Forum Rules - Important - Please read!

  • This forum is for members following the Weight Watcher’s program and is intended for discussions and support between 3fc members.

    3fc is not affiliated with Weight Watchers and is not responsible for the accuracy of the information posted by 3fc forum members.

    Please do not post copies of any materials or information that has been copyrighted by Weight Watchers. You are allowed to discuss WW, share tips, ask questions and even share parts of the plan by describing things in your own words.

    Any posts that contain Weight Watchers copyrighted materials or links to sites containing Weight Watcher's copyrighted materials will be edited or deleted for legal reasons.

    Also Before sharing articles of interest from other sources:

    In the past, we have all copied whole articles, usually including a link to the source for credit. Due to a few copyright issues that have come to our attention, we no longer recommend doing it this way. Please copy only a limited amount of the article, and include a link to the full article so the reader can view the full article intact from the original source.

    Links we like:

    References to major medical websites such as WebMD, MayoClinic, Intelihealth, CNN Health, and various hospital websites. These websites provide invaluable information for all of us. We also like links to "official" sites like WeightWatchers or South Beach.

    Links that may not be appropriate:

    Sites that sell diet pills or other diet products, other diet websites that may be using our forum as a way to advertise themselves, any link that has a reputation of being spammed here in the past. We also don't like external links if the same content is already on our website (such as BMI calculators, calorie guides, etc) since we work hard to provide this information. If you post an inappropriate link without realizing it, don't worry, it will eventually be removed by Linkosuction

    We realize that we cannot be everything to everyone, but we don't think it's fair to use our forum to advertise other websites. We believe that is a wonderful source for additional information. We also constantly battle forum spam and have to set rules to help curb it.

    Thank you for respecting this site, its owners and its members