300+ and Ready To Try Again...#775

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  • Ammi: I know heavy women that have had perfect pregnancies.. my friend was 320 when she got pregnant. She didn't have a single problem.. and even if that is a problem being overweight it is no place for a lab tech to say anything like that.. makes me sick!
  • Good Morning Everyone!

    SueMarie ~ Thats Great!! So happy to hear about your calc grade!!

    Mom2fivesweeties ~ Enjoy your night away! They are so important to a husband and wife Congratulations!!!

    Everyone who has had bad doc experiences I feel for you. I am extremely fortunate to have a wonderful caring doctor who has never said anything negative to me. I have went to him numerous times about trying to get my weight issue under control and not once has he "commented" as some of yours have. I am truly sorry that you have had to endure the rash and rude comments that you have. It is hard enough for us to seek medical care for some things, you shouldn't have to deal with their comments.

    TamLynne ~ Welcome! I am sure you will enjoy chatting with everyone here. They all are wonderful! Sorry to hear of your miscarraige

    Well it has stopped raining finally here but it is looming again. I am going to go and try to get my walk in this morning. I haven't went in almost a week because of the weather and all the housecleaning going on. Time to get back on track! Sorry if I missed anyone I want to get outside before the rain comes down again. We are supposed to feel some remnants of Wilma today.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day Mmmm maybe I will have some carrots for lunch

    Stay strong and together we will lose
  • Guess what ladies! The best part of Halloween - Candy Corn is only 3 pts for 22 pieces!!!
  • Well yesterday was rough. Jason and I had a huge screaming fight that lasted across about 5 phone calls. I have turned into an absolutely mental case waiting for him to propose and everything sets me off and puts me on edge and makes me scared that he is going to change his mind. We were supposed to go on Wednesday after WW to a store to look at engagement rings. I found out that the store closes earlier than we thought and that we won't make it there. So I tell him this and he says "Ok so we'll go another day." My addled brain assumd that it was his way of putting it off some more and trying to get around this. So I got upset. Yeah, I know that a lot of this was TOM kicking in...but *sigh* why do men make us do such crazy things? I got done running my errands which was mid-fight and all I wanted to do was eat. I restrained myself pretty well...I had a bag of 94% FF popcorn and a bottle of water instead and then some veggies...but OOOOOHHHHH. Why does he drive me so crazy???

    End of story..we're going on Thursday night unless something else comes up.
  • Back from Truckin'...
    Lilion, You can actually STOP at 22 pieces??? I could never!

    Hello everyone - I've been gone for quite a while, off trucking, but hopefully I'm home for at least several weeks. I was here last summer off/on, and have just checked in briefly since then. I lost 30 pounds, but haven't lost any more and now it's time to really get back work. I'm looking forward to chatting with you more often - you are a wonderful source of strength, enthusiasm and, well, you understand what a big deal this is... plus, you NEVER bake me cookies, cakes and cupcakes like ALL my "friends" did last week on the same day. Talk about sabatage!

    Lori - That's fanTAStic that you 2 will have a get-away! How romantic!

    Sue - WOW! A huge congrats on that test! Calc totally defeated me. I got "A's" in Alg & Geometry, but calc took me down. It always made perfect sense when the teacher explained it, but I just could never get it.

    Congratulations, FutureDiva, on your baggy clothes and trimmer fashions! It must feel great! You too, Jeanette! You're going to BEAT your goal at this rate!

    TamLynne - My heart goes out to you for losing that pregnancy! I sincerely hope that both wonderful things happen to you - that you have that wonderful baby, and that you make whatever weight loss goal you seek! And I hope someone tells that tech to her face that if they want her insensitive and unqualified opinion, they'll ask for it, but that's not what they came for.

    Xena - I sure know how you feel about not wanting to go to the doc's, but I hope you get that pap or whatever else you need soon! I just broke down and went in for my first pap in 9-10 years and my first mammogram ever a few months ago. It wasn't a picnic, but it was no where near as bad as I'd feared and I'm glad I did it. My doc did mention that the extra weight was a hinderence in checking my overies which I had special concerns about, but she wasn't being unkind about it. She was as diplomatic and forthright as the language barrier allowed, and encouraged me to lose weight. I told her that I'd just lost 30 pounds in the past 3-4 months and she said that was good, and to keep it up. I didn't feel she was being mean, just honest.

    ...As for the RUDE wenches Response to “Did you know your weight causes you to have excess body ordor?” = So what's YOUR excuse?
    “You’re really huge for your age” = You're really rude and bitter for yours. And your nosehairs really need trimming.
    “If I give you this prescription I really want to see a dramatic loss in weight” = Do they have a pill for indiscretion or callousness, or is that incurable? I'm sorry for you if it's terminal.
    "Does your weight was hold you back from meeting people" = Well, it's incredibly rude of you to ask, but no. It certainly doesn't hold me back as much as your callousness and rudeness must hold you back... and your nose hairs STILL need trimming.
    ....I have a little behavioural problem of my own - I see no reason to be polite to rude people, and I'm really intolerant of people I'm PAYING being rude. Case in point: evil made flesh-Verizon. Unfortunately, when they catch me offguard or embarass me it's tough to think of somethinig quickly enough to put them in their place. Honesty isn't the issue, it's attitude. I'm with you, Ammi - you don't have to take rudeness.
  • Okay so I'm new around I just stumbled onto the 300+ area yesterday and had been kinda sick so I didnt get to post much of anything yet...

    The whole thing Tammy was saying about the horrid lab person I know all about that.. so I have PCOS and I had to go into my specialist to have some tests run a couple weeks ago and we thought we might be preg so I asked if she could ask the dr is he would add it on to the labs they were already running... she's just like well how late are you and I told her almost 3 weeks and she was like well wait till the first part of nov then they may want to run some labs.. but she was just refusing and all like "I know best" type thing... so I was fine with it at the time so last week I start bleeding like heavy and I wasnt even thinking about the preg thing anymore even thou I still felt like it.. and I was cramping wicked bad.. so it looks like I may have miscarried a second time and I'm going to be pissed if I did cause I told her I needed to have it checked then because I miscarried at 6 weeks last time.. I know my doctor would have said go ahead and test for it because he told me anytime I think I am to come in as soon as I miss my cycle and yeah.. so anyways yeah I hate those medical techs that are like "I know best and that's all that counts" but yeah so that was my randomness for the moment..

    Okay so on a happier note my goal right now is to lose 20 by christmas.. If I lose it faster that would be great but keeping it off is the problem.. so we'll see
  • Hey Lori, congrats on the prize enjoy it!
  • Valerie -- You are so right that there is a polite and rude way to discuss weight with people. I would think that people in the medical profession would be aware of that, but perhaps there's no time to train them to actually deal with patients!

    Julee -- I think I was lucky that my then-husband-to-be really surprised me with his proposal -- good luck!

    TwistAngel -- I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through. Welcome to the group!
  • Hi I am new to the board and I started WW 6 weeks ago today. My starting weight was 367.6 and the highest I have ever been. It was quite a shock to see those numbers when I started out but I am not going to let it get me down I am prepared to take up to 3 years to get rid of all this extra and am looking to meet lot's of new people on here that I can look to for support when I get down.

    I am working toward a 20 pound weight loss by December 20th and am posting to another thread "buddies looking to lose 20 pounds or less by Christmas".
  • Tammy – WELCOME I’m so sorry to hear about your awful experience with the doctors as well… and even more sorry that while you were going through all this you had a miscarriage *big hugz* Welcome to the group. There are a great group of ladies here and we all are great support to each other. Make yourself at home.

    Jen415 – YOU CAN DO IT!!! 1 Moreto go!! Woohooo!!!

    Wyllenn – Good for you for keeping up with your exercise. I know what you mean about being overwhelmed with work. Between work, school, home life and homework… I honestly get stressed out just thinking about it hehehe. I pretty much, get up in the morning, do homework or study, go to work, after work go to school, then when I get home I either cook dinner, clean house, or go back to homework. EEK

    Ammi – BITE HIM BITE HIM!!! Okie well maybe not bite him hehehe… that’s usually my smart reply to everyone… bite me! Hehehe I would more than likely open my mouth up to the doctors as well, specially if she gives me lip again. I’ve been making any attempts I can to see the doctor instead of her, but I know I can’t keep making up new questions to ask the doctor just to get the doctor instead of the nurse

    Lilion – candy corn heheheh… I wish I liked the stuff… but maybe it will fix my sugar cravings if I have any…. I tend to reach for tootsie rolls tho hehehe

    Julee – nothing like stress and TOM! Let us know how things go on Thursday…. Oh and the driving us crazy part… I think it’s in their contract somewhere…. But if you look at our contract… it says we have the right to annoy and be pains in the rears as well… (the relationship contract) Everytime James calls me a pain I tell him that’s because it’s in my contract to bug you at least twice a day heheheh…

    Valerie (Nolifewithouthorses) – I completely agree!! Calc always made sense when they were giving their lecture notes or explaining how to do a problem you couldn’t get (even though you tried for 10 hours heheh). They make it seem sooo easy… then you are like well no duh! Then when the exam comes, you go blank. Gotta love it! Good luck with getting back on program and a huge WELCOME BACK!

    Twisted – WELCOME!

    Sheri – WELCOME!

    I’m feeling renewed strength with work and school… I just dunno how long it’s going to last. I’m still a bit sickly hehehe, but I’m still thanking the makers of Dayquil for the wonder drug! Hehehehe…Even if it just masks the symptoms, at least I’m not miserable.

    I almost had a hang up yesterday… we went out to eat because it was late and everyone tired. We did a lot of yard work and I got my roses pruned down and I even repotted two plants. I’m attempting to grow a gardenia plant inside. I have it sitting next to a window for sun. The tag that came with it said “shade to partial sun” so I’m hoping that it being by the window will do it well. I just love the smell of gardenia, and I’m hoping it will take the staleness out of my house. I also gotta pray that my cats will stop eating the leaves!!! Grrr

    Does anyone know if I can spray that bitter apple stuff on the plant to keep the cats from eating it? I just don’t want to harm the plant.

    Anyways about my close hang up yesterday… we went out to dinner at Denny’s. I ordered the chicken club and had a side salad with it and I had a diet coke (though I should have had water). Kid orders their nacho appetizer and so I’m sitting there eating my salad and just as I’m done, the waitress brings the nachos. So I’m like WOW! I chow down and then my dinner comes. I’ve already eaten like half the nachos. So I decided I’ll eat the nachos and pack the sandwich for dinner tommorrow. So what could have turned out to be a bad thing, turned into a not such a bad thing. If that makes any sense. I was a good girl either way. I could really have eaten everything in sight hehehe.

    Well ladies… I’m off to work. Take care!
  • Sheri -- Welcome!! We've all seen numbers on the scale we just don't like. You sound like you have a good attitude about it and this group is great for support and understanding!

    Sue -- Way to go to catch yourself at Denny's! Good thinking to bring the sandwich home. It's the small things that are going to get us there.

    I DID end up exercising tonight. I did NOT want to do it, but I did. Yay me!
  • Well I haven't been around since Sunday because my internet has been down. I actually felt like I was having withdrawals because I come on here everyday to read everyone's posts plus do my own posts and I couldn't get on. Anyways thank goodness it is up an running after a few phone calls to the cable company. Looks like I missed a lot of posts. Welcome to all the new people and congrats to all the losers. Ammi-- I did read your posts about your visit at the hospital and I am so sorry that you had to listen to that crap...I can't wait until you go back in 6 months so you can show them how much weight you have lost. Well gonna go read some more posts.

  • Disney-bound!

    Well, okay. I need to pack, I haven't done ANY packing. And then I need to secure the house for the trip. Then I need to go to work for 3 hours. Then I need to drive 500 miles. Then I need to sleep, and wake up, and check into my Disney on-site hotel... but then, Disney. :-)

    In cleaning out one of my larger, seldom-used suitcases today, I found $200 in traveler's checks from 2002! Woo hoo! I assume they're still good, I'm going to take them by my bank because I thought they might have trouble cashing them elsewhere with the date so old, I don't know. It's surprise money.

    I'm just wishing I'd gotten more sleep lately. I've gotten 6 hours a night for 2 nights now, and I wasn't planning on sleeping in at Disney. I guess I'll see how it goes, though. It is a vacation, after all.
  • RAbidstoat: Which Disney? I live about an hour away from DisneyWorld in Florida and have NEVER BEEN!! I guess I'm waiting for my godson to come visit and take him!
  • Welcome Sherri!