
  • I started to loss weight about 6 months ago and was gung ho with exercising and watching my diet. My husband did it with me. I lost almost 20 pounds- but than I was getting tired of denying my self food. so I went back to having some goodies- my husband commented on every thing I was eating which gave me resentments and made we want to do what I wanted even more- I since gained the weight back plus more and dont feel like I have the motivation to work so hard at it again- Im concerned because of the health risks and Im getting older- aside from looking terrible and having a hard time fitting into clothes-Its so deppressing all I do is think about my weight-
  • Dear Heart,

    Just read through the various threads in this forum and pick one! You will find stories very much like yours and a lot of people in the same boat who will encourage you, give you a boost and maybe even a kick in the pants when you need it.

    Read about the various diet and exercise programs and try to find one that fits your circumstances. You *can* do it!

  • Sorry to hear you are discouraged. Tell you what, why not start again, but don't tell your husband (or anyone) that you are dieting. That way no one sabotages you! Well you can tell us, we will be there to support you.

    One more thing. I posted a challenge on the low carb board. I call it a 4/3/3 challenge. The way it works is we set a small goal to lose only 4 pounds. When we reach that goal we set a new one to lose 3 pounds. Then another to lose another 3. At the end of each cycle we will have lost 10 pounds, but who can think of it that way? I can't lose 10 pounds, can you? I can lose 4 or 3 easily though!

    Anyway why not join me on this challenge and we can do it together!