Good back exercises, and other exercise stuff

  • I tried using the search, but it wasn't working for me, so I've decided to post my question in hopes of finding an answer.

    I've noticed muscle growth in my legs, arms, chest, and abdomen, but the fat on my back (especially the pesky fat over the back of the ribcage) isn't going away. I'm wondering what exercises would benefit those areas.

    Another thing that I've noticed is that the most toned-up parts of my body are my shoulders. They're firm and shapely now, which doesn't really match the rest of my body Has anyone else experienced this "phenomenon"?
  • If you have a stability ball you can do a lot of different excersises that are effective for the back, but most can be done on the floor as well. One thing that you could try is to lay on your stomach and put your hands under your forhead then lift up. It is kind of like a sit-up but upside down. After doing a few sets you can add pivots to the right and then to the left when you get to the top to work the side of the back. That is my favorite one for the back.

    I have a similar problem as your shoulders with my legs. They have beautiful muscles popping out and hardly any fat. My tummy on the other hand is as soft and round as a cream puff. Doh! I know there are muscles under there though that can't wait for the fat to be gone so that they can see the sun!
  • The only way to reduce body fat is through a calorie deficit. That means watching what you eat and increasing your activity. Exercises for the ab area, the obliques and the erector spinae are important to give you a strong core. They won't spot reduce the fat on your torso, front or back.

    It is vitally important to exercise your erector spinae. We tend to sit hunched over our computers, etc or slouch on the couch. Some good exercises are...

    - Alternate arm/leg raise. Lie on your stomach, with your face down and your arms stretched out over your head. Raise your left arm and right leg a few inches off the floor, hold, lower. Raise the other arm and leg, hold lower. Do about 12 reps on each. For a more intense version, lie over a ball and try this.

    - Kneeling Alternate Arm/Leg Raise. As above, but position yourself on your hands and knees.

    - Spine Strengthener or Plank. Position yourself on your elbows and toes, face down, with your forearms flat on the floor. Contract your abs and hold your body straight as possible from your shoulders to your heels. Don't raise your butt higher than your back. Hold for as long as you can, adding 5 seconds to each attempt. The goal is 45-60 seconds.

    - Side Plank. Much more difficult. Position your self on one elbow and sides of your feet, bottom forearm flat on the floor. Beginners can start on elbow and knees. Lift your hip up and hold your body as straight as possible from your shoulder to your feet or knees. Turn around for the other side.
  • Eventually, when you get closer to your goal the back fat or most of it will go away, you need to burn the fat on top of the muscle in order to see the muscle. The trick is, and in this order, a good clean healthy food plan eating 5-6 meals/day , weight training to make muscle and keep your metabolism revved up plus burning calories and last but not least cardio to burn more fat and calories. We all have spots where the fat likes to cling to longer for me it's my legs and butt ...
  • I was going to say when I go to my chiropractor he has me exercise on a stability ball for my back muscles.