all hard work......waisted

  • im at weightwatchers and i joined 17th January 2006 so i went for my first week of diet weigh in yesterday and i only lost 1/2 a pound.......bloomin 1/2. i was guttered. i have done so much exercise. billy blanks tae-bo and swimming, and my stepper. sticking to my diet and i loose 1/2 a pound.

    i've got 29 weeks to loose 28 pound and ill not do it if i keep just loosing pittiful 1/2 pounds........why why why why why
  • Because of all your hard work, you probably lost 1/2 lb of fat. If you hadn't exercised and worked so hard, you probably would have had a bigger scale loss, but it would have been water weight, and perhaps even lean muscle.

    You want the fat off your body, not the other stuff.

    Keep plugging away at it, and don't panic!
  • Slow and steady wins the race. If you give up already, where would you be in 29 weeks time? Probably heavier! If you kept on and - worst case scenario - only lost on average half lb a week, you'd at least be half way to your target, and heading down not up!

    You maybe need to eat more - your body might have gone into panic mode already (although that often happens around the 3rd week of a diet) and is holding onto the fat in case it never eats again! At the same time, you're building muscle mass with that exercise which is good because even when you're asleep, muscle burns calories, so over time the weight will start coming off! You've also only got a couple of stone to lose - people with dramatic first week weight losses might be trying to lose double or more! It's a hard fact but it's harder to lose if you're not hugely overweight to start off with.

    So keep going. Make sure you're eating enough and maybe exercise a bit less, too! Sounds like you're overdoing it.

    PhatP x
  • Any loss is an acomplishment. Be positive. Give your self credit. When it comes off slow the chances it will stay off are greater. Be kind to your self
    Every day is a new day and a fresh start. Some tips. Show your WW leader your food journal she may have some good advice about what and when your eatting. Measure because portion sizes by eyeing them at first can add those extra points. I track my excerise but I don't add back in the extra points for it. Hope those help. You did great keep going.
  • Oh... come on Taloola!! There are so many ways to look at it! You LOST!! That's GOOD!! A loss is a loss!!

    There could be SO many reasons why it was "only" ½ pound - whatever those reasons are, you mustn't become frustrated, rather look at it positively!

    Maybe... you didn't eat enough with all that exercise? What were your points like last week?

    I just started too but I truly believe that as long as we are LOSING we are on the right track!!!

    Hang in there!!
  • Taloola don't be disheartened; my friend started her diet 2 weeks ago & she also had a disappointing loss the first week; despite sticking to it all week. She didn't let it get to her & carried on plugging away at it, & lo & behold she's lost 5.5lbs this week. I'm not saying you should necessary expect a loss like that as you have a lot less to lose, but it does sometimes seem to 'catch up', so just stick at it & you might be pleasantly surprised next week!

    Also, if you're going to be doing a lot of exercise it may be worth eating some of your bonus points as not eating enough can be a problem when you're burning lots of calories.

    Good luck for the coming week.
  • I would LOVE to lose half a pound in a week! It's more like half a pound in a month at the moment!