Weekly Chat Sept 12-18

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  • Well, it's another day. I hate those days (alot lately) when I'm not feeling energetic and it's much easier just going and getting a ready-made pizza. So pizza, breadsticks and dessert later.....it's a brand new day!! I've got to quit doing that!!
    Someone come along and kick my butt and motivate me please!!!!
  • Brenda, we all have those moments and sometimes you just need to give into them. Rather than feeling bad about it and having be a bad start to your week, have you ever tried doing the one day a week is my cheat day? I do this when I'm not on induction. It is nice to pick one day a week and say this is the day that I can have whatever! It has really helped me and I have found that I don't totally pig out and it doesn't add to much extra to the scale and I still feel better afterwards because it I still am sticking to what I want to do which is losing weight and I'm still getting some of those guilty pleasures. It's just a thought. You could also jsut maybe through in a more intense workout or walk a little longer. Hope this helps and wasn't to much of a 'butt kicking'.

    I am feeling so much better this week. Last week was horrible. I did feel better on Friday but DH and I went to car dealer and bought him a truck. Spent 4 hours there so Friday was wasted. I did do a Denise Austin workout Friday am and I did one again this am. I do fast forward through the commericals, but I’m still getting a 15min-20min workout. I know it’s not a lot, but it is more than I have been doing and I am excited about that.
    My goal for this month was I believe 7lbs and to workout 3x a week. So we will see how the month goes. So far, nothing lost but I was sick all last week and didn’t do much of anything. I didn’t have a gain though either.

    This week I'm gonna really be watching what I eat and my exercise because next week DH and I are going away for 2 night 3 days to Gatlinburg. I can’t wait. We celebrate 8 years of marriage next week.

    My plan for today is to drink 70ozs of water. Eat maybe a small salad for lunch or a cold hot dog (love them), then a salad for supper at Bob Evans. We are going out with my aunt’s family for our goddaughters birthday so I want to still be good.

    Have a good week all and I'll chat more as the week goes by.
  • Afternoon

    Bec~ sounds like your doing good, and you've got a plan. Keep it up, those lbs will melt away!

    Brenda~ you can do this!! You know you can!! Unfortunately I know exactly where you are. Its very hard to get out of it, but maybe you can get out of it before you've done too much damage. Start putting a positive spin on things, try writing out by hand what you want. Without using words like again & try. Ive got little notes taped strategically thru-out the house this time. I am going to be 85lbs lighter by Sept 12/06 ....I am going to fit into my size 14 jeans by Dec 12/05,....I see and want the body I know I can attain. Just little reminders on the bathroom mirror, in the closet, in the kitchen cupboard....dont try again, just do it.

    Its heart breaking to see someone slide backwards when you know just how hard they worked to get it off. I have officially gained back all 40lbs I lost when I first did atkins 3 yrs ago. I vowed to never get back to 300, let alone back to 240, but Im here, and Im never going to be here again. You either Brenda, you've worked too hard and your worth much more than to let it all go. Hang on Girl!! I hope Im not sounding arrogant, or preachy or just plain *****y, but I know how your feeling, and I soooo dont want you to give up!

    Im off to get some things done, I'll check back later.

    Have a good afternoon
  • Bec & Robin: Thanks SO much for the butt kicking. I need to focus on the "can do" instead of the "again" and you're right. This IS do-able!

    Today was a waste of a day. Spent it stressing and trying to get a Girl Scout issue resolved and HOPEFULLY (pray please!!) this is all resolved tomorrow!!!! THEN maybe I can start to get back on track with exercising the MUSCLES...and not the ones in my MOUTH either Eating is good today/water intake stinks. So I'm good for today Much better hopefully tomorrow!!
    Have a great day
  • Back on the lowcarb wagon
    I have been MIA from this board for a few months I wanted to get back on the lowcarb wagon and kept falling off. I am REALLY trying again now. I was having a lot of kitchen shows before and constantly "trying" recipes out so just could not stay with it. But as of last month, I quit the kitchen shows altogether. I decided my health is more important than kitchen shows. I did not want to give up my business completely though so I just cut back to only catalog shows. That way I dont have to give it up completely but dont have to do the new recipes either. I actually tried Slimfast Optima, one word...ewwwwwwwwwwwwww. Not pleasant at all. And I thought my pee smelled funny with Ketosis..lol Nothing compared to that . Today I am back on lowcarb and doing well so far. I do need more water in before the day is through but WILL get it in. Cant wait to see the scale moving down

    Brenda, I am sorry you are going through a rough patch right now. Chin up! Things are going to be just fine and you will get things resolved in no time. Take Care!!

  • Debbie: Welcome and sounds like you've got a great plan in place! Can't wait to get to know you and thanks for the support

    Except for the LC ice cream (comfort food dang it all!!) I did great today! So it's a little step. Well, except for the lack of water. Not sure how to get that in.....I think part of it is because I get so tired from lack of sleep (multi trips to the bathroom during the night) that I think I'm self-sabotaging myself on that one. I'm bound and determined to work that one out. Maybe need a huge sign "Got water?" Work on the water first...and then the exercising. Can't rush that one you know
  • Welcome Debbie!! Your plan sounds good. Good luck!! I'm gonna enjoy getting to know you.

    Brenda, has the Girl Scout issue resolved itself? Is it possible to keep a bottle or glass of water next to you at all times? That might help with the consumpation of it. Baby steps!! That is the way.

    Robin, hope things are going good for you and that you are staying OP. You can do this also and your mini goals is such a good idea! Good luck girlfriend!

    Now about me...I didn't stay totally OP yesterday. I drank over 80ozs. of water though. I had a chicken quesidilla(sp) for lunch--one whole one cut into 4 slices. I did eat mostly the centers of it and left the edges. For supper was Bob Evans for our goddaughters b-day. I said I was gonna have a salad and when I looked them over they didn't sound good at all. Soooooo I went with the montery steak w/ mushrooms, onions and cheese. I had a special salad (had bacon and cheese on it, forgot that they put croutons on the salad, I did give some of those to my kids) w/the house dressing (I know that was bad) and then the grilled vegetables and 1/2 of a biscuit with honey. So not really bad, but not really good either. I did commit before ordering that that I would come home and do 50 reverse crunches and 5 minutes of my Body Flex workout which I did do after we went out for ice cream. I did NOT get a cone of my own. My 2 youngest (ages 2 and 4) each got a baby cone--these cones were HUGE for being baby sized and I helped them with theirs so I know that I didn't eat to a whole one on my own. This morning I got up and did 15 minutes of a Denise Austin workout (remember I fast foward through the commericials and I did my own cool down instead of hers). Today I have a bottle of water next to me and had 1oz. of cheese so far. Tomorrow is weigh in day and I don't know how that is going to go. I'm stuggling with when to eat and when not to eat. I'm usually averaging maybe a meal a day and I don't know if that is good for me or bad. I'm sure I know the answer to that. My problem is that once I start using my mouth to eat I don't want to stop. That is why I barely eat throughout the day except for the water and maybe a cold hot dog or cheese ever now and then and then eat a good supper (not over eating though). I also am wondering how often it is okay to do induction. I would like to do it 2 weeks of every month until I get closer to my goal weight and then work on figuring out what I can eat carbwise and not gain. Any suggestions.

    Well this is all for now. Have a good day all.
  • Good Morning

    Bec~ my first suggestion is to eat more often!! I know what you mean about eating and not stopping, but just eating once a day will not help you lose weight. Eating all your calories in one sitting will slow your metabolism considerably, and because your body is only getting food once, its going to store what it can, because it thinks there isnt enough and go into starvation mode. So.....here is what I do, plan your meals for the day, eg...2 eggs with 1 oz grated cheese scrambled and coffee. Thats it....if you think your going to want more, time yourself, and say, its 8am now, I'll have my lunch at 11. Then go do something else. But you have to eat thru out the day!!

    Well, I have more little notes taped up around the house....and I have to say, its working. The one that seems to get read the most is the one taped to the drawer in the bathroom. Its eye level and in direct line of sight when I have to pee so I see it often!!! Did my trampoline workout yesterday, and only got 4 min in! Man, that isnt easy! Today's goal is 6 min!

    Brenda~ how are you doing today?

    Thats about it around here, dh and I are going to go put up a sign in a bit, then we have the afternoon off

    Have a good one
  • Bec: Have to agree with Robin on eating more! I know you don't want to but even if it's just a little bit here and there. Planning the "snack" sounds like a good way to stay OP. And no, they didn't resolve the issue just swept it under the rug and declared it done. Which is fine by me--I want it done!!

    Robin: Have fun w/your afternoon off! I'm doing much better now that the meeting is over--thanks for asking

    Water intake still stinks. But I think the suggestion of having a bottle next to me will help. Tomorrow will be WI for me and I'm not going to like what it says. But if I join the weekly WI and post the weight...hopefully that'll get me motivated and I'll be able to start posting a loss in weight!!! Honesty time is tomorrow. Hopefully it's not TOO awefully bad!!!
    Question: Without going to the doctor and having an x-ray....how do you know if you broke your toe???
  • It's WI day.....and WI stinks! But it had to be done and good thing I did step on the scale because maybe THAT will keep me in line! Nothing interesting planned for the day and the good news is...the toe isn't broken like I wondered..just fat, puple and VERY sore. Dr Brenda's diagnosis anyway
    Off to go update my weight for here and then get the kids ready for school. Have a great day everyone!!
  • Hey All!
    Boy am I tired!! I stayed up to watch Big Brother (I DVR'd The Biggest Loser so I can watch it tonight) then couldn't fall asleep. The alarm goes off at 4:45am and I got up at 5:03 to do 15mins. of my workout w/5min. cool down. I keep waking up and going to bed with migraines. Does that have anything to do with the Atkins diet? Or is it just me being stressed?

    Today's Plan is to have a small salad for lunch...maybe because I have to go to a friends house to help plan anothers friends baby shower. Should be interesting. Kids are going with me. For supper pork chop and salad. Water will be at least 70 ozs. (I'm wondering if I'm retaining a lot of water, I drank a lot yesterday but really didn't pee much... hmm).

    I had 2 eggs scrambled with a slice of cheese a piece of canadian bacon. I did do 50 reverse curls last night and I will repeat the same tonight and like last night do at least 5 minutes of my Body Flex workout concentrating on the face, stomach, sides and arms. I didn't have a salad last night, I had about 2 cups give or take of the chicken biscuit casserole. I did stay away from most of the biscuit for the most part.

    The scale didn't show a gain or loss today which is kind of frustrating considering I have been working out the last 4 days. Makes me want to quit working out, which I'm not going to, but it's just hard. I know I should be happy because there isn't a gain, it's still sad to me. I think it's just gonna be one of those days. I think I'm gonna go and journal a big long journal today and get my life story out so that maybe seeing it and dealing with things will help. It's worth a shot.

    Have a good day all!
  • Good Morning

    Bec~ Im wondering about your water intake....you should be p'ing alot. Are you keeping track of your carbs? Maybe there are some sneaking in on you that you arent aware of. Make sure your eating at least 3 meals a day.

    Brenda~ Im glad your back at it

    Not much happening around here today. Dh and I are going shopping for the grandkids b-day presents. Gd decided yesterday after I gave her a couple choices that she would like to go out with grampa and me, and buy a new birthday outfit. So really its just for gs that we have to buy for today.

    Have a great day
  • Bec - I believe your body is telling you loud and clear that you aren't eating enough: Headaches, no loss, retaining water. It's saying "Feed me!" Brenda and Robin (and I think I even said it to you a few weeks ago) are right in their advice to you. You need to up the protein and veggies - the little 'good snacks' thru out the day will help you. I promise! lol

    Brenda - you are right where I am, weight wise. I need to get on the stick! I would LOVE to be back in the 140s again but it's not going to magicly happen, is it?

    Hi, Robin - how are all your ailing ones doing?

    Gotta run and take the boys to school,

  • Kel~ thanks for asking....everyone is out of the hospital. 1st ss is back home in sweden but was told to take at least 2 weeks off from work. Gd is back home, and drinking her fluids like she was told. 2nd ss heads back to camp legume (sp?) in about 2 weeks for a month....so things are looking up
  • Hi everyone,
    Hope you don't mind that I join in. This sounds like a great way to hear how everyone's doing, get ideas, help, encouragement and praise!
    I am in my second week of induction; not doing too bad; lost 5 pounds so far, and I realize I didn't get 220# overnight, and I won't lose it overnight either.
    I eat alot of pepperoni, Hormel, 0 Carbs, and no nitrate (that I know of), motzerella string cheese has less than 1 carb per piece, and I eat about 4 of those a day. For lunch, I usually have a hamburg, I do eat a small snack around 10 and another around 11:30 (I eat lunch at 1pm), then a small snack around 3pm.

    Tonight, I'm fixing sausage links and scrambled eggs with cheese. I never liked scrambled eggs (or omelets) until I used a little Half-n-Half; it gives it such a better taste, and I only use about 2 Tablespoons.