Thursday Chat 10/20

  • I stepped on the scale yesterday and didn't like it. But between TOM and the carbs last weekend it was to be expected. I'm looking forward to Monday and starting fresh again. Going to do induction and all.
  • Brenda, sorry the scales tipped a little. Way to jump back on the wagon though

    And for me, I'm going to try changing my strategy. Instead of weighing five times a day, which has been nothing but aggrivating, I am going to try to just weigh once a week and hope that this helps. Also, I am looking into getting or making some kind of inspirational bracelet, just something simple to remind me to hang in there. And last but not least I am sticking to you all like glue! (poor 3fc atkins friends ). If I don't make myself accountable I will just go pig out...must stay accountable.

    It's another gorgeous day outside and I've got tons to do!

    Did i read here that someone makes candles? DO TELL me more about them, I'm a candle-holic!

  • sorry, I just have a couple of questions for y'all.

    I'm wanting to make a 'short term goal' for Thanksgiving day and was wondering what you all thought a reasonable, reachable goal for that day would be. Would 18 lbs be setting my goal too high??

    Also, how often do you excercise and if you walk, how often and how far?

  • Good Morning

    Lacey~ 2lbs a week is a very good goal, and reasonable.

    Lottie~ great job getting back on track!

    Fell off the wagon yesterday, but Im back at it today. I have to get back to exercising sore back had pretty much did me in. Lacey, I work out 6 days a is the break down

    Mon, Wed, Fr....weights. I alternate upper and lower workout.
    Tues, Thurs, Sat.....cardio!
    I'll walk everyday its nice enough to walk outside...and its 2.8 miles I go.

    Not much new around for coffee at starbucks in a bit, then maybe I'll be able to drag dh over to the park for a walk.

    Have a good one!