Why are people such jerks?

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  • This morning I woke up, weighed myself and was happy to see that last week I'd lost another pound!! I then looked in the mirror (after getting dressed of course) and was proud of how I can already notice little changes! I've lost 13 pounds and I feel great

    I drove to the grocery store to pick up some fruit since we were out and as I was pulling into my space a big F-350 truck pulls into the space I was going for! I muttered under my breath and pulled into the next space. As I was walking up to the store the man in the truck caught up with me and said "Looks Like you could use the exercise anyway."

    I said some choice words to him and turned right back to my car where I broke down into tears.

    I know it's not that big of an issue and he was just a stranger so I shouldn't care. But it really hurt...
  • Honey.... it IS a big issue! It hurt you!! So it is a big issue! And we would all feel the same way! People like that are not worth it!! Next time hold your head up high and look at him like he was trash and keep struttin your stuff! YOU ARE A LOSER.. YOU ARE WONDERFUL AND BEAUTIFUL!!! For you are losing weight!!! And you are doing things to better yourself! Ignore that person and just keep going!! They are just trying to get a rise out of you!!

    I completely understand how your feeling though! But SMILE!!!!! Because you know YOU ARE A SUCCESS and that YOU ARE WORKING ON LOSING WEIGHT!! YOU ARE AWESOME!!!

    Congratulations on the weight loss!!! That is awwsome! Now... go get your day restarted!! Forget about what happened!!! Smile and keep positive because you are losing weight and you are beautiful!
  • You should have said " Yes, I can always lose some weight, but you'll always be ugly". What a jerk!

    You have every right to feel hurt, since that was a hurtful thing to say. You'd think with so much sufferring in the world right now, that people would try and be kind to each other. Don't worry, what goes around comes around. This guy will get the same bad karma back one day! Don't let this one jerk ruin your progress. Look at it this way: At least your not him!

    Keep enjoying your progress and way to go on the 13 lb weight loss!
  • What a mean idiot!!! Just know that he lives a miserable life, in a cesspool of his own making, as is evidenced by his ridiculous statement....

    TMunday is right...go out there and enjoy your life and know that "what goes around, comes around". Spread joy and happiness and that's what will come back to you.

    Keep up the great work and YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!

    Maggie :-)
  • Picture him at the gas pump puttting $100 a week to move that monster truck around....if it makes you feel any better...just remember you are doing this for yourself - and you are a SUCCESS!

    Don't let the meanies get you down.
  • I know me. the first thing off my tongue would have been "Your Momma!" Its easy to say don't think about what he said but much harder to do it. However, when people go out of their way to be buttheads, its usually because their life is so miserable they want company. Don't let him win. You look just as good now as you did when you looked in the mirror this morning, so try not to let him rob you of that "feel good" feeling.

  • Tiki,

    I totally agree! And I was going to state that but wanted to try and stay possitive lol. I tell ya, it would have been more then my mouth flying if it had been me! (Italian tempers).

    But you are right!! She needs to keep smiling because she is making it better and he was just a fool!
  • My response was like Laineys: "I can lose weight, but you'll always be a jerk!"

    Live your life for you and not him. What doesn't he matter anyway?

    You're doing great, and you know it. Keep up the great work! Before you know it, he'll be hitting on you in that parking lot and you'll be able to reject him!

    hehehe.... I'm evil.
  • Thank you everyone With your words, I have turned this situation into a bit of laughter and I am going on with my day!! (And dragging hubby on a walk with me )
  • ...ya know...there are LOSERS (like all of us on 3FC)...and then there are "LOSERS".....like the "person" (and "person" is not the word I am saying in my head) you met in the parking lot.
    You will go thru your entire life meeting these types of people....what do you do....u give him a look like this..... and then another one like and then u put your and walk away.

    or....you can simply do one of these....
    (either one feels really good)

    Sorry this happened to you...{{HUGS}}
  • LMAO....or you can do a "Kathy Bates" signature move from Fried Green Tomatoes....and ram his pickup truck out of the parking lot...
    (make sure you are up to date on your insurance premiums lol)
  • Now that sounds like a plan!!!! LMAO... Sounds like something I would have done years ago haha.
  • I have a little different take on this guy.

    People often say horribly rude and hurtful things. But, I've rarely had a complete stranger with whom I've had no run-in with (if you had taken HIS parking place, for instance) say something to mean for the sake of being mean. Quite frankly, I bet this guy wasn't trying to be nasty. I bet he has no idea how inappropriate his comment was (well, until your choice words I mean). Imagine what a sad, lonely existence he must lead. Think of how empty the life of a person who has no empathy, compassion, conscience or tact must be.

    I certainly don't mean to sound as if I feel sorry for him because I don't. You have every right to be hurt. But I'd be more hurt by someone who was intentionally being mean. This guy is just a rotten egg and not worth any more thought than the time it takes to shrug him off.
  • Lainey said what I always heard. "I may be fat, but you're ugly and I can diet."

    I agree that he only did that because he hoped it would upset you. If it ever happens again you just hold your head high and ignore the idiot and keep on walking. It sounds like you are doing great and don't let one jerk's comments get to you.
  • You are better than him!
    I completely know how you feel. When I moved to France, I was walking around exploring my new city the first night I got there, and some guy behind me started making OINKING noises! I couldn't believe it and it made me feel so bad. People who do these things just feel bad about themselves; I know it's an old rationale, but it's true. It's kind of like how people who really have a lot of money never feel the need to flaunt it; people who feel good about themselves wouldn't say these things.

    It hurts so much when people say things like this for no reason, but just push it out of your head and don't let it ruin the wonderful progress you're making! Like the other members said, we can lose weight but they'll always be ugly! Here's a good comeback for you if someone pulls an idiotic stunt like that again: "You know why I'm fat? Because my mama's fat. It's the same reason you're ugly, because your mama's ugly!"

    Keep up the good work!
