Thursday Weigh-In for December

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  • Hello, hello, hello,
    Here we are in that month, dreaded by some of us---but not all.
    We shall over come this thought. ha..ha..ha..
    We can eat healthily this month.
    Follow all the rules before going to office parties, neighborhood parties, your own get the idea?

    So, let's get on those scales every week and post the results.


  • Trying to reach Christmas goal
    Hey month, new goals! Well, I am excited that I reached my Thanksgiving goal of 40 pounds lost. I'm at 42.2 pounds gone now. I can't believe I came out of Thanksgiving with a loss..... .6 is better than the gain I was expecting. I was shocked at how easy it was to get through Thanksgiving without depriving myself. I was also shocked at how much less food I can put away now than in the past...the comfort zone has definitely decreased. haha Anyhow, my new goal for December is to get to 50 by Christmas....if not 50, 45 will work for me. I have not seen my brother and sisters since April (I started the program in July), sooooo they saw me the last time at my heaviest weight. That is my motivation for December......lose as much weight as possible by Christmas! Good luck to all!
  • I've been weighing in on Thursdays.

    12/1: -1 lb.
    12/8: -2 lbs
    12/15: -1 lb.
    12/22: -2 lbs
    12/29: -0 lbs
  • WAY TO GO to those who lost!!! I wish I could say the same. My scale shows I am back up 1lb. Oh well, I kind of expected it as I have had a couple bad days with eating. I just seem to want to munch ALL THE TIME! I am going to do better this week though. I'll get that lb off this week. Good luck this week everyone.....Take care...Sis
  • I think I've decided not to weigh until we are in the new house and settled. I fell so stressed from all that, and I don't want to scales to stress me any more than they are. lol
  • Hi all,
    SpecialK - congratulations on reaching your goal!!!!!!!
    Stagemom, keep up the good work. Please keep posting here. We also have a Chatters thread. Come over there and talk.
    Sis, get some "healthy" munchies so you don't feel bad munching.
    Tammy, you have a good idea about not weighing for awhile. You certainly don't need more stress than you already have. And, when you do weigh, I'll bet it won't be that bad.

  • Hey all, did anyone else weigh in yesterday?
  • I didn't weigh since I had to get Larry to the doctor's office by 6:30 a.m. Then, I took care of him all the rest of the day.
  • Okay group------
    It's the holiday season but we need to get on the scales and see what's happening. Who's with me this week?????
  • It's a nice day here in TX. We've just had a big rain storm. It's the perfect time to stay in and exercise.
    Hopefully we'll have some posts tomorrow about weigh-ins.
    It's been awfully quiet here.
    I know, I know, we don't want to see what the scales say.

    Good luck!!!!!

  • Good Morning! I'm down 1 pound this week, and since it is TOM I'll definetly take what I can get! Also that 1 pound moves me out of the obese category and into the merely overweight. Hurray!
  • Michelle-----
    That's a wonderful loss. Keep it up!!!!!

  • I am back to what my siggy says anyways. I just had that TOM so that may have explained the gain and the wanting to eat nonstop. LOL Anyways, hope everyone else has good luck on the scales...Sis
  • Haven't wrote in a while
    Hey all! Hope you all are good! Wow, it has been quiet here. Well, I didn't get to weigh in last week because I had to wait to attend a meeting on Tuesday here in my hometown (I just came home for Christmas from college). Anywho, I was up .4 But I'm thankful it was just that. I had finals last week, and in nursing school, finals are horrible! haha We pulled an all nighter at the library, and ofcourse the dean's office had set up snacks in the lobby. So I had no WW snacks with me and I was really really really tired by 4AM. lol So I wasn't very good. And then I ate at Chili's with my nursing friends as a celebration for making it to our final semester next semester. Anyway, I wasn't on plan. lol But after all that .4 isn't bad at all. Take care and Merry Christmas!
  • SpecialK, It has been quiet around here. NO one wants to see what the scales say.
    Congratulations on making thru another semester of nursing school. You are very, very smart to be doing that. My hat's off to you!!!!!
    And, that little gain shows how good you've been doing to have splurged.
    Keep up the good work.
    And, hopefully it won't stay so quiet around here.
