Scared of the toll weight loss takes on your body

  • Okay,

    So I know I may be a bit premature on this fear, but it is real to me. I watch these documentaries on people needing plastic surgery after losing so much weight and how terrible their bodies now look with all of the hanging skin.

    I am looking at losing 150 lbs to hit my goal. That's a lot of weight! That surely will have an effect on my skin/body. Does this scare any of you? Has this happened? How do you deal with it? What can I do to prevent all of this dreaded sagging as I continue my weight loss journey?

    I would hate to be so proud of myself for hitting my goal to only turn around and realize I am still unhappy with the way I look! I'd never be able to afford the sort of surgery that is needed by these people I see on TV.
  • Check out our Weight Loss And Skin FAQs for answers to your questions and some personal stories.
  • Wish I could help more
    You should ask on the 100lb board. I don't know the answer to this, but from what I have seen, most of those people went through weight loss surgery and it is VERY rapid which doesn't allow the body time to adjust and tone.
  • 1. It might not happen to you.
    2. Even if it does, which is worse for your health, being obese or being a little droopy?

    Personally, I've got off very lightly, so there's no guarantee that losing a lot of weight will cause lots of loose skin, but equally, there are plenty of people who do have issues with it, so you can't assume you'll get away scot free either. It really depends from person to person, with factors like age, amount of weight lost, how long you were obese etc etc coming into play. Even for me, I'm noticeably less taut than my sister who is pretty much the same weight as me at the moment, but I'm far better off than some of the people I see on tv.

    But remember, you can cover up loose skin with clothes, and only you will know it's there. It won't have a major effect on your health. You can't hide those extra 150 pounds or escape their negative effect on your wellbeing quite so easily.

    And you'll never know if you don't try.
  • I have been plagued by those thoughts as well. Financially speaking I am in the same boat. It is hard, but don't let the thought of "possibly" needing surgery lead you off the road to wellness.

    The link that Meg posted is very informative!
  • It's a really common concern that you have about losing all the weight only to be left with a bunch of skin. For me I had to look really hard at why I am doing this. Ok to look better is one reason, but primarily the main reason I want to lose weight is to have a long and happy healthy life, especially old age. I want to be able to travel, to have some fun, and to not be weighed down (pardon the pun) by a load of unnecessary fat.

    Ok the loose skin is an issue, and let me be the first to direct you to this great thread on loose skin

    I too have a lot to lose, and am half way. I have done weight training from the beginning, and though the jury is still out, am convinced this is helping my thighs and arms replacing some of the fat with muscle. I get loads of complements on my arms and shoulders Only the Good Lord or a fine plastic surgeon will be able to save my stomach!!! So once I get to goal I will invest in the best girdle knickers I can afford!!!!

    Not only will I never have the sort of money a good plastic surgeon will cost, I am not putting myself through serious surgery just so I can look good in a bikini. 5 hours in theatre, potentially 2 weeks recovery in hospital, and then 6 - 8 weeks bed rest, for what essentially is a cosmetic procedure?? Not for me.

    I did used to think I would go down that path, but after having researched it, I don't think I will resort to cosmetic surgery. It's not everyone's choice and I would never judge anyone who took that route, but it isn't for me.

    Just focus on the plusses of losing weight, do what you can to avoid the loose skin issues, and accept that years of morbid obesity is bound to have left it's toll, just like the tracks on the arms of a reformed heroin addict, you and I will have a permanent reminder of just how close we came to losing our lives because of our lifestyles.

    edited: I should have known we'd all post at the same time!!!! Meg and I have a habit of posting similar things at the same time!!!! She's taught me well!!!!
  • You may very well reach your goal weight and still not be happy with how your body LOOKS. But, I imagine you will be very pleased with what your body can DO at that point. Physical attractiveness is an important byproduct of weight loss for most of us but it certainly isn't the ONLY one. You may have a lot of excess skin once you are done but will you be any less happy with your body than you are now? Probably not. There are plenty of ways to hide excess skin but your weight is out there for everyone to see no matter what you wear. So, if you are going to risk being unhappy with how your body looks why not stay on the path that at least ensures a healthier body in the end? And besides, chances are you WILL like how your body looks - at least a lot more than you like the body you currently have. Plus, there is no way to know what you will be left with unless you stick it out and reach your goal. It might not be nearly as bad as you are imagining. So, please, don't let the unknown keep you from working hard and reaching your goal. When it is all said and done you really don't have anything to lose (no pun intended!).
  • Me too!
    Lucky gives the greatest advise! With 20 pounds to lose, I see that, yes, I have some hanging skin but I love the way I look. I have fears about if my skin will stretch back to be firm and tight. But I don't know if it will stay like that forever so, I keep on losing until I reach my goal. Do I love myself more than I did when I was at 250 to 150 lbs? You bet I do! The confidence level is definitely higher than it was 6 months ago. It's such a life-changing process that I assure you will never want to go back at an obese state ever. My fear now is losing control and blowing up again, but then I assure myself that if I can have control now, then there should be no problem in the future. I wake up with weight-loss fears everyday, but then I remember that, such as what Lucky mentioned, you won't know until you tried. That keeps me on track. Ponder on the fears, but yet also use them to keep you motivated. The challenges when taking the weight loss journey are enormous, but become easier to conquer as you near the place where you want to be. never give up!
  • Think of it this way. Be MORE scared of what NOT losing the weight will bring.

    Think of all the health problems you will be avoiding, and not the asthetic one you MIGHT acquire.
  • You all make such great points. It is true that I am much worse off being overweight now than being healthy w/ loose skin. I suppose everything has a consequence and I need to accept mine for years of bad habits.

    The link to additional info is great. Thanks!