Good day gone terribly wrong...

  • Thursday is my birthday. Hip-hip-hooray, I'll be 21!!!

    So, my grandma decided to be nice and she handed me her Carson's charge card. OK, so Carson's IS an old woman's store, but they carry Tommy and Nine West, so I said, 'Hey thanks, Grams,' and dragged hubby shopping this morning.

    My goal : 1 nice pair of jeans, a nice pair of slacks and one cute top. We start on the first floor. I grab for a size 14, think better of it, and yank the 16 off the rack. Baby fat, y'know? Nu-uh. Won't go. The ones that would made me feel like an overstuffed pork sausage. I stood in front of the mirror and fought tears. Then, THEN, out of the blue, the side view hits me. No ladies, it isn't the 'roll''s my profile. Of all things, at a time like that, the fat, the cellulite, the humilitation of having to trudge up to the second floor and shop with fat old nose gets me.

    Some loan me a few grand for rhinoplasty please...
  • Happy birthday!
    Ok, so we've ALL been where the jeans moved us . . . to tears! So here's my birthday wish for you:
    I wish you HEAPS of energy and enthusiasm for exercise of your choice to burn SCADs of calories . . .
    I hope you CRAVE all the foods on the plan you choose, but only at the right time in in the correct portion . . .
    and most of all, next year, when you shop I hope you fit in exactly the most lovely, flattering outfit you try on.
    Good luck!
  • Oh gosh
    Oh Man,
    Was it one of those mirrored rooms with the 3 mirrors that show your front, both sides, and the back too? UUUUUGGGG, one of those mirror rooms, in a JC Pennys was the place that I first realized what I really looked like at my highest weight. I was so sick with myself I stopped shopping and just plain left.

    And I hate my profile too!! I have a funny nose with a bump in the middle. I throw away any pictures that have my profile But hey, know what I'm thinking? When we loose all the weight that we want, people will never notice our nose, (not that they probobly even do now) they'll be like "whoa check out the hot chick in the tight jeans !!"

    ]Oh I am so gonna wear some tight jeans when I get to my goal weight, and a mini too !!! I'm only 24 so I have at least a couple years to get away with it. And you will too.

    You've been doing some good work, I see that you've lost some weight !!! GO YOU, you just keep up the good work, and hey, HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!
  • I too belong to the club of the "oh, the 16s don't fit? Grab the 18s". I'm sure everyone here does!

    Just as a general jean buying tip (particularly for the 20-somethings and younger), I've found that Charlotte Russe has sizes on the large side. I know that's weird because it's a store for teeny-boppers, but I bought jeans there a full size smaller than I normally wear when I wasn't even fitting into the normal size in other stores. Charlotte Russe doesn't have anything larger than probably a 13 or 15 however, so be warned (and don't try on their tops unless your self-esteem is already magnificent).