I am back but miserable

  • Hi all,
    I have not been at this board for a long time. Of course, my diet turned the wrong way and gained 10lbs. My bf is about to break with me because of my weight( that is another issue but I do not blame him) and I am so unhappy with myself.
    I work as a nanny where I have so many opportunities to eat junk. God, I love to eat and the worst is I cannot control myself. I need to lose 30 lbs and need to do it this time but I do not know what to do with my cravings. I just don't. I feel hopeless and like a looser.
    I would like an advice on where to start. I exercise 3 times a week and want to add up another 2 days to be really active but I am not sure about the eating part. Should try any of the well known diets or just cut-off calories? What about my cravings?
    Are there any pills to help with those?
    I will appreciate every advice.
  • "My bf is about to break with me because of my weight"

    That doesn't sound like someone you should be with, unless it's a health factor for you and you need such harsh actions. But at 159 i'm assuming it isn't.

    Don't feel down on yourself. I would add on those 2 more days of fitness. Have you thought about yoga, or maybe some type of sport? Being a nanny, what type of kids are you with? Maybe join in on their activities that involve fitness.

    I wouldn't recommend any pills, you should really just start eating more healthy. Maybe try eating 5 small meals a day instead of 3 big ones. This is really a trail and error process for everyone. Do you drink a lot of water? that is filling, and it gets rid of toxins in your body. When you have a craving, try grabbing something more healthy. You can also try setting up a meal plan for yourself the day before.
  • My bf was raised that way so I totally understand him even though people tell me something else.
    I look after one 21 month old girl and the there is only junk food and sweets everywhere. I will definetely try to prepare some foods for the next day and will see how it goes. When it comes to water, I just can't drink it all the time. I bought Crystal light. Is that bad?
  • I've heard Crystal Lite is good.

    As for cravings... try eating more fruits and vegetables. The fiber will fill you up, and you won't be able to down an entire bag of potato chips after you've eaten an apple and a salad and an entree.
  • Well if he was raised that way doesn't mean he can't change his ways. It might be harder, but if he makes you feel bad and he knows this and continues to do so, that's a BAD characteristic to have. Have you tried explaining to him how it makes you feel?

    I heard crystal lite is good too. I'm also not a water drinker, so i know how you feel. I usually have to LOG it like i do with my exercise. Have you tried green tea?

    Yeah, there isn't much you can do with a 21 month old yet. How about taking her for a stoll? You will get some exercise AND fresh air. Plus it's really good for her as well. Walking is a big part of fitness, even if you don't get your heart rate up as much as you would jogging. It really makes a difference.
  • TRy joining a weight loss group such as Weight Watchers or TOPS the group setting definitely gives you accountability . You really will strive to not have the scale creep up at the next weigh in . We will lose these calorie curves !
  • Kat... what you just said disturbed me a little. That you don't blame him for this behavior because he was raised that way, I don't know your boyfriend and I am probably way out of line, but this is what battered women say to defend their men after they are beaten, that it's ok because they were beaten by their fathers. You can't live life walking on egg shells.

    Now if you want to talk about losing weight for YOU then we can make some pregress here.
  • ^^Yep, Cookie. If a man is breaking up with you because you are 30 pounds over wat you'd like to be, he has serious issues. I get very angry just reading that. A woman is more than the sum of her weight and how "attractive" she is perceived as. Only a sexist pig who has no respect for you as a woman would judge you so harshly. It's not like your small amount of "extra" weight is causing you severe health problems and he can't stand to see you harm yourself with your eating habits any longer and it hurts to see you make poor choices, right? He's leaving you because of your appearance? Would he ditch you if you had a terrible car accident or became a burn victim? It seems like he's just that type of superficial jerk that would do such a thing. It may sound harsh but you deserve a man who loves you for being YOU...not because of your perceived value based on physical appearance alone. If I assumed too much, I apologise...this is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. It disgusts me to see men have such contempt and hatred for women who carry a little "extra" weight.
  • Trying a structured program is a good idea to try to lose weight. I swear by Weight Watchers. It's healthy, you don't have to cut out foods you like, and you can maintain it for the rest of your life. I also suggest adding exercise to the plan.

    As for you BF...that's really sad. Your boyfriend should be like your best friend and he should love you no matter what. I don't know what to say about that...but his love isn't what it should be. Your boyfriend should be there to help and support you in your goals. (Assuming that these are goals you set for yourself and not because of him). He shouldn't just judge you and make you feel unimportant.