Weekly Weigh-In 9/16

  • It's that time again . . . Weigh in on your normal day!

    I'm 135 this week, technically the same as last week I guess but last week I didn't officially count the 5-lb loss.
  • Stupid Question
    Can you please tell me how I can weigh in. I have my little thing at the bottom but how can I change my weight on it.
  • I was 204 this week... down 2.5 from last week.
  • I'm up this week *pout* I always gain during my period and it doesn't just drop off afterward. I really don't get it. I was actually up more but was able to go back down to 160 in the past couple of days. I'm not going to change my ticker though...just wait until I lose back down. Good work ladies!

    To change your ticker just go to Quick Links at the top and "Edit Signature" Change the numbers in the box to what you are now.

    Good luck this week ladies! I WILL be back in the 150s by the end of this week (I am still having trouble with the realization I'm even CLOSE to being in the 150s). I am determined!

  • I lost my one pound this week to make it an even 50 lost. Tomorrow is the 5-k race (woo-hoo) so that was a nice little self esteem boost before racing.
  • Hi ladies

    may I join your weigh-in thread? I'm at 135, down nada from last week.
  • I've lost nothing since last week...
  • Congrats on the losses ladies!! I'm only weighing myself everyother week, so I'll check-in again here next week. Keep it up!
  • Today (Sunday) is my official weigh in. I was 176.5 today. After a nothing loss last week I lost an astonishing 4.5 pounds this week. I don't know what I did or how I did it but I am going to try and do it again this week. I have never ever lost that much in a week. I am way excited!
  • Okay so i weighed in this morning and thought I would post it here...158! 1 more pound!
  • i don't know if i should post this with all of these wonderful losses being reported, but i am up 2 pounds from last week however, i do know why...i ate out 7 TIMES in the past 5 days (2 with work, 1 with friend, 4 with boyfriend) and didn't do my best eating-wise. i don't want to get discouraged though...i am going to be much better this week and get back down to my weigh in weight from last week. on a better note, i ran a 5k yesterday in under 30 min (28:44), which was pretty good for me!
  • 148 havent moved a pound...betta get back to exercising....
  • After a gain last week, I'm down to 177.5!