It's Heaven on Core Board 27!

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  • Kath, I hope you have some company by now! Your BP is high. Maybe you should consider medicine again. I didn't know that some BP medicine causes weight gain. I take Norvasc and have for many years. My pressure has come down a bit but not enough to get off. If I can get it down some more, I'm going to ask him to cut down the dosage. My BP is normally 130/82, even when I'm nervous at the Dr.'s office. It will really be great if you can get your cubemate to do Core. I'm convinced that it's the best plan going. Now if we could just all get enthusiastic again!

    Rita, I'm very glad that Kim and your Mom seem to be stable and even improving. You survived the Pizza Hut experience and now I'm sure you'll be back on track. I wish I knew what to do to get myself going again. I guess I need to go back through my binder and pick some new meals to try.

    Patti, just keep doing the best you can. You'll be ok when you get back to your routine.

    Melissa, I love my WW magazine. You're doesn't have much Core stuff in it but it's getting better with every month. I LOVE to read the success stories. Someday we are going to see Angela in there. I've subscribed for a long time and it has gotten continuously better. Like Cher, I got 3 issues free from weighing in for 10 weeks during the summer. My subscription will get extended. That really appealed to frugal me!

    Sandra, brownies and a wine cooler? Together? GF that doesn't even sound good!!!! Whatcha gonna do? What set you off down that path? You'll be ok, I know you will. The exercise will help as will some extra water.

    I haven't been drinking enough water and I have NO enthusiasm for the program this week. Nothing's wrong but I just don't feel right. I think it's a hormonal, perimenopausal thing. I will be looking forward to talking to my new gynecologist in February about what's going on with me. I'm not depressed but I'm not myself either. Very weird. Next Monday is my one year WW anniversary. I really wanted to be at 52 pounds down but I'm sure I'll have missed it by alot. I've still got a lot to be proud of but I shouldn't be resting on my laurels either. I don't want to cook and I'm tired of eating the same old things. Not good. I need to keep looking inside to get re-motivated. I'm hoping to be ok in a couple of days! I didn't exercise today either because I procrastinated until I had to get ready for the dentist. Once I shower, I don't treadmill. I need to get a grip because my life is good, in fact it's great. I should be happy and losing like gangbusters!

    Well, I better get going. I need to get up at 6:00 so I can exercise and be showered by 7:00 in case the painters show up early again. They said 8:00 but I don't trust them anymore. I have not exercised since Saturday which is very, very, bad. I must get back on track. I talk with you all tomorrow.
  • Morning!

    Cher, Let us know how you like the magazine. I am interested in subscribing, too.

    Kathy, I hope that you have found your family and that you can remember your song to share with us. Do you have a tape recorder? You could record yourself.

    Patti, enjoy your trip!

    Vickie, It just breaks my heart to hear you so down. You are our level-headed chick! I know that despite whatever you are feeling right now that you are entirely capable of getting back on program and losing the rest of those unwanted pounds. You are a real inspiration to me and I know to many others here. And no matter how good our lives are, sometimes we all just feel out of sorts. Maybe you should try skydiving or something. Seriously, I hope that you get everything sorted out and in the meantime we are always here to listen! You are doing great and continue to be an encouragement to me (even if you don't have enthusiasm for the program this week, you are still doing really well--that is inspirational for sure!).

    Hope that everyone has a good day today.
  • Hey all! Well, they finally showed up ... a few of them that is. DS called at 7:00 to say he was just leaving work and on his way home. I wait, and wait ... 7:30, 8:00, 8:30, 9:00 ... and finally at 9:30 I called that place where he hangs out sometimes. I was hoping it would embarrass him enough to have his "mommy" calling to check up on him. And I was right! He came home. I thought it was pretty rude to say he was on his way and then turn around and drive in the totally opposite direction without letting me know. He could have been dead on the side of the road and how would I have known. Kids! Sheesh!

    The scale was down this morning, back to 151. I know my stats say 150 but dang it if I haven't been fluctuating SO much lately! I'll drink water like a fiend and hopefully can see 149 next Monday. I've been waiting for too long to see it again; it was probably like April since I was there! I can't slip up like this any more ... the party is over.

    Judd said he wanted to join a bowling league on Wednesday nights. I said no. Actually I said (right in front of the people who were wanting him to join them) "Remember last time when you did it, and about halfway thru you said you were sorry you had joined? Remember saying how you hated being in all that smoke, and that the people were so trashy and icky (yes, I said exactly that just to be a smart butt) and that you would NEVER do it again?" He said he remembered but since it had been a few years, maybe it would be different. I said oh you think the people have gotten much more classy since then? I was actually just messing with him, but it was fun to see his reaction and also the reaction of his "trashy" friends. Of course, I said I wasn't talking about THEM in particular, and they said sure you were! Oh well.

    Vickie, cheer up, my darling! How many times have you been there for us and dragged us back to the land of the living when we were so far down? For me, it seems like about once a week you've had to give me a pep talk! Just remember all the things that are good in your life, and how you wouldn't trade it for the world ... and how fortunate you are to have such a great husband and friend in Jim. I know if there's something medically wrong, it probably won't come and go but will stay and get progressively worse. If that's the case, you'll be sure to run straight to the doctor, won't you? Promise us that's what you'll do. Otherwise, this might just be a case of severe PMS and those darn menopausal symptoms like you think. I'm so glad to have shaken that monkey off my back 18 years ago! I don't think I could deal with a TOM in addition to all the other stuff in my life.

    Angela, thanks again for the link to the paper. I printed it off but left it at home this morning; I was going to make some copies. I'll work on it again this weekend. I need to tune my guitar and then maybe I can play around with it some more.

    My eating is off today because I volunteered to stay home this morning and feed / potty the dogs so that Judd could go on to work. He can't stay late tonight because he's got an appointment at the driving range, and is playing golf tomorrow so he can't work. I don't have anything going on tomorrow, so I decided to work 7 today instead of 10 and make up the extra 3 tomorrow. Like anyone cares! Anyhoo, I was off of my schedule and ended up not making tuna salad like I planned. I brought LO FF refried beans.

    Well, I should work now.
  • Good Morning Girls! Well today dawns a new day. I don't feel much better emotionally but I sure feel loved and supported by all of you! That makes me feel so great. I'm just going back to basics and doing things and eating things that I did in the beginning. I hope it will help.

    The painters arrived at 8:10. I was showered and dressed and had walked on the treadmill for 38 minutes and 1.75 miles. I'm pleased with that accomplishment since I've been neglecting my exercise. I probably should try to do some more later. Sandra has been making me think that maybe I need more exercise. I didn't dare stay on any longer this morning. So I've eaten breakfast and am now surfing and having coffee.

    I do have a great life and I'm very lucky. Jim is being completely supportive. He scared me yesterday though when he said that maybe I need a break. It was good, though, because it made me realize that I don't want to go off program I just want it to not be SO hard. But....get over it! He didn't suggest skydiving but he did suggest going to the gambling boat. It's something we enjoy alot and do twice a year; once in May to celebrate our birthdays and once in November to celebrate our anniversary. We only play quarter video poker but it's fun and we make a day of it. I think we will do that since we don't really travel. It sounds like fun to me. I think maybe we'll go tomorrow or next Wednesday.

    Kathy, I think it's great what you did to Judd regarding the bowling! Most people are so passive aggresive and indirect. It's refreshing to hear how honest you were. Except, I suspect this is the rule for you rather than the exception! Thanks for your support. If anything specific develops and doesn't go away, I'll definitely go to the Doctor. I'm one of those catch it early kind of girls. This is just so much more vague and emotional than that. Jim will help me through it. He really is my best bud! I think it's great that you're back down to 151. You'll get back to 149. I know you will because you are determined. What is wrong with Judd. I wonder how he'd feel if you had done that to him. And, if one of the kids had done that, he'd probably have blown a gasket! Sheesh.

    Melissa, are you feeling better? It seems like your fatigue and symptoms may have eased a bit? Maybe the walking and the vitamins (did you start taking them?) are helping. I don't think I'll skydive but I think you and Jim are right....I need some fun or at least to shake things up a bit. Thanks for the hug. I really needed it!

    I'm going to go for now. I need to make some phone calls and some appointments. My family is supposed to be leaving for Disney in about 15 minutes and I want to see if their flight is on time and how the weather is in Orlando. I'm a bit concerned because of Ophelia.

    Talk to you all later!
  • Now Vickie darling- get a piece of paper and write down all the POSITIVE CHANGES you have made in your life in the LAST YEAR! (you might even need another page?). Even if you are not at 52 lbs - you are pretty darn close - and this is something to be especially PROUD of - can you imagine where you would be if you had not made this committment to a lifestyle change?

    Now after you have completed the list - you are to doll yourself up a bit and go shopping for your one year WW ANNIVERSARY GIFT - yes we all want you to reward yourself w/something special - so when you see it or wear it you can remember how far you've come! (Actually you might make some $$ gambling to buy a little something for all of us? ha ha ha)

    We all know you are the most determined chickie here and you CAN do it - there are always blips and minor setbacks along the road - what matters is that you keep on going. My favorite is the analogy of a road trip and map - if you get lost on the way somewhere - do you just give up and go home? No you get back on track - or find another way to get there! You'll make it Vickie - just hang in there!

    Kathy - glad you "found" your family - altho I certainly would have enjoyed the peace and quiet of being home alone (with a big pot of goulash to boot!). Ds is not very considerate to worry you like that - take away his allowance! And I think Judd wanted to join the bowling league only to get a tacky shirt and shoes! Glad you set him straight! lol

    Melissa - sounds like you are doing better? I would continue the exercise - in the long term you will do way better - don't let the numbers on the scale determine your life!

    Vickie - I think getting back on the exercise routine will do you a world of good. How is the painting coming along?

    Patti - sounds like you are still trying which is great - I agree that once you get home - you'll be doing much better!

    Cher - I can relate to September paperwork - and $$$ flying out the door - everytime u turn around there is another form to be filled out, registrations for activities, school fees, bus pass pictures, school supplies, etc! Certainly adds to the stress!

    Rita - glad your dh is getting some medical attention!

    I am also fizzling here (love Sandra's term) - no wine cooler and brownies - but I sure ate everything I could get my hands on last night - this morning was no better. Woke up to dh yelling at dd cuz her music was too loud and her screeching back (she likes to play hard rock music very loud in her room - we can hear it thru the bathroom wall, right into our bedroom - at least dh can hear it cuz he's usually up - I was actually sleeping!). So everyone was already cranky at 6:45 am!

    Have a sore throat and allergy issues today - was contemplating staying home and in bed - but decided I should not be a wuss and get to work - big mistake - as there was a huge accident last night on our main highway (east/west) which closed is down this morning. You should have seen the traffic - almost all major roads were bumper to bumper as people tried to get to work!

    It usually only takes me 20-25 mins to get to work, but today it was over 1 hr 15 mins - and so slow. Of course I tried to find the magic route that was not filled w/cars - ya me and 10,000 other commuters - so I finally just gave up and tried to enjoy the drive??? Got to work very late, very hungry and had a coffee and a blueberry scone! Not good!

    And my bp still slightly up but dr not concerned (mine used to be in the 140/90s range - now down to 131/78 or so). Went to the Curves for a tour - I will go for the free week - but I didn't like it that much - very small, ugly and poopy looking - and some type of $99 service fee? The other copycat place I used to go to had about the same monthly fee but no additional costs? May go there again if this does not pan out.


  • No Vickie, it was Shaun who didn't come home! Judd had just been working late but he did get home around 7:15.

    You sound better, even if you don't feel much different. Just hang on to us for a while and we'll help you get thru it.
  • Kathy, don't you just sound perky today? You absolutely crack me up. I am a pretty blunt person but I don't think that I could have said what you did in front of those people! You are so funny. I'm glad that you finally found your family. Maybe you chasing down DS will send a message home to him!

    Vickie, I'm glad that you are feeling somewhat better today. A trip to do some gambling sounds like just the thing! Seriously, I think it will be great for you to get out and just have some fun and relax. I am feeling better, thanks for asking. The fatigue and what-not has really eased up. Although I am not feeling 100%, I think that the walking and vitamins are helping. Yes I started taking vitamins, have been for about a week straight I guess? They seem to help as well as our long walks.
    I am making cornmeal chicken for dinner tonight and will be thinking of you!

    Hopefully we will walk tonight too. We took last night off. Although I was tired, I have to admit that I really missed our walk.
    We are having a bday party for co-workers today. I know that someone brought some sort of cake/dessert and I am afraid. I don't know whether I should take some and just eat a bite or not take any at all. We only have 6 people in our office so it's kind of obvious if you don't "participate." Then to make matters worse we have a going away party tomorrow where the boss is ordering pizza. I think that I am going to bring my own lunch and if it appears rude I can say, "You should have asked if I wanted pizza!"
  • Quote: don't let the numbers on the scale determine your life!
    Ah, wisdom from the Frouf (don't forget to take it yourself!).
    I'm sorry that you have had a stressful day already Frouf. But don't let it ruin the rest of your day. And your blueberry blip this morning won't change the fact that you can make great choices the rest of the day! You go girl!
  • Frouf, you make some great points! I am a VERY different and healthier woman than I was just a year ago. I wish you could have seem how sad but hopeful I was when I walked into that meeting ALONE just a year ago. I promise not to even mention that I missed my personal goal of 52 pounds when I announce my annual weight loss and anniversary on Monday. I hope I have a loss for the week too but I might not. I will try to focus on all the positives and celebrate them. I don't know if I'll buy myself anything but I like the idea of calling our little trip to the boat my WW anniversary present. Maybe we'll win enough to buy something really fun like the 52 inch DLP HDTV that we want. Usually we lose but we have fun anyway. You are a great support to me. You've come a long way too and I know you are struggling too. Maybe we should both hang on to Melissa and Kathy and everyone else until we get our strength back. Every WW journey begins/continues with the next meal!

    Kath, whew! I thought Judd was having some kind of "breakdown"!

    Melissa, don't worry what other people think, just do what is healthy and works for you. No one has your best interests at heart like you/Aaron do (and us of course!).

    Back to phone calls! I just made a hair apointment for next Tuesday and I'm thinking the boat will be Wednesday. I'm starting to feel a glimmer of happy.
  • I forgot to tell you guys something I read in the WWG yesterday. There was a little blurb saying that people who drink diet soda are more likely to obese than those who don't! Know I wonder whether that's because they were obese before (and therefore why they are drinking diet) or there is really some link. When I get home I'll post the info for you guys a little better. Has anyone heard anything about this before?
  • kathy, i guess we're entitled to get off our program. we might as well be entitled cuz we do it anyway, don't we? i have to tell you how proud i am of you. you're at a good weight. wish i were. but wishes won't get me there, will they? i think you need to talk to your new doctor about your bp. that's scarey. plus, all t he stress you're under is making your bp worse. i hope you get some help.

    patti, i know what you mean. i get lonesome for everyone here, too, when i'm away. this is a sort of haven or anchor for us, isn't it?

    vickie, i didn't really have them together. i had the brownies with a cf diet coke. a few minutes later i had the cooler with some pringles. i'm back op today. i can't explain yesterday. it just happened. i was depressed all day but that's no excuse for getting off core, is it? i had sliced peaches for bfast. today will be better. i'm going to walk the treadmill in a bit and i'll start guzzling water.

    i completely understand what you're saying. i get tired of this, too. seems i've been on ww forever and still weigh about the same. a ww leader told me i had maintenance down pat but at the wrong size.

    > I need to get a grip because my life is good, in fact it's great. I should be happy and losing like gangbusters!

    me, too.

    melissa, you are very "upbeat" today. that makes me smile. are you feeling better?

    vickie, i'm so glad you're getting a break. when i read your posts and what everyone was telling you, it brought tears to my eyes. i don't like for you to be down. i don't like to be down either. it seems you and i were emotional ladies yesterday. you handled it better, my friend. i am proud of you.

    well, frouf. we need to get together and have our pity party, don't we? i hope your day gets better. i like your roadmap analogy. okay. maybe we need to plan our trip better. what do you think?

    melissa, i'm a cf diet coke fanatic. i'd love to read that article. can i blame my obesity on diet cokes? i did hear somewhere that they make you hungrier.
  • I remember that article. I think the idea behind it was that the sweet taste, even though it's not sugar, sends a sugar-like craving, so you actually end up eating more in the long run.

    I'm such a casual diet soda drinker though (maybe 2 cans a week) I can't imagine it would affect too much.

  • I drink a fair amount of diet soda and I haven't really found that it affects my appetite much either way. I did have some Crystal Light tea recently that had maltodextrin (corn syrup) in it and that seemed to make me hungrier, even though it was still low calorie.

    Vickie, I find that exercise makes a huge difference in my outlook. I get really cranky and unmotivated without it.
  • Hi

    Okay, day 2 of my recomittment again. Yesterday after my WW meeting, I came home and ate everything in sight?? Why??? Sabotage already and I didn't even get started. Made a new plan today - wrote down all my food - walking 2 miles............oh, then the school nurse called. DD has diarhea, can i pick her up. I no sooner get home and school nurse is on the phone. I thought DD forgot something, but noooooooooooooooooo, it was the "other" school nurse. Ds got stung by a bee at recess. First time ever! "he is okay, but keeping him for 1/2 hr. to make sure he has no reaction. Will send him home regular time on the bus. Well................ the walk hasn't happened, yet. DD seems to be fine. DS fussed for the last 2 hrs., but I think finally the advil kicked in and he hasn't said anything about his sting for almost 20 minutes now. And so it goes.................

    Kids clammering for a snack. DD wants to make brownies ?? Is that good for diarhea? I don't think so. She's also mad at me cuz I told her if she can't stay in school she can't go to dance. Maybe I can find DD some applesauce LOL

    BBL to catch up.
  • Sandra, the messages made me tear up too! I'm real glad that you didn't wash the brownies down with a wine cooler because that sounds icky to me. But.....soda with the brownie doesn't sound good to me either! I am SO fussy about my food combinations one would wonder how I got to be so fluffy! Jim drinks Tab with everything except his cereal. I have rules. Black coffee or milk with dessert. I'm glad you're back on target today.

    Melissa, I vaguely remember reading something about soda but don't remember the specifics. I'd be interested in see what you find.

    Cher, you certainly describe my mood to a tee so perhaps the lack of exercise WAS a problem. We'll see, since I intend to exercise for the next 3 days before my weigh in at the crack of dawn on Monday.

    Sheesh, Lisa, life can certainly throw us some curve balls can't it? Do you feel like the universe is testing you to see if you are REALLY serious about this program thingy? I know you're up to the test. Hang in there. DD should definitely NOT get brownies. Bananas, rice, applesauce, toast....BRAT. That's what we got when I was a kid. Kids sure have the nerve, don't they?!

    Well, the painter used the color on the siding that Jim and I believed the old painter used. We were trying to paint the siding the same color that it is now. Evidently, we didn't convey this to the new painter. He painted a third of the siding and it's NO WHERE NEAR THE SAME COLOR AS THE OLD! And, it's an ugly new color to boot! So I picked a new color and it will be done/redone on Saturday. It's costing another $378 because he can't return what is still unopened and we have to buy the new stuff and pay labor to paint it again. I couldn't find the old can because if I could he said he could take it back and make them give us our money back for the product. We have every other can of paint we ever used except that one! I couldn't have lived with the color he put on. It is truly ugly so we paid the addtional $378. Sigh. It's always something. I will not let the stress and upset make me eat. I had my soup and I'll have my FF cottage cheese and peaches in a little while. Stuff happens.

    Still not sure what is for dinner. Either Texas Roadhouse for pork chops and sweet potato or Chipotle burrito bowl with brown rice made at home. Jim just ate a big lunch and WILL NOT discuss dinner with me. It's funny. I can plan the next meal while I'm eating the meal before it, but he cannot plan a meal while he is full. He'd be miserable at Core, wouldn't he?!