New here, compulsive overeater, questions!

  • Hey all, my name is Jazlynn, and I'm new to this board. I wanted to find a board where I could really talk to people who really understood what it's like to be a compulsive eater. It really does feel like a completely different world when you read stories of those who understand, and your every day life. Suddenly, you don't feel so isolated and you truly feel like you can succeed.

    Anyway, I'm 18 years old, and I've had eating problems for as long as I can remember - I chalk it up to low self-esteem, physiological predispositions to addiction/compulsion, and the constant diets. With those three things, I feel like a wreck at times. I'm currently 5'1, and 120 pounds. I manage to keep my weight *somewhat* under control because I generally eat healthy (also binging on healthier foods) and I'm a vegetarian. However, I still binge at least twice a week, and it's putting me down. To be honest, I wouldn't care if I never lost another ounce at this point if I could just stop binging and compulsively overeating. It's really not about losing weight anymore as much as it was (although ideally I'd like to be at 105 pounds), it's just about gaining control.

    I think I may have finally found something that will help to keep my binging under control. I know it won't be a cure, I don't feel there really is a cure for any eating disorder, you just learn to cope...but I feel like this might be the ticket to helping me lose weight without making it the center of my life.

    I've been reading several articles on three meals vs. five or six mini meals. Although the articles state that three meals set you up for binges because you are going longer periods without eating, I find it quite the opposite with myself. The less that I have to think about when I'm going to eat and what, and how much, the less I feel the urge to binge, despite the fact that I may go 5-6 hours until eating my next meal. Some people can't stand the feeling of hunger, but I personally don't mind it that much, and I've noticed that when I ignore it, I forget that I'm hungry. Anyway, I was just wondering what everybody else's eating schedules/experiences with this was? For the first time in a long time, I only ate three meals a day, and really allowed myself to feel hunger. For so long, I ran to the fridge at the slightest hint of hunger. I feel like I will be in better control of my eating if I eat three meals because I won't be as focused on caloric intake. I feel like I can eat more of what I want because I am gaining more calories at one meal, which satisfies me more, thus not eliminating a certain type of food (THAT sets me up on big time binges!). Do you guys think it's better to do the three meals a day with absolutely NO snacks, or meals and snacks combined?

    Any feedback would be appreciated!!!
  • From what I have been reading 3 meals and snack.
    Do u have a doctor u can ask? He would be really the person you should ask, being u have the eating disorder.
  • I think it's just about what works for you - with your schedule and your life. But I will say that switching from mini meals to three full meals will not cure binge eating. Binges are emotionally triggered, and in order to successfully refrain from the behavior you have to get to the root cause. Therapy can really help you determine what emotional triggers are driving the urges to eat and over eat. Doing so is absolutely essential to healing. Anything else is just like putting a bandaid on a huge gaping wound.