Where are my other pregnant mamas?

  • How are things going with y'all?

    I just keep getting bigger...My stomach has just about reached the limit of my camera at my usual distance. Link to belly picture

    I'm starting to get some BH contrax, but not too many. We're trying to have everything in place by the gestational age I had Linda at (35w4d), but of course we're limited by little stuff like money. Still, we have almost everything, we just need to get a carseat & a fishy pool for the birth itself, then we're set. I've got the bassinette all set up with clothes & blankets (I'm not even going to make believe I'll use it for anything else) and the first package of diapers is also here...Better yet, I don't remember the last time I had Linda Margaret in a diaper, so it looks like I avoid two in them this time around!
  • I m not pregnant, well not officially. I have been dieting for a month and I haven't gottenmy period yet!! It has been 31 days so it could still come but anywyays I'm just curious, can you continue losing weight if you are pregnant?
  • It happens for some women, and for others it doesn't. It isn't wise to try to lose weight while you're pregnant, because you need to be sure to eat enough to get all your nutrients. It's more an issue for mama's health, because the baby will take whatever it needs...If nothing else, I think close monitoring of weight is one more stress pregnant women just do not need, but it can be a good time to practice healthy eating habits without worrying about losing weight.

    ETA: A lot depends upon the woman and the pregnancy. I lost a great deal of weight during my first pregnancy, but I was 100+ pounds overweight when I started out (252, compared to my goal weight of 150). My general pattern since then has been to lose weight in the first trimester & more than make up for it later on. But I tend to lose the pregnancy weight fairly quickly. Last pregnancy, for example, I lost 10 pounds, then gained 26 (accounting for the 10 I lost, so 16 over my prepregnancy weight), had a 5lb 9.9oz baby, had maybe 10lbs left over after that, and it was gone by 6 weeks postpartum.
  • I hit 15 weeks this week. My belly is definitely there now! I say I'm 4 months. People are clueless when you say it in weeks, unless they themselves have been pregnant recently. Yesterday someone asked me what my "ETA" is. Like I have an airplane in my belly, ready for landing!!!

    I rented a baby doppler for a month. I was starting to get anxiety. I know it's stupid, after 12 weeks the risk of losing the baby is so small. But I don't feel the same pregnancy symptoms I had in the first trimester, yet I also don't feel movement regularly. Maybe 1 or 2 times a day at most, and that's usually at night in bed when I'm about to fall asleep. The doppler is great. I only used it twice yesterday. I just like to check in on him/her. I won't keep it past my 1 month rental, because by then I'll be 19 weeks and better be feeling that kid all the time!

    Sabra your belly is giant! I don't believe you'll make it 40 weeks!

    Diapers! DOH! I forgot about diapers. My 2 year old is still in them and very obstinate about potty training. She'll go at bathtime, that's it! So unless she has a major change of heart in the next 4 months or so, it looks like I'll have double diaper duty.
  • Sabra, you look awesome!! I just love prego bellies. You're getting soo close now! I still check in here, even though I'm not PG or nursing.
  • I'm still around too. I'll hit 30 weeks this Sunday, 3/4 of the way there!!

    GBMM - Your belly looks great! (I need to get around to taking one myself. I haven't taken any yet.)

    2beautiful - ditto on what GBMM said about trying to lose weight during pg. My experience so far (and everyone is different of course) is I didn't lose weight at all. I basically maintained during the 1st trimester, and started to gain slowly during the 2nd trimester. As of my 26 week appt I was up about 7 lbs.

    Heather - LOL! I haven't heard the ETA question yet. People ask me what I'm having and I just say "a baby". (We opted to not find out.) I love the look I get. I feel movement occasionally throughout the day, but at 8pm, look out! It's happy hour/dance time. Doesn't matter what I'm doing, sitting, laying down, or walking; the baby is really moving around then.

    I've been busy. I had my first (of four) baby showers last Saturday (my family). My next shower is a week from this Sat (church). Last Tuesday night was my breastfeeding class. It was a good class. A lot of the stuff I had already heard/read, but she had some good tips and answered several questions I had rolling around in the back of my mind. The instructor is a RN/doula, mother of 4 breastfed kids and she gave us her email/home phone. It's nice to have another resource for help. Our nursery is coming along and we're planning to work on it this weekend. My next OB appt is next Fri and I think that will probably end my monthly appts and start my bi-weekly appts. Time is flying by soooo fast
  • Glad to hear things are going OK! Heather, I got lucky with Linda & potty training. There's a "window of opportunity" around 18 months (which no one tells you about, because these days it's considered tantamount to child abuse to even try to potty train before two!), and she has an adored older sister who is potty-trained. We sort of had 'perfect storm' conditions.

    Lucky people have been noticing you're pregnant. I was floored on Sunday when the lady checking IDs at the Commissary noticed. First time in three pregnancies! And then the next day I got to b* out this elderly couple complaining about us having parked in the expectant moms parking space by the BX on Hickam AFB.

    Donna, I'm glad you have a contact to help with breastfeeding if you need it. My only advice is: do what works for you. I had pillows shoved at me from all sides after having my first daughter & the nurses insisted I nurse her in the football hold because of my c-section. Things got a lot easier when I didn't have to deal with them & could nurse her sans pillows in a cradle hold (which everyone warns section mamas against because you wind up holding baby across your incision site). But I know women who swear by their Boppy's!
  • Hey, great belly!

    Well, I'm hitting 31 weeks tomorrow. Some days I feel huge and others I wonder why I'm not bigger So far I've gained about 38 pounds - I fretted about my weight gain for a while, but now I'm just throwing away those books that tell me that I'm bad for gaining too much. Tough. I'll get rid of the weight after.

    Here's a pic of me from 28 weeks: 28 weeks

    I really noticed a change in movement this past week - it feels like my baby is laying sidways and he/she loves to stretch. So I watch my belly contorting in 2 directions - it is so funny and it is the coolest feeling.

    Today I ate a 4.4 oz (125g) bag of black licorice - the natural kind - and now I'm worried because I read that I shouldn't have licorice extract. Do you think that I ate enough to do harm?

    I GOTTA stop eating so much sugar!
  • Im not pregnant but Im hoping soon Ill know. Hardest thing for me is waiting long enough to get a POSITIVE out of the tests. End of my last period was the first and I just dont know when to test. My period was only 2-3 days long and i havent had enough cycles since being of BC to know what length my cycles will be. I guess I just keep waiting. I have the signs of pregnancy though, minus missed period cuz i dunno when im supposed to get it!
  • How are things going? Outward. Ever outward:

    I'm due next Friday (23rd), but I seriously doubt it's going to go that far...least I hope not. I'm sick of that bed. And my butt hurts now, but this is my last board and then back to the bed.

    And yeah, I wouldn't suggest trying to lose weight while pregnant, but to maintain it, or keep the gain at the desired amount. I had already nearly met my goal and was well within my normal range anyway. And yet I've gained way more than my goal with this pregnancy and don't care. It's not like I've dropped my healthy eating, it just is. With my daughter, I hardly gained anything, certainly not the amount of weight I should have. With this one, he's done everything opposite, including me gaining more than I was supposed to. Even trying to keep it from going up hasn't always worked. So I just figured I'm not gonna stress it. I know how to lose it and will lose it. Right now I have more important matter to focus on...like my hips, my back, my headaches, bathroom breaks, my watermel....errr belly.

    Besides, before I knew I was pregnant, I was trying to lose just a few more pounds and worked extra hard at it. And got dizzy spells for my trouble. Guess I was starving the poor fellow and he was fighting me back the only way he could. Even if you only gain 15 pounds, you will likely lose that, and more after the baby comes. So you may actually still be losing weight while the scale goes up, because the weight's going to the baby and not you.
  • I'm so jealous! YOU ALL HAVE GORGEOUS BELLIES! You're like belly models or something!
  • Heather, I had to wait three pregnancies for this belly!