Depressed, fat and unmotivated.

  • I am so sick of thinking about my weight 24/7, but then not doing anything about it. My brother says that I am one of the strongest women he knows. I take care of my family, 3 kids and hubby. Have two ailing parents that I am caring for, including all of their financial affairs. Work Full time. Take everybody back and forth to the dr. And I am just so sick and tired of everything that I cannot get motivated. I just want to go home from work and sit and not even think. I told myself that I was joining WW the 1st of the year and have'nt gotten around to it. Way is it that I go out of my way to do everything for others and don't give a damn about myself? My family means the world to me. My love for them sometimes overwelms me. But I'm a walking heart attack. I can't stand the thoughts of not being there for my family so what is wrong with me? Maybe I should'nt have written this - maybe tomorrow will be a better day.......
  • I'm sorry you're having a rough time. Maybe making some small changes could help get you started? Perhaps instead of gearing yourself up to start a major overhaul you could just pick one thing to start and just do it. Get out and take a short walk, or replace any sugary beverages you might be drinking with water? Something to gain a little momentum.
  • I personally think that you should post here more! Sometimes just the act of sitting down and typing out your thoughts help you see things more clearly. You have a lot on your plate, but you have to take care of yourself first. I agree with what Tani said - you can't look at the big picture and it sounds like it would be too much to try to change everything at once. So pick one thing to change this week and then next week if you are up to it, add another thing to your list.
  • Thank you both for your words of encouragement. Its a new day. I at least had a healther than normal dinner last night, so I was proud of that. Night time is the worst time for me. I had two small pieces of fish sauted in a little evoo, and some mixed veggies, and more importantly I later snacked on tangerines instead of the heath ice cream bars in the freezer. So I feel a little more encouraged this morning. Tani you are an inspiration. I think I currently weigh about what you did at your highest weight. You have really come far. Any tips and suggestions would be appreciated. I probably should not ask but how long did it take you to loose so much?
  • That's a step in the right direction! You can do it!!
  • Hi Jagmom3

    I want you to know that you are not alone....I have had many days of depressed, fat and unmotivated. Both Melissa and Tani are right- make a few little changes. I just started last tuesday and I have about 150 lbs. to is daunting!! I can tell you that I had a few bad days in the beginning of the week but I am feeling better already. The hard part for me is sticking with it. Be

    Melissa - great weightloss. Keep up the good work

    Tani - I hope I can find the stick to itness that you have found...Congratulations on your successful maintenance.
  • Thanks KT! We're starting out about the same time, same weight (ok, I've got a few on you)! While I know there are going to be days I won't make the best of choices, days that I might slip and even days that I completely fall I am planning on doing my best to keep OP this time! Good luck!

    jagmom3 - How did it go today? If you need a sounding board or need a kick in the butt don't hesitate to ask! We're here for you!
  • Doing better!
    I had in mind this week to start it all out and I think that is what overwelmed me. So I did as you suggested I started by just making healthy choices. My husband is out of town this week and it is usually an opportunity for us to fast food it all week. So YEA!!! I have not done that all week. Tues I was so hungry on the way home from work and I had to think about dinner so I was going to go to the store when I got home. Well I was almost to a grocery store in the beginning of my route (35 min commute) and I thought go ahead and shop now and eat some fruit on the way home so you won't eat the house down when you get home. So I ate an apple on my way home. Bought stuff for a salad and got one of those rotissery chickens. This evening I got chicken strips from a ff place but got half grilled and half fried instead of all fried. NO FRENCH FRIES THOUGH!!!! So I am making some strides in some healthier ways. I play the well it's better than..... game all of the time, So I know that I have done better that usual. Have I watched all of my portions, not necessarily but I have made better choices. I didn't start the exercise yet but maybe Saturday. Thank you all for posting and the private messages.
  • Hi Jagmom3,

    I know what you mean about the husband being away....I do the same is like a free pass from cooking when he works til midnight two nights a week. I still don't cook now those nights, we just have lean cuisine/frozen dinners!!! It sounds like you are doing great making healthier choices. Keep up the good work...Kat
  • It sounds link you are doing great!! I live my life with the fast food debates! I live alone and I have a 2 hour commute. So by the time I finish my journey home I'm sometimes ready to crash and burn. So I allow myself to stop for fast food on those days that I am tired or overwhelmed. The only difference is my choices - I have a limit on what I can order...

    Wendy's - small chili and/or plain baked potato.
    Subway - turkey sandwich, no mayo.
    Chick-fil-A - Cargrilled chicken garden salad, fruit cup.
    Atlanta Bread Co - French Onion Soup, roll, fruit salad
    Arby's - one of their light sandwiches

    (BTW - I've only been back OP for 1-1/2 weeks, but I previously lost 100 lbs on WW back in 2003 and gained it all back via bad choices, lack of exercise and a thyroid that doesn't know what it wants to do!)
  • Hi Melissa,

    I love Wendy's Chili!!!!!! I was going to stop today after taking my son to the orthodontist but we got sidetracked and I just went home. I have been known to buy four of them and use them for lunches for the week. It's a great 4 points! and .99 cents.The only other restraunts that you mentioned in NY around me are Subway and Arby's. I have never been to Arby's. You give me hope that I can lose this weight on ww. How long did it take you to lose 100 lbs??? Have a great tomorrow
  • I've had a very good day today! Hope everyone else has also.

    I lost the 100 lbs. in 12 months - almost to the day. The sad news is that I gained the 100 (actually I gained 110) back in 7 months!! Very hard on my body, but I couldn't convince any of my doctors that there was something wrong with me. And as I gained the weight back I got the attitude of "if I'm going to gain it, then I'm going to eat"! Which was the wrong attitude. I finally found a doctor that would listen to me. It turns out that I have Graves Disease - which normally has rapid, unexplained weight loss as one of the main symptoms. Unfortunately, I had multiple symptoms, but not that one. So now I'm on medication which will probably slow down my weight loss a little bit, but I'm ready to dig my heels in 'cause I'm tired of being fat.

    Have a very OP day!!
  • Hi Melissa,

    I am sorry you have to do this a second time. I have tried to diet several times and have always been a quitter...I need to find the strength or the perseverance for the long haul....I want to be normal weighted so badly..I am not even looking to be at goal...just way better than I am now..I don't know what happens to make me stop. I guess I just have to keep focused. I have been op all week so far....weigh in day is tueday for me....Have a great day....Kat