Non Scale Victory!

  • I just realized that I'm wearing jeans with a belt on the third notch! Wow, also my shirt isn't longer than my hips so you can visibly see my belt.

    This may not be a big deal to you, but it is to me. For the longest I didn't even wear belts, and then I would just wear a long shirt so you can't see all my fatness.

    The scale hasn't moved for me in months. I am definetely losing inches!!!!
  • Way to go! It is good to notice the small things in order to keep motivated.
  • That's awesome. I was at work yesterday and I realized that I had moved my belt 2 notches from it's normal one. I love things like that. Woo hoo for non scale victories!
  • Yay, great job!!
  • Everyone please add to this list! All these things help keep you motivated.
  • Ok so I know it's not quite a "victory" but I tried on a pair of pants in a junior's size 3 this weekend and I was able to get them buttoned and zipped! I wouldn't wear them in public but it was sort of as a gag that I even tried them on. I never imagined being below an 8 in my life. Still I think sticking with 4-6's is probably a better idea for everyone else's sake because skintight pants went out in the 80s.

    Oh and finishing my 5-k in 24:55 was a great feeling! Next time I hope to improve even more.
  • My nonscale victory: I made an offhand comment about trying to eat healthy/avoid fattening foods, and somebody said "whatever, YOU don't need to worry about your weight!" It still strikes me as really weird that people I meet now won't know that I was 50 lbs heavier a year ago.