I am here...

  • So here are my excuses:

    First my ww meeting is on saturday at 7 a.m. before I goto work. I went out of town for Christmas, the following saturday was new years. Well they told us if we couldn't make it to the meeting we wouldn't have to pay...
    So I kind of took two weeks off and boy did I!!

    So I really really didn't want to go but I did and I gained 4 lbs. My leader didn't say 'We're just glad you came back' or anything. I don't know why I wanted a pat on the back for gaining but I was there and I 'let' them weigh me
    I also bought a tracker for my points. I've been using it but no regard to what I eat. Maybe I should just keep track of what I eat and count the points and realize how overboard I am going!

    So last week I went and I lost a whole !!!!1/2 a lb!!!! INSERT SARCASM everywhere on that!!!
    Now I feel the need to re-motivate myself. I am in **** right now- surround by peanut mm's, pringles, a big cookie cake. My son had his bday.

    I haven't been to the gym in weeks - yes weeks! Today I am going to seriously clean this house (its my day off) and I know I will break a sweat and maybe getting exercise and sweating will make me want to go. I just am so tired in the a.m. I don't want to go and I don't want to go at night because my son wants to work out with me but it distracts me because I have to make sure he's not just playing on the machines (he's 12)

    so this is step 2, I am checking back in, I am going to start coming here to get back into the swing. I need to focus.
  • Welcome back Liz. Sorry to hear you got sidetracked. I'll give you a pat on the back for going back to your WW meeting. Sometimes that can be the hardest thing to do when you know that you've gained.
  • By the way just saw you had to change your diet plan

    Been there before! We are thinking of heading down that road even though 3 weeks ago I was begging dh to get snipped.

  • Welcome back!! I know it's so hard to get back on track, but you can do this!!
  • back Liz! You can do this, just think of a brand new year ahead of you!
  • back Liz!
    I'm trying to get back in this game as well..had a good day yesterday..hoping for #2 today

    One Day At A Time, right?
    keep posting!

  • Welcome back Liz. Good to see you posting again.
  • Good to see you back! Hmmm...4 pounds over the holidays - that's exactly what I gained as well. Must be a magic number. You'll be back pluggin' away it it no time at all and forget that you ever gained those 4.

  • Welcome back! I'm another of the 4-lbs over the holidays (well, 4.8 lbs. to be exact), and I finally got it off. Still working on finding out what "law" says that says that the weight that you put in during a week of bad eating will take you three to four weeks to take off. *Sigh*

    As Dee says, once you take that off (and don't beat yourself up about it in the process!), you'll forget it was there and can move on to smaller and better things.
  • I'm so glad I saw this today. I was starting to feel like a big 'ol non loser for gaining that much.
    I wrote down everything I've eaten all week- here's a view in my world right now. I am full of great intentions but I am supposed to be eating 30 pts. I'm averaging 47!!!

    Well today - as of right now i have eaten 13 pts and will be eating a south beach pizza for dinner and a skinny cow for desert.
    so this day is the best day so far!!! I am re-reading Getting started week one, toying with doing the core plan on weight watchers. I don't forsee a loss this week since I'll be on plan officially for 1 whole day.

    I actually might have to weigh early because friday my mom is coming in town. Going to eat japanese which is easy.

    so I'm getting back on track slowly but surely!
  • You are heading in the right direction Liz. At least you are tracking it. You might also write down how you are feeling when you eat to see if there is a pattern as to why you are eating more than the 30 points.