Purple vs. Gold

  • Hey all,

    I'm doing LAWL on my own and trying to figure out which colored plan to start with. I got the information for free, which is probably why I'm a little confused (because it doesn't make a lot of sense...lol). Can someone tell me the difference between purple and gold? According to my list, purple is just one more vegetable and larger protein sizes? And does when you eat things really matter? For instance, my list says that on gold you eat ffd for breakfast, while on purple you eat dsf,fat. TIA!!
  • mypup --

    Which plan to start on depends on how much weight you are now and how much you want to lose, and if you're doing lites or not.

    For example, I started at 228, on purple with lites. I moved to Gold at about 187 (still with lites). .

    My goal weight is 145.

    Mary is right - it doesn't matter when you eat your portions - although there is some talk that it's better to have your starches and fruit earlier in the day, especially if you're stalling.

  • Hi all, I'm starting on my own as well today. I'm starting with the red plan. I'm 233.5 and i take oral meds for insulin resistance. So, my question....red is the right one to start with isn't it? I want to make sure I read the chart correctly!
  • Cmuller - I would say red is right if you are doing lites/lunas/protein bars ? Maybe one of the chickies on the red plan will chime in.

  • my pup, if you weigh 185 or lower, I would say gold. (you are doing lites, right?)

    muller, come to the monthly thread and someone else on red might be able to help, i think youare pretty close to the purple, but maybe not quite there
  • Cmuller - RED is the right plan for you if you're also using bars. If not, you should go up to RED 1 I believe. You would move down to PURPLE at 224.