October chat

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  • I'm still around but have not been posting as much as I am busy with work and some projects I am working on at home.

    Nothing new to report here except that DH and I have been diligently working on our finances and getting better at budgeting - not very exciting but necessary. I am hoping to be out of debt by December 2007 at least our car is paid for so that is one less payment

    Did I mention that the washing machine broke down about a week 1/2 ago? I'm still waiting on the part to come in so it can be fixed
  • Went to the Dar Williams concert last night, she was amazing. Got lots of walking in killing time between dinner and the show. Tried a new flavor of pocky, cheesecake. It actually wasn't bad, but definitely not a replacement for my beloved men's pocky (dark chocolate)
  • As requested, a definition of polyamory from www.polyamory.com:
    Polyamory means "loving more than one". This love may be sexual, emotional, spiritual, or any combination thereof, according to the desires and agreements of the individuals involved, but you needn't wear yourself out trying to figure out ways to fit fondness for apple pie, or filial piety, or a passion for the Saint Paul Saints baseball club into it. "Polyamorous" is also used as a descriptive term by people who are open to more than one relationship even if they are not currently involved in more than one. (Heck, some are involved in less than one.) Some people think the definition is a bit loose, but it's got to be fairly roomy to fit the wide range of poly arrangements out there.

    Tani - I love Pocky but now I have seduced by it's cousin Pucca (or Koala) which are crispy pocky-like shells with liquidy chocolate filling. http://asianideas.com/kochbi.html
  • Jessica, Japanese candy is the best. There's just something about eating things that are so cute My old favorites were called milk puffies... or something like that. I haven't seen them in the stores for a while. They were little girl head shaped biscuits with choco/strawberry coating.

    They also usually come in great little portion control packaging
  • The Koala packets have little 2 frame cartoons on them. I swear to goddess they are hard to decipher. One packets had what APPEARED to be the Koala character will his hand down in pants, the second frame had him blushing with a little heart above his head. I can only ASSUME what was going on there! ROFLMAO I kept it in my office for like six months.
  • Good morning all and Happy Friday!

    I said my first "hey" up in Paganchick, but I'll introduce myself again - I'm Terri, have been on and off haunting alternachick and another thread for years now and have finally decided to just hang out here. I'm a happily divorced eclectic witch and sensitive (so I've been told anyway). I live with 3 sister cats - Luna, Stella and Maia - in my first home (love owning a home!) on 5 acres in central Oregon. Deer, racoon, quail, skunks and a variety of birds are my neighbors. I did have an owl living in one of my trees, but he moved on after mating season ended - thankfully - my mom lives about 100 yards away was worried about her outside kitties while Mr. Hoot was hanging out in my tree!

    I have a close circle of girlfriends here and we get together often. I also have two very long time girlfriends in CA - one of which is 18 weeks pregnant so I'm gonna be an auntie again!!!!! Her daughter is 14 so it's been a long time since I've held a baby... I've been invited to the home birth of another friend (due 12/17) and was asked to give the baby a blessing after her birth - which I'm very scared and honored to do! No significant other as of yet, but I've been told that one's on his way - I have a male friend in L.A. that has the potential to be 'it'. We shall see.... I really think I might've become too independant to let anyone into MY space again!

    Weight wise, I've lost and regained over a hundred pounds over the years. At one time I worked for Weight Watchers as a leader, which I loved doing. But a variety of traumas - divorce, my mom's breast cancer (I was her main care taker - she's fine now!), a LOT of deaths - both my grandmas in a year, grandfather, best friend's son, mom's best friend and finally stepfather, all just took their toll on my will and want. I just haven't cared about my body or how it feels. But I feel all that slowly changing... I guess I'm kinda finally coming to after the last couple years of all the bad stuff.

    I have a trip to Fiji planned for September 2006. I really, really don't want my weight to be an issue by then - I don't want to stress about what will I wear? What CAN I wear? Ya know... I want to be able to hang out at the pool, with a swim-up bar and not think about how I must look. Not to mention being comfortable during the 18 hour plane trip!

    So that's me, I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys. Goddess Jessica, you've already had me laughing! What a naughty koala!

  • TELL me about men and weight!!! DH has always had to be careful not to LOSE weight, and he is now starting to worry about his "thickening" waist. At 6 feet tall and 170 pounds he doesn't have much to worry about!! I keep on telling him he has a "cute little tummy." Actually, this is a change for him, since most of our marriage he has struggled to stay above 150; but being about 100 pounds over weight this seems silly to me!!!

    Been busy lately!! My therapist is trying to get me off the computer and out of the house more. It IS good for me, but it is tempting to spend money when I do that!!

    DS18 came home to visit 2 weekends ago, for the first time since starting at U of Mich. OKAY, it has only been about a month and a half, but I've missed him!! I'm trying to give him his space (remembering how much I wanted MINE at that age!) but I am STILL occasionally reaching for 4 plates etc...

    DS15 is starting to wise up!!! For those of you who don't know the history, he was REALLY screwing up in school. He is improving, and all his teachers say he is contributing in class. His government teacher actually gives him a minute at the end of class to speak his mind, so others get a chance during class!! (She calls it by his name! She says he has a unique perspective that she thinks other kids should hear...MY SWEET LITTLE RADICAL!! I'M SO PROUD!!!) ANYWAY (ahem) he is still not performing up to potential, but he is doing MUCH better. I think he needed to be out from his brother's shadow. With DS18 gone, the school is now more HIS.

    Jessica-Sounds like my kind of Koala!!

    Punkin-HI! Didn't you used to have a kitty avatar? Sounds like you have had a rough time of it recently. I understand EXACTLY what you mean. My last couple of years haven't been AS bad, but they have been bad enough. Weight has been about the last thing on my mind. It sounds like you have a great group of friends, and THAT helps quite a bit. Hope things are easing up for you.

    Hope you all have a great week!!
  • Hi Dentrassi!

    Ya know, a long time ago I think I did have a kitty avatar! I've changed it a couple times.... after Samhain I think the bats are gonna go too. Good to "see" you again!

    Hope everyone's doing well! I'm on day #2 of no junk food. Feelin' sane actually, and I might have to attribute that to the yummy yerba mate I've been drinking lately. Good stuff!

    Til later,
  • I like the bats!! Actually, maybe I should change MINE...it has been a while....now WHERE did I put that Marmite pictue?!?
  • Quick fly by since I am falling asleep at the keyboard.

    Welcome Back Ms Punkin!

    Den - I am very glad your DS is doing well! And I am sure DS18 realizes (or will soon enough) no matter how old her gets, he will still be your baby. I know my mom is that way too, and I will be 28 shortly.

    Good luck on the documentary Jessica! Love the Koala story.

    Hi everyone else!

    Just been insane busy at work, and most days quite a bit stressed. I have a good boss, so it helps, but some of it is out of his control. I have been having massive mood swings that have lasted longer then a few days (which is the first time in over a year. ) Damn. But trying to get that in check too. Probably work related somewhat. I like what I do, I just don't always like my job. Plus other dumb things I have done (or forgotten for that matter) I am sure aren't helping. Hopefully it will all even out soon.

    I like him -> and him ->

    I will try and pop back in soon...

  • Hey guys
    Just checking in to say hi and to say yeah I am down 2 more pounds this week, total 21 in 6 weeks. Hope you all are doing well, very windy and pouring down rain here tonight. Getting the tail of Wilma and also a Noreaster. Take care all!
  • Hi Virginia! Congratulations on the weight loss!!

    Squeakie-Hope things settle down for you soon. My mood has been mostly down the last few days. Trying to "pull myself up by my bootstraps" AGAIN. HEY! I'm 47 and MY Mom still thinks I'm her baby! And HER Mom (101 yrs old!) still thinks SHE is HER baby! It is very funny seeing her boss my Mom around!!

    Hope you all have a great weekend!!
  • Wow Den
    Your grandma is 102!
    That is awesome
    Thanks for the congrats!
  • Hi Everyone! Congrats to all the weight losers - I am down 4 more lbs at 226 only 1 lb from my goal!!

    Yeah me!

    Last WI is Monday for the Fall Challenge.

    Hey Mauv, what is our goal for next time? Turkey Day or Christmas or New Years?

    I need to plan what my goal will be...

    Later ladies.
  • Personally, I vote we do a Holiday one and take it right through to New Years... I know the holidays are the hardest for almost everyone.

    I had stopped weighing myself for months and months - don't know if I didn't want to know or didn't care or what. Somehow I thought I wasn't gaining any weight. HA! Big surprise when I weighed in at my highest weight ever. Time to get serious for this next challenge, no more half-assed... well, actually, being half-assed sounds good. *LOL*