I'm done. When at the dr's office I never let the nurse move it at all.... seem's more privet if I can just move it all myself.
  • I never do it in public! Not by my own choice! The one at the gym in right in the stretching section - and NOT facing out. At the doctors office I usually jump on, and then slide the big bar up and tell s/he how much I weigh because the MA's don't have a clue (or don't want to offend) - if I don't I hate them first bringing the big bar up 50 pounds, then sliding the little bar A L L the way over, only to have to slide the big bar up again.

    Hey, just realized that I only need it on the 200 pound notch now! With the little bar almost A L L the way over...
  • Well, I tell them no at the doctor's office when they want to weigh me so getting weighed in public is not an issue. I'd never step on one of those scales in the gym either, but if I ever lost my mind and did, I'd zero it out immediately. When Weight Watchers used to have those type of scales, they zeroed it out immediately after recording the weight so that the next person couldn't see. At my current meeting, the scales are digital and the read-out is on a table in front of the person weighing. When you're standing in line, it's really easy to read the weight of the person ahead of you. While I don't mind now at the weight I'm at so I don't care, when I was over 200 lbs., I would have said something. I'm kind of surprised no-one has.
  • One of my OMG moments was not being able to weigh in on my dr's sliding scale that went up to 350. So last time when I was in the office and I was back in the 340 range I ended up leaving it there, since it was a mini victory being able to weigh in. Before then I ALWAYS moved it back.
  • I thought everyone did that!! Hehehe..yep, always move it. But I also would rather eat dog food then admit how much I weigh, to anyone. Except for of course you all.
  • HAHA! Jenniffer that's sooo funny. The only person that knows how much I weigh is one of my sister's I use the scale at the gym a lot but it's in a corner up against the wall and I always zero it when I'm done. I hate when I go and it's on 120 and I have to move EVERYTHING to the right!
  • I always zero it out. This is something I've always done.
  • I thought everyone did that too.

    I got weighed with clothes on yesterday & then when my exam was over I weighed myself nekkid--a 3 pound loss!!! Damn you boot cut jeans!!!
  • Quote: slide the big weight down from 250 two notches to 150 after I'm done. That way it makes it look like whoever weighed last was 160 or so pounds, not 260 or so pounds.

    Does anyone else do this? Or do you leave your high weight up there on public scales after you're done? I mean, theoretically it's not like anyone will know it's your weight, right? And even so, someone can look at me and tell I am not 160 pounds! So I'm not sure why I do it. But I do.
    Too funny!! I do this all the time!!