Anybody looking to lose around 50 pounds?

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  • Hiya Ladies
    Hi ladies!

    I'm Jayne, I'm 30 and think i weigh around 93kgs and 5'3. I carry a bit of muscle so I'm going by clothing sizes (even tho i have a tracker below) because the scales can do my head in (right now i'm an 18 Aus). I live on the NSW Central Coast in Australia where summer is just about upon us.

    Because of living in Australia it would be great for me to have a board started up as i am kinda out of sinc, time zone wise, with the rest of you. But it's cool if you want to chat or email, i'll just try to work around the times.

    I'm currently lowcarbing but i'm not going overboard with the fats. And i have just realised that walking on the beach is good for the mind as well as the body so, as i live 10 mins from one, i'm going to go walking most mornings.I I would lift weights but i can't afford to go to a gym at the moment, and i dont' have room for my weights at home. So i'm looking up exercises that i can do with just bodyweight. Hoping to gain some muscle to really scuplt my bod.

    Anyway, take care and have fun! Good weight loss to all of us!!

  • Welcome Faith and congratulations on the 14lbs.

    Elisha, you asked how I started running. I signed up for a Learn To Run Clinic at The Running Room. I had never run before in my life so I really didn't know what to expect. From what I have learned so far on my journey, my advice to you wuold be to keep building on what you can already do. I have been told not to increase you distance/time by more than 10% per week. So maybe you can do 3-4 sets of 30 sec. jog/5 min walk and then do 1 set where you do a 45 sec. jog/5 min walk. Then the next week you could do 2-3 sets of 30 sec. jog and 2 sets with a 45 sec. jog. And you can keep building form there. I never would have thought 5 months ago that I would be starting to enjoy myself or that I would have a goal to run a half marathon in 2007.

    Hope everyone is having a positive week.
  • mommy2aliya: congrats on the feels good to be able to do something that you never imagined you were capable of!

    When I started running again it was hard for the first week or so, but then started to progressively get much easier. Now I can run for 5 minutes, walk for 1 minute, and I usually do that for about 30-40 minutes. My goal (for now!) is to be able to run 5 km (uh, I think around 3 miles?) without stopping.

    My advice for anyone considering running is to not give up, even if you feel you can't do it. It WILL get easier with practice!
  • I sure want to be a buddy! support is just what I need. and accountability! I joined curves, and i walk every day. I am on my 4th day of the southbeach phase 1. I have heard alot of goog things about it. hope you dont mind me just busting in here! hahaha.. stay strong!!. mary

  • Hello ladies, can I join the club as well? I think having a buddy can help keep me encouraged. I am looking to lose 40lbs. I've tried everything and nothing seemed to really fit me. So I'm back at it again trying LA Weightloss hopefully I am successful.
  • Also is there anyone out there who lives in PG County, MD and has a curves membership and want to buddy up?
  • I'm in too!
    Hi ladies. Can I join in too? I'm Amy from Monterey County, CA. I just turned 27 in October. I have a 2 1/2 year old son and recently had a miscarriage at 13 weeks pregnant. It was after the miscarriage that I decided that I needed to focus on getting to a healthy weight.

    I have been doing a low carb high veggie & fruit diet with no refined sugars and such. It's worked so far. In the last month I've lost 11 pounds. Now I'm looking for emotional support to help me lose the rest. My husband doesn't understand what it's like to be overweight, he's never been anywhere close to fat in his life. He is really good support for my exercise program though. I have been doing the elliptical trainer and bike riding (the real kind, outside & everything) for cardio (4-ish days a week) and weight training 3 times a week. I'm looking forward to getting to know you ladies better.
  • Hi. I would love to join you ladies.I,m looking to lose about 50lbs.mrs.e333
  • new here
    I'm new.. I'm late 50s.. i'm 50 pounds over weight but i'd be happy to lose 10 or 15 to get started. I have some health issues that limit exercise (which is a vicious cycle) , and I don't eat chicken or meat... i can do some exercising..swimming, sitting bike.. etc.. I need someone to talk to about this.. i am bursting out of my skin.. feeling terribly uncomfortable.
  • Hi.I would love to join you girls.May I.mrs.e333
  • Welcome to all of you new chickies!

    3FC is a wonderful support arena! Stick with the chicks, and I know you'll accomplish your goals!

  • hello I just joined yesterday. I am 37 and live on the coast of Oregon. I have been in a TOPS group for a year, actually as of April I am the Leader. My problem is eating. I seem to always eat and always worry about being fat. I need a buddy. I would love to join you ladies. I have been reading about eating disorders and Think I might have a compulsive eating disorder. I plan on making a DR appt on Monday. I weighed 97 lbs when I graduated High school (way too skinny) but now i weigh 168 AGH!! OK I have written to much extra info. In regards to all the questions either on all. Thanks 4gr8kdz
  • Hi.. yeah.. definitely anyone can add me over MSN [email protected] or wherever.. just PM me, I have most of the instant messengers.

    I'm glad my thread caught on! Would love to talk to all of ya and have our support group.
  • I could use a buddy, too...

    I need to lose about 70 pounds, but 50 would be a start!

  • sandy
    I have just joined today and could use a buddy. I just started on weightwatchers yet again and I hope that this time I can do something with it. I do so well all week that low it IG time on the weekends. I am not gaining which is a good thing ut I don't lose either. I get so upset with myself. Any good advise from anyone???