Weekend Chat, October 22nd and 23rd

  • Good Morning LC Chicklets

    How's everyone today. Got plans to stay op this weekend, I hope?

    Nothing much happening here, sosdd. Its raining out so I'll be home cleaning for much of the weekend. How about you?
  • Good Morning

    Raining here too Leenie. Its suppose to rain around here for the next week. I might actually get some work done around the house then

    Not much happening around here today, we took off yesterday and had a nice drive thru the country. The colours are so pretty right now. Good timing too....all the rain will knock everything off the trees.

    Im not op, but I will be on Monday. Trick or Treat candy keeps jumping into my mouth

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Today I'm cutting out tea, im addicted, wish me luck!
  • Good Luck Lottie....buy why? Black tea? I hate the withdrawals from caffine!!
  • I drink black tea with too much (any?) splenda and heavy cream. the caffiene,s pleda and heavy cream are all culprits of stalls and i'm not gonna wait 6 weeks to see if I'm stalling I'm cutting it out now! I'm having black decaf iced tea now.....i's been keeping me awake anyhow!
  • ooooooooooooh ok, I see then.

    Well, I decided to start back on track today instead of Monday. I feel like crap, and the weather isnt helping.

    Not much else happening, Im going to check out a leslie sanstone, walk away the pounds this afternoon. Other than that, not alot of excitement in my little world (just the way I like it )

    Have a great Sunday!
  • Hi ladies,
    Checking in again, the weather sucks and i spent part of the day making chocolate covered pretzles for a bakesale this week. got board and took pictures of Dixie in a halloween costume! Poor puppy but she does look cute!

    The good new is with the addition of the pup I have been at least getting out for a little bit of walking
  • Lottie, good luck staying away from the tea! I was never a tea girl myself, but the way you make it sounds just scrumptious!

    I cheated and weighed this evening, I just COULD NOT wait for 6 more days! Anyway, the scale says 217 tonight, so I'm just thrilled. My back has really REALLY been hurting but I walked a mile today anyway, I just keep thinking if I walk through it I will make it stronger. Not sure about my reasoning though, we'll see......I really wanted to do 2 miles but didn't want to be bound to the bed when I need to be making money.

    On an exciting financial note, dh told me yesterday that he is getting paid a week later than normal. With no way to know this, all the bills have been mailed and I guess we'll be paying up the nose for bounced checks. Wait, did I mention he's off on tue, wed and thursday? I just can't wait to spend three financially stressed days with him, it will be a most joyous ocassion. So everyone wish me luck and I'm sure I will be in here often to get some good low carb vibes.

    The whole time I was walking I kept thinking how awesome it will be to be under the 200's. Thinking about it, I think, will help me stay on track.

    Robin, you're so funny...when I read your post I pictured little snickers just jumping out of the bowl into your mouth. too funny!!

    anyway, sorry to be so yacky again Have an awesome weeks girls!!!

  • Tomorrow I'll be hitting the scale. Just to see what the damage is that I have to undo. Then it's no more soda (unless the headache is too killer. Then I'll get the 1/2 cans of soda....but plan on trying to tough it out for a couple days). And back on induction tomorrow. The weekend was sweet but sad. Sad cuz I missed my DH and DD's way too much and sweet because I learned SOOO much and it energized me!!!
    I can't WAIT until I'm back on track See you in the morning