I actually lost!

  • I lost 2.2 lbs and hit my 25lb mark.
    My goal was to lose 30 lbs by my 3 month mark, there isn't any real way to do this safely. So if I get my 10% by then I'll be happy.
    I am getting a gym membership this weekend, I have changed to whole wheat and drinking stuff like crystal light to get in more water.
    I had one day over and the rest I hit all my points. Even counting all my bites licks and tastes.

  • Thats great, congrats...I have similar goals to you.....lets do this!!!!!
  • Well done - 25lb lost is definately a reason to celebrate!

    Keep up the good work!

    Love Amanda x
  • Wow, 25lbs is great! Keep it up.
  • WOW great job keep it up 25 lbs. is a huge deal to be excieted about ... CONGRATS
  • Way to go Liz!!!! That's just awesome!

  • Congratulations!!
  • Wow! WTG you must be really proud. Keep it up !
  • Great job liz!!
  • Thanks you guys. I am feeling good about. I have that thought that keeps creeping in my head about how much more i have to go but I have to remind myself this is a journey .
  • This is a journey and you really do have to take it one day at a time.

    Great Job on the 25 lbs!!
  • WTG Liz. That is so awesome. keep up the good work.
  • Way to go!