Day 1 ...

  • I just had my breakfast and let me tell you I already feel guilty ... and stuffed. I had a cup of Kashi Go Lean and a cup of non fat milk and a large glass of water ... are you sure the Kashi Go Lean is legal? It tastes sweet, or is that just natural sugars? Wayyyy to good.
  • I haven't had Kashi is eons, but best advice is to start reading the backs of boxes and checking ingredients and nutrional information. I cannot remember if it has added sugar or not. Sometimes the strangest things have added salts and sugar.....
  • Hi... Kashi is good stuff... I buy the Good Friends and Autum Harvest Wheats and I mix them together, I know the Harvest Wheats probably does have a little sweetness, but it is good.... India
  • It's on the list of suggested whole-grain cereals in the book, so apparently it's fine. I'm glad....I love the stuff!

  • Quote: It's on the list of suggested whole-grain cereals in the book, so apparently it's fine. I'm glad....I love the stuff!


    That's so good to know.
    By the way, where do you get your countdown tracker for your signature?
  • Quote: That's so good to know.
    By the way, where do you get your countdown tracker for your signature?
    Here is a thread that explains how to do it:

    I think they're great! I love having a visual reminder of my progress and my goal. It really helps keep me motivated and on track.

  • Quote: That's so good to know.
    By the way, where do you get your countdown tracker for your signature?
    Actually, all you need to do is click on anyone's tracker and it will take you to the place where you can create your own. make sure the tracker says though.
  • Kashi Go Lean Crunch is my FAVORITE!!! I absolutely LOVE the stuff...but i'm out today and needed to buy some more before work, but woke up now I'm STARVING!!! (Could you send some through the computer by chance?)