Extra Fiber?

  • I just re-started back on the WW program. My doctor recommends that I add extra fiber (Benefiber) to my meals daily because I have cronic bathroom issues. Does anyone know how this would effect my points? For example... for breakfast I made Farina with Skim Milk and added Splenda for flavor and then a tablespoon of Benefiber... normally Farina would cost me 2 points... do I add a point for the extra fiber? Please advise.
  • what is the nutritional info on the package? I know the one I take occasionally is 1 point per tablespoon.
  • Maybe I've got it all wrong, but I take two Metamucil with Calcium capsules daily and don't count it at all. Now I'll have to go home and read the package and see if there are any extra calories!
  • Yeah, I thought the same thing... I wasnt sure if they counted or not because its not like sugar or butter... I thought of it more like a supplement... and being that I wasnt using too much of it... I dont know... that's why asked.

  • I looked it up on my bottle of Metamucil this morning. For five capsules, it's only 10 calories. I take two instead of five, so we're talking four calories. Not enough to even worry about.
  • Hey....Fibre is all good!!! I try to get as much in but if I ever need any help, I now know which ones are good to use.
  • You should just eat Fiber One cereal. It has 60 calories, 14g fiber, and 1g fat per every serving (1/2 cup). This ends up being on the line between 0 and 1 point, which is just barely a point. I too have had severe constipation and this cereal work wonders.
  • If you are having constipation issues and your doctor recommends Benefiber, take it. This is a huge issue for my daughter who has IBS with constipation and struggles with her weight. I've got a post under Dieting with Obstacles with many replies on it. You need to know that there are two types of fiber - soluable and insoluable. If you suffer from constipation, you need to increase the soluable fiber. If you suffer from bouts of diarrhea, you need to increase the insoluable fiber. Many WW friendly food that has high fiber (e.g., cereals, breads, muffins, etc.) usually have an increase in insoluable fiber. If you suddenly increase this type of fiber you will often have gas and constipation. Benefiber (which my daughter takes) is soluable fiber. If you'ved tried the new Quaker Oat weight loss oatmeal and noticed sort of an odd texture to it that is because they upped the soluable fiber. For years, I have added benefiber to my daughter's oatmeal and it tastes just like that. I do the point system with my daughter and I do not count the Benefiber. Regarding fruits and vegetables, they can contain both. For example, an apple peel is insoluable fiber and the inside is soluable fiber. For weight loss purposes, it is best to eat all of the apple. If, however, you have constipation issues, you should peel the apple. So be careful when people say just add fiber to your diet. Know what kind of fiber it is. Something like All Bran is a poor choice because it is insoluable fiber and while it is great for weight loss it will plug you up if you have constipation issues. A great visual example of soluable versus insoluable fiber is the one the doctor told my daughter, actually it was an experiment. She had us take one cup of cooked white rice (soluable fiber) and put it in a bowl and cover it with water. Then she had us take one cup of All Bran and cover it to the top with water and have it sit overnight. THe next day, the rice was still full of liquid and a gummy texture. The cereal had absorbed all the liquid and was double in size. Just image the impact of these on your stools. Benefiber helps turn what you are eating into the consistency of the rice. Hope this helps. Good Luck;