wouldn't it be nice?

  • Wouldn't it be great if we had a way to locate each other geographically so that maybe all us girls in OK would be able to talk about our favorite restaurants or even meet up to have an exercise buddy?

    I know lots of people who want to lose weight and this forum is AWESOME, but it would be nice to be able to have geographic buddies too.

    that's all

  • Joanna, you're right. I live in SC. It would be nice if I had someone from this site geographically near me to exercise with or something!
  • yeah i agree..... im in long island, ny
  • I agree as well. I think it's "easier" to stick to an exercise routine when you have a buddy. I live in McDonough GA.
  • I agree! I live in slc, Utah
  • rysmommy, you live in Salt Lake City? I might be moving there if my dad gets a job he's been looking into there.

    I'm in San Antonio, TX, atm.
  • I hope this isn't an inappropriate link, if it is I apologize in advance.

    Frappr (http://www.frappr.com) is a website where you can set up a map for your group and everyone can post a picture (if they want) and their location and you get a visual of where everyone is from. It's really neat. I'm not affiliated with it or anything, I just became aware of it when a newsgroup I frequent set one up. Here's what our map looks like, just as an example: http://www.frappr.com/machinescnc

    Not sure it this helped or anything, but figured I'd mention it anyways. =)

    (Just found this site today. I'm on my second week of low carb/working out, so I'm sure you'll see more of me. What a great place!)
  • Haha I'm in Austin, TX so I'm close to you LadyFirelyght.
  • Quite close, sarah! I've never been to Austin, though.