I'm new and have a question.

  • First of all, HELLO! I'm new to posting here! I hope you don't mind me jumping right in as I need something cleared up for me.

    I find it very hard to keep my calories under 1500, let alone 1200. I may have a bad attitude, but there are just things I'm not willing to give up, please don't egg me! I realize that this is why I am overweight! I've lost eight pounds, but it has taken me 5 months.

    I just wish there was a way that I could work in enough exercise, that I didn't have to worry so much about what I eat. Obviously, I couldn't eat at McDonald's every day. But, say for instance, pepsi. I've given up and switched to diet a hundred times in my adult life, but I always go back, because I don't like diet pop. I don't like fat free sour cream. I don't like fat free cheese. See what I mean? I know I have a bad attitude, don't I?

    So, my question is this... If it's calories in vs calories out, what if you ate what you wanted, and at the end of the day, you added up how many calories you were over and then hopped on the treadmill to work them off. Would you still lose weight even though you were not eating very healthy? Like I said please don't egg me!

    Obviously, I would be weighing my options, because I wouldn't want to be on the treadmill for two hours every night so that might motivate me to make better choices. I was just wondering what you thought. Thanks!

  • How many soft drinks do you consume in one day? If it's more than one, that could be your biggest problem. Are your portions sensible? It could be much more than the actual food.

    To answer your question...yes, if you go over your maximum caloric intake you can jump on the treadmill and burn that off. But it seems like the hard way to do it.
  • How many calories are we talkin' because you could end up spending a lot of time on the treadmill.

    I'm just naturally too lazy for that. I find a combo of eating less and moving more to be the most effective and easiest for me.

    Tell us more. We'll work on that for you.
  • Sorry to disappoint you
    Portion control and eating more healthy is important and essential to weight loss because it's harder to burn it off. For example, a can of pepsi is 140 calories and it might take you 1.4 miles to burn that off. Say you drink 3 cans of soft drink a day, you have to walk/run extra 4.2 miles to work it off. Not to mention all the other foods you are not willing to give up or substitute.

    Sorry, I know that is not what you want to hear. But we all learned the hard way.
  • Try eating little bits throughout the day so that your portion controls stay the same. Also think when you go grocery shopping, does it have vitamins, does it have nutrient info. What you eat is also important.

    I agree on the sodas. They are killers. Also bring up your water intake (if it is poor). I don't like straight water all day so I bought crystal light to go packets that I can pour in my water. I also like diet green tea (cold) so I started getting that. I like orange juice and it has nutritious benefits (but not as good as just a plain ole orange) so sometimes I buy that and drink ONE glass of that to replace. I also drink 1 v8 juice per day (usually with my breakfast). By varying up my drinks, I find myself not missing my sodas as much. When I get lazy I start gravitating back to the sodas. I actually drink diet, but I am tired of drinking empty stuff. I am ADDICTED to caffiene. So I have to buy stuff in a travel size bottle. Orange Juice in a to go bottles are more expensive than a carton, but I know that I'm used to popping open a soda (which is much easier) so I know that is what it takes to get me to drink it. I went from 4 pks of soda per week for my husband and me (and he barely drinks any) to now I buy only 2 and no caffiene.

    Back to food. Do you have fitday? Can we see it and make suggestions? I look up websites with a list of nutrient dense foods. Each week I buy some stuff on it. In fruits and veggies I try to think of the 5 colors: Orange, Purple, Dark Green, Light Green, and Red. Pick 1 thing from each if you can or more). Fresh is best, then frozen, then can. But if it gets you eating them, do what works best for you. My favorite is an orange in the bathtub. Then I put the peels and squeeze them in my water and leave the peels floating. Smells divine.

    One thing I've noticed about me is that some days I just don't have the concentration. Maybe I eat too little calories (not enough nutrients) or too many calories, but overall I am eating much better so I'm not beating myself up. I've lost 6lbs my first month so not shabby. I'm also proud because when I do eat something not healthy, I just eat a little. Yesterday I had 1 brownie. That's mega calories, but I only had 1. Then a few days ago I had nachos at work. Normally I would have consumed the entire plate. I ate it slowly and half way through I decided I was full so I stopped. I dumped the nachos and spent my time chatting with a friend. I learned that I can have little splurges, just not big ones and to work them in my day. On whole my goal is to eat a variety of healthy food. By using fitday, I can tell what nutrients I'm losing out on and try to find foods (website list) that will match it). I love that. I also have learned that most fruits are high in Vitamin C and that's about it. We need Vitamin C, but if I eat more fruits than veggies, I have missed out on tons of other nutrients. Okay, I'm starting to get more about me and less about strategies you might like so I'll wrap this up.
  • I too struggle to keep my intake between 1200-1500 calories per day. I started keeping a food journal on 1-1-06 and it has helped. It was an eye opener to see how many calories I expended on a simple can of pop, condiments or a snack that didn't even fill me up. I have begun to make smarter choices and plan my meals. I now think about everything that I put into my mouth. I still do splurge or save calories for a dinner out, but I'm more aware now.

    As far as exercise it is true that you can burn off your food at the end of the day, However if you only burn off what you've eaten you will maintain not lose weight.

    So ultimately it's up to you to find a plan that works for you; something that you can stick to long term. I wouldn't recommend cutting everything you love out of your diet at once, that would be hard. If you commit to a change just take baby steps, make healthier choices and focus on one meal at a time.
  • I wouldnt suggest trying to "walk off" all the calories you consumed, I also wounldnt suggest you "give up" anything. Just pay close attention to portion control. That is what I have had the most success at. I too am not very willing to give up my occasional snacks, treats, or some timeless favorites, but I do eat them less often, than before and less of them when I do indulge. Like prior to loosing any weight I would eat a whole order (appetizer size) or onion rings. Now I eat maybe 1/4 the order, if that. These are the things that work for me. Good luck to you.
  • I suggest using fitday and try to keep track of the calories..and below are more things that you can do:

    -when you go shopping only buy healthy food...you can't eat what you don't have in your house...so if you don't buy junk food then you can't eat it

    -Drink lots of water...especially when you are exercising....

    -if you love soft drinks just buy the diet drinks

    -add fruit and veggies to your meals...it will fill you up more

    -if you love snacks..try to the 100 calorie packs by nabisco..they have great choices and you can get a nice treat for just 100 calories

    -exercise (of course) but find something fun for you, so that you will keep going
  • Hey guys! Thanks for all your input. I admit I'm terrible with the soft drinks. I drink 2 pepsi's a day now, and that is less than I used to drink. It's sad, but soft drinks to me are worse than cigarettes, I kicked that habit! You are right I guess, it's better to change my habits than try to do a quick fix workout everynite. Life will always get in the way. Example, I was planning on coming home from school yesterday and getting on the treadmill. However, my throat starting hurting really bad at school and I now think I have strep, UGH. I'm headed to Urgent Care as soon as they open! I will have to look into fitday. I just write everything in a notebook right now. I average 1600 - 1700 cal on a day when I'm really trying. 2000-2300 when I'm not! The only time I've been near 1200 is when I've skipped meals! I know that what I make for dinner and my soft drinks are my downfall. I'm just going to have to keep taking baby steps I guess.

    Thanks again!

  • If you totally switched your two soda-a-day habit ONLY, you'd lose close to a pound a week. Are you drinking 20-ounce bottles or 12-ounce cans?

    2 cans a day x 7 days = 2324 EMPTY calories a week
    2 bottles a day x 7 days = 3878 EMPTY calories a week

    Have you tried that Pepsi ONE? It might have a better flavor than the normal Diet Pepsi because it uses Splenda as the sweetener instead of aspartame. This pop has 1 calorie per 8 ounces so it isn't totally calorie-free, but pretty darn close!!

    An added bonus with the Pepsi ONE is that it has 36 grams of caffeine compared to the measly 25 grams in a regular Pepsi. (That's per 8 ounces also.)