Qotd: 1/18

  • Sorry to get this started late ladies, I have been sick with a nasty stomach bug! Gatorade and crackers have been keeping me alive.

    Hmm Ok, first question of the day is:

    Do you remember your first kiss? Was it all you had imagined or completely awful?
  • completely awful!! Web & slobbery....I want nothing to do with anyone who kisses me and I need a towel after BLAH!

    Hope your feeling better soon Randi!
  • Hope you feel better!!

    First kiss? It wasn't bad--for that age After all...what did I know about kissing?
  • Lol! This is fun! And timely for me as I just started dating again less than 1 year ago after basicly being with 2 men for a span of 30 years! VERY scary stuff!

    The guy that first kissed me all those many years ago was a wonderful latin Don Juan that was a great teacher (how the heck did he know so much at the age of 14?)- ahhhh, fond memories.

  • Ok, I guess this is REALLY bad...but I don't remember my first kiss
  • I was 14, he was maybe 16, I didn't see it coming, we were driving in his car and I wasn't even looking at him, so it was a little off center! It was special and sweet though.
  • My FIRST Kiss??? Well that one did not count as it was a cousin of some sort and OOOO I thought it was LOVE,

    But my actual kiss was YUCH!!! I think back now and get so grossed out ofrom it. eww. I thought it was going to be wonderful but it ended up being a dork I was 10 or 11 grade Yes a very late starter I was a geek (not one of the smart ones) and this was the first guy who payed attention to me and well he was a return soljer from the veitnam was. he ran around in his fatigues. Oh my parents had a cow he was 10 years older than i was and i did not even know met through a friend. but i expected a little good down to earth kissing and all i got was LIP!!!