The Diet Journey of 2006 ~ 3FC Style !!

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  • Well, I was all ready to put in a long catch-up post last night and my 1 year old was hanging around me and of course she reached up and hit "Esc" button and I lost the whole thing! I've been reading and following along, but haven't been good about posting...

    and yes, Serena - it's all about getting back up once again!! BTW - I LOVE MONTANA!!! Don't know that I want to move there, but it is beautiful country!! I have a strong dislike for the South though, so I'd probably move there if it it was between the 2!!

    Hi Catherine, Sarah, Mo and Kim!!

    I've gotta go run to the store and get some more resumes out. Did I mention that I'm looking for a job?

    Anyways, I hit 40 pounds gone this morning!!
  • Congratulations!!!
    Nori: Congratulations on 40 lbs!!!
    What kind of work are you looking for? Did you say you were in the military before?

    Well my eating hasn't been good but I'll try to keep myself honest.

    B: Special K w/berries
    L: Lean Cuisine & ice cream
    D: chicken kabob with grilled veggies
    S: frosted donut (yes, Sarah I thought of you while eating it! )

    Hip has gotten a little better the last two days but is still sore. Today I've been getting little jabbing pains in the butt. I'll try to go for a short ride tonight and see how it is tomorrow. I have to bring DD to the store tonight to get two birthday presents. She's going to an American Idol party Saturday night. The people are having a d.j. and holding it at their beach house. They're extremely wealthy as you can guess. The other is a laser tag party. I'll be taxi driver all weekend between parties, play dates and soccer. I also have to go to my mother's she only lives 10 miles away and I haven't been there since Easter I think! She's come to my house for DD birthday, I really have to get down there. It's just the weekends are so busy. There's someone coming to put the pull up on Saturday. I hope all goes well. I have to order water I guess and have it delivered Sunday or Monday. We have a well and they say it's not good to use that, the water isn't ph balanced and the pump could burn out. Another hidden cost!

    Talk to you girls tomorrow.

  • well morning everyone..
    I finally finshed that time of the month and can concentrate on more losses now.. i just came back form the doctors office and I hate it that their scales are always about 3 lbs more than mine! anyways.. I am at a loss I am full of flatulence from all ends.. so he put me on prevacid to start and I have to journal my indigestion and gas if better etc.. before going into other areas of concern.. I am still exercising daily.. with our pool opening I should be able to soon get in some extra exercise via water.. and keep cool! how long til this prevacid kicks in.. I am so gassy!! it is terrible.. I have not changed my diet to make this happen... i don't eat fried food ..usually... any of you have anything like this happen.. say with dairy intolerance?? i will give the prevacid a day or two then I will try cutting out dairy for a few days.. anyways.. I won't let it keep me from my daily activities and eating habits...

    CONGRATS NORI !!!!! i can't wait til that's me...

    Hi MO.. I too am taxi driver alot!!! fun huh???
    well I gotta run..
    sarah and catherine.. catch you next time!!
  • Nori - great big CONGRATULATIONS on hitting the 40 pound mark!!! That is awesome! WTG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What kind of job are you hunting for? Good luck!! Quick question - why do you hate the south?

    Mo - lol on the donut!!! I had another one yesterday. (Ashamed to admit it...) Holy heck on the birthday party! They must be super wealthy! LOL Glad your hip is doing better...hopefully it will keep progressing. Wahoo on getting a pool! That's great!!

    Kim - good luck with your new medicine. I seem to get gassy if I eat too much protein. Are you eating enough balanced stuff?

    Everyone have a great weekend! "See" you on Monday!!!!!
  • Friday!!!!
    Hi ladies:

    Here goes yesterday's confession:

    B: 1/2 donut
    L: ham sandwich & pretzels
    S: big cookie from cafeteria
    D: rest of stromboli & about 10 milk duds, 2 chips ahoy
    (didn't get home from work/stores till 8:15 and ate whatever I saw first!)

    DS and DH are finally having their boys night out tonight. Movie, dinner and laser tag. Maybe DD and I will go for a bike ride. The town is also having a free drive in movie at the beach tonight but I'm sure it will be mobbed.

    Kim: do you have exercises for the pool? Ours will only be 24' round above ground so I think "laps" are out.

    Nori: I'm not sure what type of job you're looking for but I've always wished I did something that ran with the school calendar. Is your husband still in the military? Both my nieces learned how to sail from the programs run by the Coast Guard. I know your kids are still young but they grow up so quick!

    It is SO nice out today I'm tempted to leave early but I already have my nephew scheduled to watch DD. I'd love to leave early and go get a bike rack and bring DD to a bike trail tonight....hmmmmmm

    I'll try to check in over the weekend, if not I'll talk to you all on Monday. Boss if off till Wed and I was thinking of calling in sick that day to go to DS "stepping up" ceremony/picnic at school. I can't believe he's going into 7th grade!!! I hate having to miss all those things because of work. I already missed his Cultural Day last week. Guilt is a strong emotion!

  • Mo - I'm with you on guilt. DH is a Marine, and away right now, and today is the Father's Day Social at both DS's daycares. (They are in different buildings because of the age difference.) I can't make it because of work. And I feel terrible. I just keep thinking about how they must feel when they see everyone else's parents coming in. Light at the end of the tunnel - I'm taking some time off when we move.

    Nori - I'm with Mo's advice about finding something on the school calendar if you can.
  • Quote: Quick question - why do you hate the south?
    I don't "hate" it - but I would never move there. I think I'm spoiled living in the Pacific Northwest where the weather is so mild. We don't have humidity, tornados, hurricanes, "bad" storms...the occasional volcano and some rain!...and I HATE bugs. I will never go visit DH's family in the summertime. Thanksgiving and Christmas are nice!!

    I have worked in medical forever - lab tech, coding... I have an interview on Monday. Fingers crossed.

    Mo - a drive in movie at the beach!!! How fun!!!

    Kim - I hope you feel better soon.

    Well, I came downstairs to get a new recipe for dinner and got side-tracked. Sorry I'm not online so much these days.
  • Hi people.

    I'm Robin. I have another 51 pounds to lose. I have lost about 35 since the beginning of the year. I'd really like to see the last 50 gone by the end of his year. I think that is do-able but not likely for me. If I get down to 160-165 for my wedding in January 2007, I'll be happy!

    Right now I work out about 3-4 hours of cardio and 1-2 hours of strength training/abs a week. I try to eat low fat, as low as possible but it is hard to stick to. Usually I have one cheat meal a week, with meat, otherwise I try to eat a vegetarian diet the rest of the week. I recently had about 4-5 weeks where I slacked off quite a bit, the only time I gained is when I drank beer. I think there is something to that.

    So, yeah, that's me. I'm doing this to get healthy and live a longer life, more than anything. Secondary to that, I want to look great again!
  • afternoon ladies!!

    Mo... I have an above ground round 24 ft pool too! I do laps just back and forth more often... and another good ab exercise is.. i flip from front to back using just my arms no feet and it makes u use your abs to pull them front to baclk and do not touch the bottom with your feet.. I do this awhile and then swimm on my back using only my feet then only arms... nice way to get in some exercise..(hehehe).."Not now honey, I'm ...exercising"

    robin wtg so far.. I have more than 50 to lose.. so far I am struggling just trying to lose the first 10!!! grrr.. it is so hard for me..

    Nori.. hope all works out well for you.. and I am feeling much better .. i cut out dairy and my gas and bloated has 90% disappeared.. I cannot believe the difference.. well we'll see how my diet shapes up with no cheese, milk, cream sauces, puddings and whip cream, butter... hey there goes most of the food I eat!!! I felt a little bloated and kind of gas after I ate an apple too.. so I will have to watch that too.. I may need to add beano to my diet for some foods.. and make sure it is not just an indicator to a deeper problem.. well you all have a great day!! I have to go ride my bike for exercise.. see ya, Kim
  • Hi Robin and WELCOME!!! You're doing great so far! How exciting about your upcoming wedding!

    Kim - are you seeing a GI doctor? Hope things get better. Is this a new thing?

    Well today my parents told us that they are planning on taking the WHOLE family to Kauai next June! I have 6 siblings and some are married with kids, so it'll be a BIG group! But, best of all, I plan to be at my goal weight. I can lose this next 75 pounds in 12 months! I've lost 40 in 5.5 months and the past 2 months I haven't been "gung-ho"!! Even if this plan doesn't happen for some reason, it's given me renewed incentive to go "gung-ho"!!!!!
  • Nori - LOL, we have had way more bug problems since we moved to the desert than when we lived in the South. I know, I know, totally not what I expected either!!! I kill an average of 5-6 black widows per month at my house. The new bug is this weird thing, like a silverfish, but black and longer and soooooooo creepy. There are also tons of stinkbugs out here. LOL Scorpions (I know, it's not a bug, but it should count as a bug, because it really bugs me!). Vinegaroons. Tarantulas. Brown spiders. Ants.

    Okay - there was my diet tip of the day - talking about all those YUCKY bugs!!!!! LOL And no, I have no defense or comeback about the crazy weather. LOL It is what it is. In Kentucky we had a saying, if you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes. LOL

    Welcome Robin! Congratulations on your success so far!!!

    Kim - great news on learning dairy was the culprit. Don't forget to add back in some soy or rice milk or some kind of substitute for your calcium and vitamins.

    Nori - OMG about Kauai!!!!!!!! That is so awesome! What a great motivator! You can totally be where you will feel happy and comfortable by then.

    I started reading Jillian Michael's book last night. I also bought a cd from Amazon about hypnosis and weight loss. I'm hoping to finally make that mind body connection, and do things that are GOOD for my body. I never realized I was an emotional eater until I really noticed when I eat the bad stuff. For example, I never eat a donut for breakfast if I'm not stressed about work.
  • Monday
    Good morning ladies and welcome Robin!!

    Sarah: years ago my mom lost a log of weight after hypnosis. She said you never really fell asleep but I guess it's subliminal. She used to wear an elastic around her wrist and when she was tempted to eat something bad she'd have to snap it to remind her that the food would be hurting her.

    Nori: good luck on the interview. When I read your post I though it said Kuwait! Would you mom like to adopt me That is a super incentive. When was vacation too but times is running out for me

    Kim: do you mean like a somersault or just rocking back and forth in the pool? We're having a problem with the liner and haven't been able to fill the pool up yet, they're coming tomorrow to fix it. The kids hadn't tightened the gasket well enough where the water return is and the liner is sagging there. It's always something. I also have to get a ladder!

    Robin: we have the same to lose. You have another great incentive! Where are you from, tell us more about you. I'm nosey!

    Serena: my mom is always pushing junk food on my kids too. They went there yesterday and came home with a bag of candy and little cakes. DD ended up with a stomach ache shortly after she left. The Reese's and Twizzlers didn't mix well I guess.

    I made DH cookies for Father's Day and they're almost gone already! I made the Cowboy Cookies from but instead of chips I used toffee bits. Boy they were good! DH made me say I'd never make them again, he couldn't stop eating them. Well it's a scorcher here today. Good to be inside with the A/C on I guess.

    Check in tomorrow. It's such a nice feeling to have dinner already done! I should do that every Sunday. I've gotten flack from DH because I only bought him a CD from the kids. I just didn't know what to get him and I never get a chance to shop lately. I've been craving to go to the Christmas Tree Shoppe. Do they have them nationwide? It's not Christmas stuff but just all great deals on all kinds of things.

    Ok, I rambled enough!
  • Hey Mo! Was your mom able to keep the weight off? So far, I've only listened to the introductory cd which says what self-hypnosis can and can not do. It's really good, basic knowledge on there as well. You know, drink your water, don't talk negatively to or about yourself, etc.

    HAPPY TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Sarah: this was probably 25 years ago and she didn't keep it off but she did lose a bit of weight. She went with my sister and my sister left the doctor's office and stopped at Burger King! I guess it depends on how much you want it.

    B: cereal
    L: Lean cuisine & brownie
    D: Chicken & macaroni salad
    S: handful of milkduds and a few jelly candies

    My friend and I went to the Christmas Tree Shoppe last night

    I'll check back later I was just heading to lunch.
  • afternoon ladies.. I officially weigh in tomorrow.. but I couln't wait!!! I weighed in this am at 230.5.. down 3 lbs from last week... yeah!!!! first real great drop since I one time.. I was avg'ing about 1 lb a week.. my calories have been a bit lower.... but tom done for about a week too.. but I will take it anyway I can get it.. 220's here i come! can't wait to get to onederland!!!! by sep hope hope.. see ya..Kim