Calorie Queens!

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  • Wow Gonna, that whole scenario just SUCKS! I've seen some other ladies post about the affect of hormone levels on metabolism. You might ask the doctor about that. I don't know how old you are, but some of the perimenopause things can start quite early in some women. If nothing else, it might be an avenue to check just to see.

    The ONLY other thing I can think of suggesting is to maybe exercise first thing in the morning? Like...maybe it will help to rev your metabolism a bit through the day? (Exercise, then eat). Hmmm...this whole thing sounds like trying to get my old lawnmower engine to run..... (I hope you laugh at that--I would just be SO frustrated in your shoes).

  • Nowornever, Yes that did make me Thanks!

    I will ask my DR about the premenapause thing, I am in my 30's (early) and had a hysterectomy in my early 20's so I guess that is a definate possibility. I am calling my DR tomorrow to get an appointment, so I will mention it.

    AND YES! It does SUCK!!! Seems no matter what I do I FAIL lately when it comes to loosing...oh well, like I said at least I am THIS close and not THAT far away anymore.
  • No more diets for me!!
    After gaining some more weight while "dieting" - I decided that this is it - I am going to join the Calorie Queens!! I bought the book in December after reading about it here - really liked it - and then the holidays came - I finally got it out this week and reread it and liked it even more! I have been dieting for years and getting nowhere - I am tired of getting so hungry it sends me on a food binge! I set a dream goal of 145 pds. - which puts my calories at 1740. So I just rounded them off at 1700. It is a bit scary to think of starting to eat that when I have been told so often I needed to eat 1200! I feel like a big weight has been lifted off me tonight - I do not have to diet anymore! It will be interesting to see how my journing goes. I am in no hurry.

    I tried a recipe tonight to get an idea of them - made the tuna casserole on page 261. It was wonderful!! DH liked it too! So easy to make - I will have leftovers of it tomorrow and am going to try and freeze a portion to see how works. I am excited. For once, I have not been starving all day or craving junk!

    Looking forward to sharing this journey with all of you!
  • Hmm...that's interesting about the hysterectomy because technically, you ARE already in menopause (surgical menopause). But...I wonder just how much that is affecting your metabolism--DEFINITELY worth following up on. For you, I hope they find something out of whack that can be easily fixed and that gets you revved back up again. And YES, you have made such definite progress. You know, if you're already on hormones and your dosage was set at your pre-diet level, you this new getting a dosage that is too high or too low for you now.

    I'm crossing my fingers for a solution to be found!! You'll keep us posted, right?

    Welcome Jello!

  • no I wasnt getting hormones since I still have my ovaries, but I have never had the hormone levels checked (I dont think I have at least) so when I go see my dr I will ask him about this.....thanks for bringing it up, since it happened so long ago I really dont ever think about it, I have gone most of my life without a menstral cycle so not having it is NOT unusal it is my NORM, so I will ask...thanks again.

    And, yes I know I have made good progress that is the only part that keeps me sane some
  • Good for you jello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Gonnaloose...(btw its lose not loose ..sorry thats the former teacher in me..not being ya!)
    "Anyone know of anything else that could effect my metabolism?"
    What meds are you taking? Also what about artificial sugars?
    How about trying to take a quickie walk for 5 mins after each meal or something to get revved up.

    Also you may want to consider insulin resistance..try cutting back more on carbs and upping protein and seeing what happens

    How tall are you?
  • yeah slim, I know it is lose, but sometimes I get ahead of myself when I I am also a it is so bad of me to NOT watch out...but oh well! I am not worried about it since it is just the I am on synthroid and I dont use artificial sweetners except in my 1 glass of senna tea in the morning, 1 tsp of splenda, and then I have 2 or so diet pepsi's per week. I am 5'6" tall and only in a size 10 so I am not huge by any means...I am going to ask my dr about the insulin resistance since this is something that I should consider. I do notice that now since I have added more whole wheat breads/pasta back into my diet that I have gained 1-2 pounds, so those will have to GO. My weight changes so much on a day to day basis, but always hovers around the 172-175 range....

    I cant wait to go to the dr....I cant get in until Feb 16th! Oh well, I will keep truckin

    Thanks to everyone who suggests things, I am making a list for the dr to follow up with.
  • At 5'6 and a 10..sounds like you are why worry about the scale number. Seems like you are at a good place.
  • Slim, I personally am just NOT comfortable at this size, I feel good at an 6/8 around the 155-160lb mark, so that is what my goal is. I know I dont NEED to lose much more, but living the rest of my life at 1000-1200 calories a day is REALLY unreasonable to me. I dont mind doing it for a long time but I can not see myself sticking to it I want/need to get my metabolism under some control so I can enjoy a *cheat* or unhealthy snack now and again...I mean I dont want to miss out on birthday cake or something just because myu body is I know I can have those things, but I cant see for the rest of my life stressing about every little thing I eat. I want to get to a comfortable place with my size/weight/eating habits/control over food. I am so close but like I said eating such low calories the rest of my life does not sound good to me at all.
  • Quote: living the rest of my life at 1000-1200 calories a day is REALLY unreasonable to me
    No kidding. I mean, if you have to live on those calories, you should AT LEAST be able to walk the runway for a living At that metabolic level, being off by just a few calories a day will quickly add up
  • Quote: No kidding. I mean, if you have to live on those calories, you should AT LEAST be able to walk the runway for a living At that metabolic level, being off by just a few calories a day will quickly add up

    Yeah I agree, but you know at my all time lowest weight 135 in a size 5 back in 1994, I was FAR from "runway walking" I have a bigger frame which is fine...but I want to be able to eat like a normal person again

    I did make an appointment to have my metabolic rate tested again next week since it hasnt been done since I started loosing weight in Aug 05. I am hoping it is UP at least a little, but I am not going to hold my breath for it.
  • I have officially lost 9.5 pounds PAINLESSLY using the Eucalorics concept.

    Since my goal weight is 140, I eat 1680 cals per day, however, I eat a ton of fresh (low starch) veg and fruit and I NEVER count those items. I got that from the Mayo Clinic food pyramid. Since fruits and veg are so good for you and also the foods lowest in caloric density (low cal), I don't bother stressing about the calories in them.

    This plan is working like a charm for me. What I am eating now is the same I'll be eating in maintenance. I can live with this forever.

    I suggest anyone on the fence, just read the book. I read it twice (highlighted important concepts the second time around), and now I'm about to try the recipes.

    This is the first time in my life I am losing weight without absolutely any deprivation.
  • Yeah it is a SUPER plan I love the concepts behind it. I just donated the book to my public library since I am done reading it
  • Joycelyn that is awesome! Are you eating more protein to keep in control or are you following the guidelines they give for what to eat?
  • BTW Joycelyn..what are you doing for exercise? Thanks