My Reward

  • I've decided on my weight loss reward ~ I'm going to buy a big bouquet of flowers for every 10 pounds I lose!! I also think the flowers on my kitchen table will be a nice way to get me through the winter months!!
  • That sounds like a great idea Sandra! I love fresh flowers!
  • That's a great idea! I love flowers, but I like having rewards I can use as anchors later- like jewelry! hehe
  • I think that's a great idea - in fact, I'm going to buy myself some flowers today!

    I've actually gained 2 lbs. in the last week , but I think I deserve a reward for losing nearly 30 lbs. since I started my new lifestyle! Sometimes we forget how far we've come when we have a bit of a setback.
  • That's such a great idea: It's an awesome anchor, and, if you're like me, you'll put the flowers right on the kitchen table -- which is a great place for a reminder
  • Yep, I'm planning on putting the flowers right smack in the middle of the kitchen table since I walk by it a hundred times every day it will be a nice reminder!!!
    Congrats on how well you all are doing so far...keep up the good work.