Neanderthin Diet

  • Has anybody tried the Neanderthin Diet? Does it work? Except for the honey, it looks like a low carb diet. It doesn't allow you to have alcohol, caffiene, or sugar substitutes, which is fine by me because I have a digestive disorder and can't have it anyway. I was wondering if anyone has tried it and lost weight.
  • Neanderthin?! Are you supposed to go around clubbing your next meal over the head?
  • Lol, no! You're supposed to eat only meat, eggs, fish, veggies, fruits, and honey. The website claims it works, but I was looking for an unbiased opinion
  • I've never been able to religiously follow any program that completely bans anything, but reading this book and the Paleolithic Diet has changed the way I think about food. What would I be able to eat if I were alone in the wilderness with a sharp stick (I think one of the book talks about eating as if you were naked with a sharp stick- but I'm not sure what the naked has to do with finding food)?

    At any rate, I think both books make a lot of sense, but I found Weight Watchers Core plan a compromise I could live with, primarily eating foods as close to the natural state as possible, while still allowing moderate use of "modern" foods.

    I think a key component that the books address, but don't really stress is how hard our ancestors had to WORK for their food. Would you eat meat if you had to chase it down first? I do eat meat, but I try to remember how much work it would have taken me to "earn" my meal, so I try not to eat humongous portions of meat at one meal anymore.

    I don't know how much I've helped, but I definitely do recommend reading both books.

  • Thanks for the advice! I'll look into them
  • I noticed this was an old thread, but I came to this site looking for other paleo dieters. I went on the palodiet (Hunter/gatherer, caveman, neanderthal, etc) On July 1st of 2006. I was pretty darn careful (altho I did include small amounts of dairy, as per some versions) and lost 73 lbs by mid December. I have put on 3 lbs over the holidays, but I'm cool with that. Now I'm back to my good eating habits, and looking for other people doing the same thing.
    I love the paleolithic diet because I don't have to think too hard about what I can and can't eat. And food tastes so god. Cutting out sweeteners and processed foods wakes up your palette.
  • Quote: Lol, no! You're supposed to eat only meat, eggs, fish, veggies, fruits, and honey. The website claims it works, but I was looking for an unbiased opinion
    Ummm, that's what most people eat anyway.

    And all websites will claim their diets work.

    Diet is a 4-letter word.