I'm new!

  • Hey! I'm new, and I will like to get to know some diet buddies.
    I put on alot, and I do mean alot of weight in college, perhaps due to the time I spend eating chocolates with my ex boyfriend, and more time after the breakup when I spent a year mopping around.

    I'm 22 years old, 5"7 tall and 172 pounds. I will like to lose about 50pounds. The reason for that is that although I can get in the "normal bmi" range pretty easily, I find that whenever I drop into the normal range (numerous times!), I will start binging again. I exercise about an hour to three a day, and I will like to know some motivated buddies, or help in motivating you.

    Please pm me if you want to talk.
  • OMG-

    You and i have so much in common. My highest weight was 175 (I am 5'3"). I gained a lot in college (have one more year left - yay!!!). I gained mostly because of college but also because of my ex and moping around. I broke up with my ex last May and still having trouble dealing with it. Food has definitely been my comfort.

    I am down to 141, so obviously something is working. My goal is to be around 110. Hopefully i can be around my goal weight in April because i have to be in a wedding.

    Anyway, if you need a motivator or want to chat.... I am here.
