On line food tracker ?????

  • Does anyone know of a free web site that I can go in and type my food intake in, and my exercise in?
    The web site was recommended here but cannot remember when or where. It was really good made graphs and everything.
  • Fit day is commonly used (www dot fitday dot com) although many of the foods I eat are not available in thier list (I eat all sorts of interesting plants, legumes and beans ).
  • The other one a lot of people use is nutridiary.com
  • I use fitday.com - it really helps to keep me accountable! I've never heard of nutridiary, but I'm definitely going to check it out! (Thanks Wyllenn!!) ...
  • Huh ... I couldn't get www.nutridiary.com to open - well, it opened but it's not active - meaning the domain name is now available for purchase ... guess I'll stick with fitday.
  • Stacye- I got the link to work, maybe it was just a fluke? Ah well, looks interesting at least!
  • Stephie ... well, must have been a fluke!! LoL It worked for me too this morning! I'm going to check it out - thanks for letting me know!