Sunday Morning on the new Server.

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  • Good morning, Chickies. Did you all go into withdrawal without the Forum? I certainly found it strange and must have checked the move progress more times than I usually check the Beach! The move did not go perfectly so there may still be some anolmalies. Poor Suzanne was on it all the time. I hope she's sleeping now.

    We had a terrible rain and wind storm last night! The rain was just pelting against the windows and I have a few branches down from my trees. Poor Schatzi got the storm too - she won't be on for a while as lightening zapped her PC, TV and phones!

    The rain has stopped now but it sure is wet out there. Lucy is supposed to be Church Dog this morning but I will have to see how dry she is by Church time. She may get a reprieve from being good.

    After Church I need to bake some cookies for tomorrow's art class or make the dough to bake in the morning. (My new routine is to put in my tooth bleaching mold and then do any cooking where I might be tempted to nibble! It works fine.) This afternoon I'll treat myself to some fun with my new acrylic paints. It will be wonderful to just ignore the Superbowl hype today. Harry will be glued to the set at the nursing home!

    What's happening on your stretch of sand?
  • Ahhh to be away from the forum was like a serious case of withdrawal! But like ole Scarlett said...."Tomorrow is another day"....

    All kidding aside, glad this is back up! I'm currently trying to find ideas online for a healthy snack and meals for Super Bowl, and boy this is NOT easy! On the plus side, over the weekend I bought myself a yoga mat with a ball because I'm really getting into this whole lean stuff. I wish I could go out walking today, but it snowed overnight and it's now 28 degrees out there! I don't think so! I know some folks really enjoy a bracing wind, but I rather not be sniffing the whole way! Happy Sunday everyone!
  • Good morning Ruth and NemesisClaws! Exciting stuff going on over on my not-so-sunny FL beach blanket.

    Yes, I was definitely in withdrawal yesterday and was so happy to see 3FC up and running again. I was at home by myself all day yesterday while DH went to that bluegrass festival. I had wanted to go but I was feeling very very sick.

    Good reason, though...I'll probably re-announce this when more people are here tomorrow, but DH and I are having a baby ! I just found out Friday. We are telling people already because we have already gone through a miscarriage, and find it valuable to have the support of our friends and family - whatever happens. We are already further along than we were last time, and this baby should be due sometime in early October.

    Today I'm just relaxing at home. DH should return from the festival later. He camped overnight in the chilly rain (ewwwww!) so I'm sure will be grateful for a warm bed tonight.

    Have a great Super Bowl Sunday (whether you're watching or not - I'm not) everyone!
  • Good morning, chickies! Glad to see the forum is back up and running. It was weird not reading anything new yesterday. Today I have to be brave and face the cold in the woods although I'm still considering not going. When I walk the dog in a few I'll see just how miserable it is out there and make a final decision. It's going to be in the upper 20's....brr!

    Yesterday I studied and cooked up a storm since it was windy and snowing out there. I cooked Barbs Kale and Blackbeans and added some soy sausage...yummy. I cooked Crockpot beef-n-beans and eggplant tomato pasta sauce. I'm all set for the late nights next week. I also went bra shopping yesterday and got a little somthin'somthin' for next month when my bf is out here .

    Ruth: I love painting with acrylics. They give such pretty colors. Geez, it's been ages since I've done that. Have a happy non-super bowl Sunday !

    Nemesis: I'm in KY too. We sure got all the cold but not near the snow they were hyping. What a waste. I love snow! I love Yoga, have fun.

    Crk: Hope you feel better today. I too am having a super bowl free day.

    Everyone else: have a great day!
  • Good Morning Chicks:

    Thank you Susan and to all the others that worked so hard to get the best SB diet forum around working a gain.

    We having temps in the 50's on Cape Cod,but with terentual rains that went along with it. The down pour last night kept me awake for quite a while.There a cold front expecting to come in soon.

    Hope Schatzi gets her computer up soon as I miss her already. Hopefully her CAW-EE pot is working.

    As far as the Super Bowl I'm not a fan and won't celebrate like the rest will. We're going to have a lite supper,without any cooking so DH can enjoy the game upstairs. So at my house the SB is going to be treated alike any other Sunday.


    Hugs BB
  • Good morning! Glad to be back. Yesterday did give me an opportunity to get caught up on the week's posts, but I missed getting to post. Thanks Suzanne and gang for getting us up and running again!!

    Christina Yippee!!!! Congratulations! That is wonderful news that you and DH are going to be parents. You are definitely in my prayers for a smooth, non-eventful pregnancy. Both of mine were as boring as could be, and I know what a blessing that is. Kids are the best.

    Crappy eating last night after a day of great choices. I need to get my after dinner eating under control as it is completely sabotaging me. Luckily I have been losing, but know I would have better results if I just quit it altogether. Maybe Ruth's teeth whitening would be the best bet for me.

    We need to get mving as we have church this morning. I teach the 5th grade Sunday school class every other month and February is my month. I enjoy it once I am there- I just like having Sat and Sun mornings to not have to rush anywhere. My parents and maybe the inlaws are coming for the Super Bowl. Nothing big- none of really care about the game- just an excuse to get together.

    Gotta get this fat butt into the shower.

    More later-
  • Good Morning!

    Thanks everyone for getting the server up and running! I know I don't contribute a lot, but I so enjoy reading everyone else's. I feel like I know you all!

    Ruth - What kind of art class are you taking? I've been taking one called the "Bob Ross" method, and we complete an oil painting in one day! I'm amazed. I'm the kind that cannot draw a straight line with a ruler, because I get the funny bumps where my fingers hold it! I just completed our 5th painting and DH says its my best yet! Oh - can you use those whitening trays 24/7??????????? Maybe that would help!

    Christina - Congrats to you and your hubby! That is wonderful news! Joe's son and daughter in law are attempting in vitro. Hope that works for them. I do hope you have a safe and uneventful pregnancy and enjoy the whole experience!

    Athena, Pearshape, Beachbum and Kiko - Enjoy your Sunday everyone!

    How do you get those funny faces, and all the other stuff you put in your posts?
  • Pearshape,

    I know the recipes you cooked are in the recipe section, but I can't find them!
    Could you post the recipes/or link?

  • Well, here's the link for the Kale and Beans.
    I'm not sure where the others are. Perhaps Pearshape will see this and post the exact names or the links.
  • Good morning beachers! I am a rare visitor these days, I just don't have time to keep up with the journals, my quit smoking site and the forum here, unless I lose exercise/menu planning time!
    I have stalled out on the weight loss the past 10 days, been flirting with going up 1.5 lbs and back and yo yo yo yo. Drives me crazy when this happens, so I just took a couple days off. Didn't do any major damage, just had some refined carbs and sugar I should have avoided. So, of course, I'm back down to my lowest of the year today.
    I also haven't had a cig in 29 days! Who says you can't quit smoking and not gain weight? I was somewhat inspired by Dr Dean Ornish on FitTV's diet doctor show talking about how some personalities do better with a bunch of big changes at once.
    Gotta make my menus up for the week and get to the grocery store, DS took a very long nap yesterday so we didn't make it then.
    Journals are still down today. I have done server migrations before so I feel for Suzanne and the server team.
    Have a very beachy day!
  • Hi, everyone, it's great that we're all back!

    Ruth ~ We had that awful storm here last night, too! It must have been a HUGE storm for it to reach all of us here in the East! The lightening and thunder went on forever, but luckily we didn't lose power. Bet your house smells yummy right now with those cookies in the oven!

    Athena ~ Enjoy the game this evening! We're not big football fans, but the kids will probably still be here so my DS will want the game on.

    CHRISTINA ~ CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I hope your pregnancy goes smoothly. Enjoy it, I just loved being pregnant!

    Pearshape ~ I made Barb's Kale and Black Beans on Friday. I added some chicken breast to it, and it was really tasty! Definitely a "make often" recipe.

    Kiko ~ Enjoy your day!

    Ottoette ~ That's great going so long without a cigarette! Big congratulations to you!

    Joanneg ~ I just love the Ross method of painting. I used to watch his show on PBS all the time!

    We have Carley again this weekend while DD and hubby are finishing a remodeling project, and I gotta go since she just woke up.
  • Joanne: I posted the recipes in the recipe sections. The chicken, butternut sq. stew is in P2 stews and the crocpot beefnbeans and the pasta sauce are in P1 entrees. The pasta sauce can be used for chicken or fish so I put it in P1. I tired to post links but it's not working. Hope you like. BTW, love your Avatar. I volunteered for years at a greyhound rescue org. in san diego. I had one named Tristan...coolest dog. I miss him. Greyhounds are the best dogs!
  • Christina - Congratulations! I hope you start feeling better soon.

    I really like that Kale recipe myself. I added spinach to it the last time I made it but I like it both ways. I usually make it as a side along with pork tenderloin.

    Yesterday, we spent the morning putting bags on doors for the Scouting For Food canned good drive. Next Saturday, we will go back and knock on doors and collect the bags. Last night was a potluck dinner for Wood Badge. I converted my Seafood Lasagne recipe to phase 2 and it was really good. Unfortunately I also ate stuff that I didn't bring but I have my meals planned for this week and am heading to the store in a few minutes. I just need to go post my exercise first.
  • Hi guys congradulations Christina on the preg. Whoo. I iwould love to have more children but I am to old. Havivg a horriable weekend. I have not gained and I do not know how that is poss. I have not even workout. I can not wait until Monday to get back on track.I am going to a super bowl party and Hopping I do well. I need an awesome work out tommorrow. Good luck everyone Today.
  • Thanks Pearshape and Ruth for the help with the recipes.

    Pearshape - I love my AVATAR also! Bear is not a greyhound, but a mix of australian shepard and ?? - great dog though. I love grehounds also. Yesterday I worked on a new Italian greyhound named Max and he was a sweetie!

    Thanks again for the help everyone!