
  • After analzying my trends for nutrients in Fitday, I realize that calcium tends to be my weakest link. Without reaching for a supplement, what are some foods naturally high in calcium and Vitamin D. I hate milk and I won't routinely reach for chocolate milk (although I have it once in a while). I already eat brocolli regularly.
  • Yogurt, cheese, anything dark green and leafy (spinach, for example), tofu, almonds, beans (black, navy, soy), fortified cereals and juices. If you happen to like them, sardines with bones have a high calcium content.

    You might consider taking a multi-vitamin or a calcium supplement. Benefiber has a calcium enriched fiber supplement that I've been using. I stir a tablespoon into my oatmeal or cereal and kill two birds with one stone.
  • Hi, I'll admit I don't know much about the natural stuff, but I eat a lot of fortified food so maybe this will help.
    Total Cereal has 1000mg Calcium per cup. I know you don't like milk, but what about on cereal? (I love the rasin bran) Also, I love to make grill cheese with a CA fortified cheese called Kids Builder. I get it at walmart with all of the other kraft singles stuff. Its not kraft, but I don't know what to call those cheese slices wrapped up individually It has 400mg per slice, and two slices makes a great grill cheese on some low cal wheat bread. Swiss miss even has a low cal fat free hot chocolate mix that it fortified with CA, (300mg) And I love spagettios (ok so not natural at all) , and they have a kind that has added CA as well. How about cottage cheese?

    And also, so that you can look up foods that you like (natural foods included) there is a great webpage that I use that has nutrition facts for a lot of stuff, and it actually includes Calcium. It is at or there is another at (i think calorie king has more stuff, but they are formatted differently, so you might like one better than the other)

    I hope I don't get in trouble for giving out a website, but I use them and like them, and I'm not affiliated with them or anything. So thats ok right? Anyways, good luck to you, and hey, good for you for going in depth and trying to be so healthy !!
  • My friend takes TUMS for her calcium. I think regular strength TUMS is like 200mg of calcium. Tastes better than a horsepill anyway.
  • LMBO on the Tums. I actually once in a while take Gas X and it has calcium in there. I managed to drink 8oz of chocolate milk today. I decided to buy viactiv calcium supplement chews.

    Afraid to try cottage cheese, it looks gross.

    Spaghetti O's...Blechh (but my kids love them so we have 2 cans in the pantry)

    I grew up eating soup for breakfast so I've never really grown to like cereal. That's what you get for a bachelor dad. Eat whatever you find.

    LOVE grill cheese. Seems like it would be high in calories though (and of course not portable for work week).

    LOVE cheese period, but would eat TONS of it and it is a high calorie food.

    Spinach..Blechh (unless you count spinach dips )

    Brocolli I actually eat every night.

    I'll have to try the websites.
  • I have been eating Lean Pockets pizzas a few time per week. They are 300 cals and has as much calcium as a glass of milk.
  • Hi, I use a low cal bread(70 calo. per 2 slice), and that high calcium cheese(60 per slice), one sandwich turns out to be 190 calories. I have it with a very low cal soup or salad to fill me up. Good luck to you !!

    BTW, I grew up with both of my parents working 2nd shift, so I am on the same boat with you as far as "fending for yourself" To this day I love to eat peas cold right out of the can. The same for beans and cream corn. And you will love this, I only like spagetti O's cold. I never had soup for brekfast though, Have a good one. Lindystar
  • Quote: To this day I love to eat peas cold right out of the can.
    Omg, I did this while I was pregnant. I would crave them like crazy! Still love them, just haven't eaten them straight from the can in awhile. Good to know I'm not alone!