Introducing Me

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  • Hi Sonja,

    Ok So I was MIA for a couple of days. Wednesday I celebrated 3 years of marriage. And I have been trying to get on track. I weighed in today and I was a no-loss, but I didn't gain either. So I am going to be pleased with that. I was really expecting a gain. I am going to do better this week. Starting tomorrow, I am ready to get some major exercising done. I am hoping to go for a walk as well. We'll see how I do.

    I try to shop and pick healthy choices for myself. I get some fruit and veggies plus some yogurt. I am pretty pleased with what I picked out. I just have to try to watch my portions still. I am still trying to get the whole stop when I have the full feeling. Just hard to because I was raised to eat what you have on your plate.

    Yeah I know I am going to have to struggle with self esteem after losing weight. I am sure I will see something that I don't like about myself. I am just going to have to work through it. It will just take some time. I think if I can atleast lose the weight then I will be half way there to feeling good about myself. I just need to get on the Extreme Makeover Show. I am sure I wouldn't mind a tummy tuck and a couple other procedures to go along with it. Nothing like getting a total makeover. That would be an experience. I think I would almost rather do it with a friend. It would be odd being cooped up with no one to talk to.

    I would love to get out and run but I am going to have a lose a few more pounds before that will be feasible. It's getting colder out and I'm less likely to get out of the house. I hate to go out in the cold. Especially if I don't have too.

    I have been wondering if the DH is wanting to hamper my progess. We were watching a commerical for Trimspa and they showed the before and after pics of the people. And well he had me a little upset. He thought the women looked better in their before pics. Makes me wonder what he is going to think of me if I lose all the weight that I want. Is he going to think I looked better before then after. I feel like he is trying to hinder my progress. I find myself wanting something and he's like, " Go ahead, you can't deprieve yourself. A little bit won't hurt you." Well it might not hurt me, but somethings are harder to control when eating. I'm trying to think what his motives are.

    So how are things going for you?

    Ok.. enough rambling. I should get to bed.
  • Having no gain is good! It means you do not have to beat yourself up too much! congratulations on 3 years! the first years are the hardest (I am told) I hit the big 10 year next year, and DH is hoping to finally have a honeymoon! LOL! maybe if I have a beach body! slim, tanned! Then he can convince me to go away to a resort for a week! (its next May! I might make it! LOL!Now I just need to save some money!! LOL! Money is pittiful at the moment! I have been waiting to go back to work, but they haven't contacted me yet! and christmas and kids!Luckily I have all their presents done already,and luckily i ordered Chrisco this year)
    How is your job hunting doing? I hope you have found something, or find something soon, or get that hubby out and working!
    Trimspa? (don't have it here) yes I am sure your DH will worry more if you lost weight, he will think about all the guys actually looking at you (when you are overweight guys just look past you) but that is something he has to deal with. Just think on how much better you will feel! You would feel like superwoman! you would be a star!
    My DH is not to concerned if I lose weight , I have been down to my goal weight about 3 times since I had my last DD (6 years) my problem is keeping down!, although he doesn't comment when I am fat, I think he likes me better when I am normal, because I am more comfortable with myself and then we do a lot more! He loves going to the beach, and hiking and all the outdoors stuff, and when I am feeling like a blimp I just will not go. When I am a normal weight I love going out. He does worry on losing me to other guys, but I think he worries just as much when I am big (who knows why, no one wants a blimp!)

    Instead of walking when the kids are at school (summer is almost here, walking in 38-40 deg cel, heat is not on!) I have started walking late in the afternnoon, it is dayllight savings now, so it does not get dark until 8pm, so I make and have dinner then me and a friend go for a walk.

    I don't think my weight loss is going to be high this week (I tend to have one high week and one low to normal week) so I know it is only going to be about 1 pound! which does get me down, but I know it is all a step in the right direction.
    I have noticed some huge changes in my food preferences! I went to eat a bowl of noodles (the flavoured pre pack ones you add boiling water to and wait) but could not eat more than 1/3 of it, I just couldn't stomach it! so I ended up giving it to the kids and getting an apple. It was a low calorie one, so well within my food plan, but still I just did not want it!

    My Dh offers me food ALL the time, he is a big eater! Last night he offered me a bowl with custard, ice cream, canned fruit and chocolate! It is hard saying no, then having him sit next to you and eat it. But I know he is not deliberately trying to sabotage me, he is just naive about diets, and thinks he is being nice. He has never struggled with weight in his life, if I asked him to go out and get me a pizza, he would, and just the same if I asked him to go buy me some watermelon he would, He just likes to know he is needed and likes to keep me happy. I love it about him, but it makes it so easy to cheat myself out of being the healthy person I am aiming for.

    I could handle a complete makeover! (If only someone paid for it!!) I would get... (now here's a list!!!)
    1 - breast augmentation! (I am totally pear shaped, and a little upper boost might even it out a little)
    2 - tummy tuck (that baby flabby tummy, doesn't go away even when you are at your goal weight
    3 - lipo on the saddlebags ( MY worst area )

    Actually that would be it! ( I can't think of any more , which is something! Maybe I am not as bad as my mind tells me!)
    DH actaully watched a show on cosmetic surgery overseas and how much cheaper it is. ($2500 instead of $10000) including airfair, and he actually semi agreed that I could save for the boobs if I wanted! Though in reality he hates cosmetic surgery? so I don't know how he'll re-act if I did do it???)
    Maybe for the fun of it I should price it all out and start a savings plan..... ROFLMAO!!!!

    Keep up the positive mindset!!!!!!!!!!!! and do this for YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Yes I try to reassure myself that a loss is great, but a no gain is good as well. It means I don't have to struggle take off that pound that I let creep back up on me. It just gets so frustrating to look at the scale to see it at a stand still. I keep telling myself that I am doing better then I was a year ago. I was 235 so I am doing well. It just is taking longer then I like. But I guess slow and steady wins the race.

    Yes it has been a stuggle. I keep hoping that things get better, but with him who knows. I just think he really needs to grow up and do some soul searching. If we didn't have Emily, I might be more forgiving towards him. But he just doesn't want to seem to grow up. It's like he wants me to be his mommy figure. His mother died when he was about 8 from leukemia.(He's 24 now) And to think I am his 2nd wife. Anyways, his first wife was about my age too. I really think he is looking for a mother figure. I really wish his father would speak up and tell him to start being a man and not a boy and start supporting your family. It's like he will try any stupid like idea online from an online business, making and selling soap to writing ads for jewelry. Why can't he just go and get a real job? Or try to go to school. Do something with his life? It just really frustrates me. I think that it one reason I haven't gotten a new job. I am hoping that he will step up to the plate and try to do something. Boy was I wrong. I am hoping to get my brother to come out here to get me and take me home. I think a fresh start is just what I need right now. I just need to be around family.

    Ok.. well I am glad my DH doesn't offer me food. He doesn't eat sweets or ice cream. His downfall is butter. I swear he's addicted to it. I have watched him take a stick and take a bite from it. YUCK. That is so not healthy. I am trying to figure out better ways to cook for us and then he can use butter with what he wants. I really think that he would be jealous if I lost the weight. I have enough trouble getting out of the house to go places. Imagine if I was looking pretty good. I think he would keep me in lockdown.

    Total makeover.. Yes.. I so want to have one. Because I know I am going to need something when I lose the weight. Things just don't hang right after you lose weight.

    I want all 3 of the ones that you mentioned. Definitely a tummy tuck. Heck I would probably lose about 5 pounds just from that. Breast augmentation. I think they would have to do a reduction and then probably have to get some implants.
    I'll take lipo where ever it is needed. I don't think I would need a face lift. I think just have the eyes lids done. I would be willing for just about anything. And as you said it would be great if we didn't have to pay for it. Ok.. so I am weird .. I daydream about how great it would be to go on Extreme makeover. Not that that would ever happen to me, but a girl can dream. I guess I just need to win the lotto so I can pay for it myself.

    So how are things going? I hopped on the scale the other day and it said I was down 2 lbs but I am not really going to count it. I want to see what the scales say on Sunday. Anything is possible. We'll see what happens.
  • LOL! I will make a pact with you! If I win lotto we will both go to hong kong and suffer the pain of a make over together!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I always lose the weight then look at the belly!! OH BOY!!!!!!!! Its so gross! I can actually tuck it into my pants to hid it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes I wish I could just cut the lose flap of skin off. maybe I should started saving a little, and if I keep the weight of for a year get it done.

    I swear my DH just needs a mother figure too, must be a guy thing, I truelly think he cannot survive without me! I cook for him (he can cook, but only when he could be bothered) I wash, clean.... I have to clean up after him, he will make a sandwich and leave all the stuff on the bench! He forgets it lives in the fridge.... I always say that my MIL did too much for him, she used to do everything for him even when he was 23! Once I caught her folding his underwear, and putting his washing away! I said to her "can't he do it for himself" and she nearlly died! how dare I say that. She used to make his bed (at 23), so I suppose I should have expected to have a dependant , not just a partner. I usually say... GEEZ!! there are 4 people that live in this house and ONE of them does all the work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or I say I have 3 children to look after (not just 2).

    It would have been harding losing a mother at 8, but your DH needs to become the father (lead) figure for you daughter. It would be hard all round, I had my DH home for a while (he can't make up his mind on his career, one minute he wanted to be a barattendant, next a salesperson, then a courier...) so there are times between work when he is at home, and it nearly drove me batty! Once (after 6 months at home) I made him dress up, dragged him into the car, I did up a resume on the computer, copied it and copied references, and I drove him everywhere, and made him walk in and ask for a job! I did it for 3 days straight (ALL DAY!) I think we put in over 50 resumes. Yes he got a job, but it always takes me to drag his A** around to look for one..................... LIKE I AM HIS MOTHER!!!!!!
    so I do understand.... very well...
    Now he is trying to get away from one job (again) and has been offered another and is sitting and ummming and arrrrring about it, I just want to choke him , I have even said "just take it!" what more does he want... really!

    OK Enough whinning about the DH!!!!! LOL!!!
    I have faired well this week and hope to lose at least 2 pounds. I actually went and whipper snipped and mowed my yard, and since I was covered in sweat surely it burned a few calories. (so I am using that as my excercise today) And tommorrow DH wants to go kayaking again! So time to face the swimwear again! (It is getting easier week by week. I am 5 pounds lighter, should look a little less whale like)

    Talking of lipo!!!! my MIL was going to spend $18 000 sucking all her fat out! but luckily the doctor preforming it said "no way" she is diabetic ,gout, and lots of other problems, she is too risky to put under.
    I told her I would take her walking every day, just give me the money! But alas she was not happy with that idea. she joined curves but is mad as she hasn't lost anything.! She is not that big 176 pounds (maybe 5 foot 4), but she will not excercise at all. If only I had the spare money!
    IT all comes down to money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ps. I love the avator.. It really sums it all up for me!!!! LOL!