Hi new here

  • Can I join you all on this forum??

    I posted on the profile thread. Just a mini recap
    I am a 40 yo mom of 3. Diagnosed with diabetes a couple of months ago. Without trying I lost about 25 lbs before diagnosis and since diagnosis I have lost another 20. 'Only' another 100 to go. I kind of hate that word 'only'. Makes it sound like such a small amount....lol.

    I am motivated, I am determined, and I am happy. I feel so much better than I did a few months ago.
  • Welcome cactusmom! Congratulations on your success thus far, you're doing great! There is a lot of great support here. I'm sure you'll fit right in. Post often!
  • WTG on the 45 pound loss so far. We have several different challenges, weekly threads and what not going. Feel free to post anywhere.
  • Welcome Cactusmom. It is only 100 lbs. That is probably a better way to look at it then a lot of us do. We tend to think it's such a big huge amount but once you get going and it starts coming off you realize it was only 100 lbs. I'm not trying to make it sound like it's nothing but you will be amazed when you get it off and look back at how quick the time went.

    I look forward to seeing you around. Glad you could join us.
  • Welcome cactusmom. You will soon fall in love with this site. There is so much support and encouragement here. I'm sure I will see you around.
  • Thanks for the welcome. I have a lot of reading to see what is going on around here
  • Welcome, welcome! Looks like we started at the same weight and are at about the same weight now! Congrats on the weight loss, especially with the diabetes diagnosis. This is a great place for support!
  • to you, cactusmom! Congratulations on your 45 pound loss!
  • Hi cactusmom! Congrats and welcome!

  • Welcome Catcusmom! This is a great forum. Post often so we can get to know you!
  • Welcome!! Post early and often, and jump right in. We're here to support one another, through all of our dieting/living/health issues. I look forward to reading more about you in the days and weeks to come.
  • Welcome cactusmom and congrts on the weight loss. I bet you will find your diabetes melting away with the pounds.